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After having the make up sex that was needed for the both of them, the two lay in the shared bed in comfortable silence. "I love you Hasen." Hasen heard as they laid there Hasen's back to his front with his arm wrapped around her. "I love you too," she replied, her voice soft.

"Nah, Hase. I'm serious. I love you so fucking much it's crazy. I hate when we on bad terms cause you the only person I fuck with." True told her, Hasen's heart fluttered at his words, a warm rush of affection flooding her. She bit down gently on her bottom lip.

"We still maturing and shit and trying to figure out what's going on especially this parent shit but ion wanna do this life shit with nobody else." He pulled her closer to him holding her tighter, she grabbed his arm that was wrapped around her.

"Even when you piss me off. And make me wanna smack the shit out of you, you got my heart." He said leaving soft kisses on her neck making her giggle.

"You gon have all my babies. Ima marry yo lil mean ass too." They sat quietly wrapped in the embrace of one another

"Let's not be on bad terms anymore.. no more miscommunication.. no more angry words towards eachother." Hasen spoke up breaking the silence, "I got you." True responded

"You promise?" Hasen asked, "You got my word." He kissed her neck.

"I love you girl." He kissed below her ear, Hasen let out a sigh in content rubbing her nails on his skin. "I love you more than anything True."

They realized there were things they thought they had already resolved but clearly hadn't, with communication being the primary issue. Now that they had a child together, they understood they couldn't resort to shouting at eachother and acting childish. They were committed to improving themselves, not just for the sake of their daughter but also to strengthen their relationship.

True loved his Hasen more than anything, no matter what he wouldn't give this shit up.

Hasen loved him more than anything.

Hasen's phone chimed, illuminating the screen which displayed a picture of her and True as the Lock Screen. In the photo, she was taking a mirror picture with him behind her and definitely sticking his middle finger up. Ignoring the notification that popped up, all she noticed was the date: 12 AM, October 20, 2021.

She sat her phone down and turned to face True who was already sleeping, his eyebrows furrowed deeply like someone pissed him off in his dreams. Hasen moved closer to him, leaning in to plant a gentle kiss on his lips.

"Happy birthday baby, I love you." She whispered and she could see the corner of his lips pull up as he pulled her closer.


The events of Trues birthday was simple just like he wanted it to be last year but instead he was in jail. This year not only did he get to be with Hasen but his little brother and daughter as well.

Hasen cooked breakfast for him this morning before Lara dropped their daughter and Adrian back home. Hasen felt a little bad she didn't get him a gift, she was so stuck in her head that she forgot to buy him a gift for his birthday. Even when True continued to tell her it was okay.

Hasen looked over at her boyfriend who laid on the couch tired as fuck from the birthday dinner he had. "Stop looking like that bra, it's not the end of the fucking world." True said and Hasen frowned

"But I forgot. Would you have forgotten if it was me?" Hasen asked and he shook his head no. "We got a lot going on right now, a birthday present should be the least of our worries." True told her.

Hasen sighed, absently playing with the necklace that displayed his name. "Give me some pussy since you sad." True blurted making Hasen's face drop.

"That's what you want?" Hasen asked and he smiled nodding his head. "Your—" Hasen was cut off by the sound of the baby's cries coming from the monitor.

"Cock blocking ass baby." True sucked his teeth standing up, Hasen stood up also following behind him as they ascended the stairs and entered Harley's room.

They stood over the crib, True attempted to soothe her by replacing the pacifier, but it didn't stop her cries.

"I want to pick her up. I'm scared." Hasen confessed, her gaze fixed on the baby, who continued to whine.  "You don't have to. I could pick her up." True offered

"I want to try though.." Hasen insisted. True backed up giving her little space so she could decide what she wanted to do.  Gently, Hasen reached into the crib, carefully lifting the upset infant.

As she cradled the baby's head, tension coursed through Hasen, but gradually eased as she listened to the soft rhythm of her baby's breathing.

Since True did more research about PostPartum Depression he knew it would take some time for Hasen to get back to her self, PPD wasn't something that could be change over night but an effort was made, she might not even want to pick her up tomorrow. True had to be okay with that, because if he wanted to help Hasen as much as possible he had to be patient too.

"Do you think she likes me?" Hasen asked True, her gaze fixed on him. "Of course," he reassured her.

Sensing that Harley was calm and asleep again, Hasen gently placed the sleeping infant back into the crib. She smiled softly as she watched Harley sleep peacefully.

"Why'd I carry her for nine months and she looks like you?" Hasen asked her gazing switching over to True, "I was putting in work that's why." True replied, walking out of their daughter's room.

Hasen scrunched her face up. "You're disgusting." She told him as they walked downstairs, True turned and went into the kitchen making her follow him.

A big white box sat on the island, and True opened it. A huge smile going on his face, "I love you girl. You done went all out for a nigga." he said, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her toward him, placing a kiss on her cheek.

Hasen wouldn't considered this all out though it was just a simple cake with "happy birthday" written on it. It's the little things though.

True positioned only three candles on the cake and lit them. Just as he was about to blow them out, Hasen gently took hold of True's face and kissed his lips.  "Happy birthday baby, I wish to give you more love than I can give you now."

True smiled at that showing all thirty two before blowing out the candles.


Yaal cryn ? CS I AM ! My babies !

Y'all will get a bonus chapter, Two bonus chapters. The book is done . Unless I haven't covered everything but I think I did .

they are happy now ! I loveee this !

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