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True watched his younger brother, Adrian, sitting on the floor in front of the baby swing, trying to engage with Harley, who simply stared back at him. Adrian had come to visit from their mother's house. Although Adrian lived with True, he had been staying with their mother for nearly two weeks because True didn't want the baby to disrupt Adrian's sleep, especially on school nights.

Most likely another week because True wanted Hasen to have time to feel like herself again and he doesn't think that would happen with a thirteen year old and a one month old in the house. "Where's Hasen?" Adrian diverted his attention from Harley looked at his brother.

"Upstairs." True responded making Adrian eyebrows furrow before standing up, "I'm going to see her." Adrian announced to his brother, but True stood up. "Nah you stay down here. Ima go get her."Adrian simply shrugged his shoulders and sat back down.

True ascended the stairs and made his way down the hallway to the room he and Hasen shared. He opened the door and found Hasen with a towel draped around her body. For a moment, he paused, licking his lips as he stared at her, momentarily forgetting what he came to the room for.

"Stop staring at me." She told him as she moved toward the dresser. True closed the door behind him and took a seat at the end of the bed. "Where are you going?" True inquired. Hasen glanced at him and replied, "To get my laptop fixed."

He furrowed his eyebrows, and seeing the expression on his face, Hasen looked away, she knew he was going to have something to say.

"For?" True inquired. Hasen scrunched her face up. "That's a stupid question. You know why," she responded. He shrugged his shoulders, "Nah I don't really, what you going to get it fixed for?" True asked and Hasen rolled her eyes in response.

"So I can finish my school work, True. I'm still behind, and I need to get it done," Hasen explained. True stared at her blankly. "So school more important than you getting your mind right?" True asked, Hasen shrugged her shoulders.

"If it's going to keep us financially stable in the future then yes, school is more important." Hasen said as she pulled her leggings up over her lower half. "I got that so you don't need to be worried about that." True responded

"Well I am." She shot back with a roll her eyes, True licked his lips nodding his head slowly. "So that shit more important than your daughter too then right?" True's question made Hasen snap her head towards him with a frown on her face.

"Did I say that?" Hasen asked and True squinted his eyes at her, "Nah I'm feeling that way though, youa hop the fuck up and go get that laptop fix but won't hold Harley." He stated and She scoffed, he expected her to say something at that moment but instead she kept quiet.

"I feel like you testing my patience. You could worry about that school shit later you'd rather miss out on being with your daughter than missing out on school." True continued, "How the fuck that work? I understand the postpartum and shit but this shit crazy to me how you gon get a fucking laptop fix before holding your daughter." True raised his voice making Hasen look at him with her face balled up with anger.

"You know what? Fuck you. This is your fault! Not mine!" Hasen shouted making True suck his teeth, "Man don't nobody wanna hear that shit." True waved her off

"Now you dont want to hear it? Fuck you." Hasen spat, grabbing her phone. "You keep blaming me for something I didn't want. You're so unfair. You only care about True, never Hasen," she accused, as True stood up, looking at her like she was crazy.

"I only give a fuck about me? Bra I couldve left yo ass, I only give a fuck about me? You think your father give a fuck about you his first option to whatever the fuck you got was doping you up. I let that shit slide? No, cause I give a fuck about yo dumb ass."

"You think your momma give a fuck about you? Anytime she was on some fucking weird hating ass shit who was there? Me.son. And you keeping saying I don't give a fuck about you?"

"You ungrateful as hell bra, on my little brother life." Hasen stared at him with tears in her eyes. She didn't expect him to bring up her parents, especially her mother, which had turned out to be a touchy subject she wasn't prepared for.

There was a knock on the room door. Lara's voice echoed through the closed door, "Is everything okay?" Hasen hastily wiped her face before heading towards the door, but True reached out and grabbed her arm.

"I'm talking to you." True told her and she shook her head, not looking at him. "I don't want to talk anymore. Leave me alone please." True started to feel bad seeing the tears come out of her eyes.

"Baby I ain't— yes you did True let me go." Hasen cut him off as she tried to get her arm out of his hold , "Bra you don't think you hurt my feelings too? You got me fucked up bra, sit down because we not done talking." Hasen pulled her arm away, wiped her face, and headed toward the room door.

"You open that door we ain't got shit to talk about no more. You could do what the fuck you wanna do, you think I don't give a fuck about you? Ima show you." True stated, Hasen stared him she could see that he serious but the facial expression he held. "We could handle this shit like adults or we could be childish I'm on whatever you on." True added on.

Hasen couldn't do this, everything was too much for her. Hasen opened the door, Lara greeted her with a small smile. True nodded his head, "Bet."

I forgot Adrian age so shut up and ignore whatever I put if it's not accurate.

Who side y'all choosing or y'all neutral?

Would y'all be mad if I said there's like three more chapters left?

There's another chapter to continue this !

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