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Hasen sighed softly as she was finally able to get some sleep, having a one month old baby was not for the weak at all. Harley Samoni Santiago, born on September 10th, weighing 7 pounds.

After Hasen's birthing experience not expecting her baby to be that big she never wanted another baby again. Other than that everything went well even though she was little stressed she just brushed it off because she had a baby to take care of now she didn't have time to be stressed.

The baby's cries woke her making her smack her lips, True on the other hand was knocked out comfortably like he couldn't hear anything. Hasen sat up as the crying got louder. "Go get her!" Hasen spoke tiredly slapping his arm to wake him up.

True sucked his teeth in response turning over. "True!" Hasen nudged him making him huff, "I'm up bro damn." True sat up rubbing a hand down his face to wake himself up.

In the dimly lit hallway, guided by the nightlight from Harley's room, True entered quietly, finding her not crying initially, which irked him. He sucked his teeth.

"Not even crying," he muttered, about to leave, but her cries erupted. True sighed, his exhaustion evident. All he wanted was some sleep.

He picked her up, walking around the room, "What's wrong with you? You not even crying for real," True spoke softly, getting no response but a gurgling sound from her. Walking around the room for a little seemed to calm her because of her cries dying down.

Kissing her forehead, he gently placed her back in the crib. "I'm tired, Ley. Mommy is too. Can you go back to sleep?" True murmured, basically begging. True stared at her for a minute relieved as he saw her gradually dozing off again

"Active ass baby." True said to himself as he turned around to exit her room but was stopped once he heard small whining. "This shit not real." True said to himself

"This shit not real at all." True said to himself in disbelief, returning to her crib. Before he picked her up, he threw a small blanket decorated with pink bows over his shoulder.

Reaching down he picked her up making sure to hold her head as he lifted her out of the crib. "Whats wrong with you?" True asked staring at her.

"You do this shit on purpose." True mumbled sitting in the wooden rocking chair in the corner of her room. He removed the blanket he had in his shoulder before laying it on his lap.

Sitting in the rocking chair, he cradled her, Harley held her eyes open slightly as if she was peaking at him. Even though he was tired as fuck, he cracked a smile. He couldn't help it, she was so innocent and cute without a care in the world.

He rocked the chair back and forth hoping it would get her to go to sleep but instead it only made her fussy and it made him sleepy.

True stopped rocking the chair hoping she wouldn't start crying loud but she did. "You sensitive as hell." True said shaking his head lifting her up to kiss her cheek.

He stood up walking around the room with her hopping that would make her feel better. "Okay baby I'm sorry."


Hasen was behind. She never in her 18 years of living was behind. Everything on her schedule was so crazy and different, she thought the first two months would be so easy because she didn't have to go back and forth but it was getting harder by the day, and she didn't know if she could handle it.

She tried to complete as many assignments as possible while also taking care of her baby but she was starting to feel overwhelmed. "Aren't you so cute! I'm so mad you look like your dad." Lara spoke to Harley as she cradled her in her arms, Lara was occupying Harley while Hasen caught up on her assignments and while True took a shower.

Lara being by Hasen's side through everything earned her the godmother and aunt title, titles she had already claimed even before they were officially given to her. "Isn't she so cute?" Lara inquired, glancing over at Hasen, who was engrossed in her laptop.

Hasen gave a head nod in response trying to focus. 'Distractions on top of fucking distractions' Hasen thought.

Lara looked at her best friend, a worried expression etched on her face "Did you eat today?".

Hasen responded with a shrug not giving a verbal response to Lara's question. "Hasen I'm talking to you." Lara spoke in a stern tone making Hasen look in her direction.

"What's wrong with you?" Lara inquired, causing Hasen to avert her gaze back to her laptop screen. "Nothing's wrong. I know you see me doing something," Hasen replied. Lara sat Harley in the baby swing that sat in the middle of the floor making sure to buckle her up.

"I do. But that doesn't really matter right now, Hase. Did you eat today?" Lara asked once more, but Hasen ignored her again. Hasen switched off her hearing aid, blocking out the sounds of Lara's voice.

Hasen let out a sigh, it was finally quiet and she could finally concentrate. She looked over feeling a presence beside her on the couch, True stared at her. She reluctantly turned her hearing aid back on already knowing he had something to say.

"You not eating today?" True asked, "Don't feel like it." She responded. Lara glanced at her best friend, shaking her head in concern.

"You need to eat." True said, Hasen ignored him continuing to work on her assignments. "I'll delete all that shit. You sitting here ignoring me like you can't fucking hear me. You could hear me, you only deaf in one fucking ear." True stated, he was definitely angry Lara and Hasen could tell by the tone of his voice.

Hasen didn't care. She looked at him like he was stupid and ignored him. "I'm not asking you this time, I'm telling you. Get the fuck up and go eat." True snapped in the same angry tone, this time shutting her laptop and removing it from her grasp sitting it beside him which only pissed her off.

"Fuck you." Hasen spat getting up from her spot angrily making True ignore her words, "Think somebody give fuck about that attitude. Stomp yo mad ass in that kitchen and eat something." He yelled out after her watching her as she entered the kitchen when she wasn't in his sight anymore he shook his head.

He stood up from the couch his gaze shifting to his daughter who was in the comfort of the baby swing softly rocking her making him show the biggest smile ever. "I missed you mama, you missed me?" True asked as he gently unfastened her from the swing and lifting her up carefully, he kissed her forehead.

"What's going on with her?" Lara questioned, hearing the cabinets in the kitchen slam loudly, True shook his head. He had no clue.

He was trying to give Hasen as many breaks as she needed but she wasn't trying to take advantage of it, and he didn't understand why. So if he had to force her to go take care of herself then that's what he was going to do.


Back to backkk ! I'm doin goood !

Is there anything I need to go over ?

I should've continued ride out, I'm looking back at it and it was soo good ! The updates were just too slow ! I might bring it back !

It is now OCTOBER

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