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Hasen entered the school building, maneuvering through the crowd of students who were also heading to their culinary classes. Despite encountering setbacks last year, over the past 6 months she was back on her game how she used to be and she felt so much better.

She found that engaging in hands-on activities rather than online assignments was more beneficial, so she resumed attending in-person classes. Since then, she's been flourishing ever since. Only one more year and she'd be out of here, starting up her restaurant.

"Ms. Walker," a voice called out, causing Hasen to turn back with a furrowed brow as she scanned for the source. "It's just me," Mr. Carter stated, standing outside his office with his hands tucked into his slacks' pockets. He chuckled softly, seeing her facial expression.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Mr. Carter inquired. Hasen looked him up and down, giving him a skeptical look. "It'll be really quick, then you can head to class," he added. "Okay," Hasen mumbled, turning around and making her way to his office. He opened the door, holding it for her to enter first.

Hasen walked over to the chair positioned in front of his desk and took a seat. The door shut behind her as Mr. Carter moved to his desk, sitting down and giving Hasen a small smile.

"You dont have to look nervous." He assured her, "I'm not nervous." She responded back, lying like hell. She was nervous as fuck. "I have really good news for you. I always talk about you to my colleagues from all over the world." Hasen's eyebrows scrunched up, but she remained silent, letting him continue.

"I have many students who work very hard but I tell them you are most determined student. Not downplaying anyone else but to me you're the most determined. The most planned out, the first person I've come across who knows exactly what they want." He told her.

"I've been talking about you for a while to a colleague in France, she's seen all of your work. From the written assignments to the dishes you've made since a little girl. I've shown everything." Mr. Carter explained.

"Her name is Ms.Muri, have you heard of her?" Mr.Carter asked and Hasen nodded her head. She didn't want to speak because she probably yell from excitement.

Iyanna Muri was a chef, a black chef, the youngest chef to have her own restaurant at the age of 20. Hasen admired her achievements, especially her programs designed for children aspiring to enter the culinary field.

"We had a talk last week and she impressed by how far you've come at your age. She offered you an opportunity, if you would like to work with her. It's only for a short time, she's going to pay you well so you won't do anything for free." Mr. Carter informed Hasen, causing her heart to quicken with excitement.

She didn't know how to react, all she knew was that she couldn't be excited just yet. "I didn't even finish school yet. Does she want me to come to France? How long is this going be if I say yes?" Questions flooded from her lips rapidly.

"To answer your last two questions, yes, you'd go to France, and it's for 4 months." He told her and Hasen frowned. "Oh.." Hasen muttered her excitement faltering.

Mr. Carter noticed the shift in her expression, realizing she was considering her daughter and boyfriend. "I understand you have a family, but consider the recognition this opportunity could bring you. You don't have to say yes right now, but take some time to think about it, alright?" Mr. Carter said, and Hasen nodded in agreement.


Hasen toyed with her nails while observing True and Harley. Harley giggled as her father kissed her chubby hands. "You find everything funny," True remarked, planting another kiss on her hand, which sent her into a fit of laughter.

"Tell your mother stop staring at me like that for I teach her some." True said to Harley but it was directed towards Hasen. He looked over at Hasen who continued to stare at him.

"You tryna give me a son? Stop staring at me like that." True remarked, Hasen didn't respond as she continued to play with her nails.

True eyebrows furrowed seeing the saddened look on her face. "Fix your face. Stop looking like that." True said grabbing her face he pecked her lips one time before pulling away.

"What's up with you?" True asked lifting her head up,  Hasen frowned at his intense stare, her gaze shifting from his to Harley, who reached for True's shirt to get his attention. Rather than answering his question, Hasen remained silent. True shifted his focus away from her and handed a toy to Harley to keep her occupied.

True asked again. Hasen took a deep breath before she started speaking in a jumble of words. "Todaymyinstructortoldmethatihad-" the sound of True sucking his teeth made her stop talking.

"Talk right, you talking like Harley non talking ass."  True teased, making Hasen smile. She began sharing details about the opportunity she was offered, explaining where she had to go and how long she'd have to be there.

True didn't respond, he stared at Harley touching the soft curls that laid on top of her head. "Can you say something?" Hasen asked getting fed up with the silence he was giving her. This is what she didn't want this reaction.

"You want to do it?" True asked looking at her and Hasen nodded her head. "I do, and it could really give me the recognition I need True. Black chefs don't get that much recognition like tv shows or the front cover of magazines and stuff , I want that to be possible for me though." Hasen said honestly

True licked his lips looking away from Hasen, He didn't want her to leave but he knew how much stuff like this meant to her even though his heart might hurt when she go she'd come back home to him happy.

"You gon call everyday?" True asked and Hasen smiled wide, "Yes I am!" Hasen responded. "I'm talking every single day Hasen, from the time you wake up, when you in the shower allat." True said and Hasen smile dropped

"That's too far." She said making him laugh a little. "I'm fucking with you, cmere." True grabbed her arm pulling on top of him. His hands immediately went down to her butt as he pecked her lips, True wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him hugging her tightly

"Are you going to miss me?" Hasen asked, looking at him. True nodded. "I'm going to miss you too, baby," Hasen said, gently rubbing the side of his face.

"Man four months though?" True asked and Hasen nodded her head, "It'll be quick, remember when you told me that? Time flew by so fast, and I got to see you again," Hasen reminisced, recalling the time when he did those three months in jail.

Harley whined on the side them making their attention go towards her, "She hurting my heart too." True teased, prompting Hasen to roll her eyes at his dramatic comment.

Harley tried to stand by gripping onto Hasen's shirt, but Hasen knew she wouldn't be able to do it just yet. Leaning down, Hasen placed a kiss on the baby's nose,  making a gummy smile appear on the little girls face.

True stared at them his feelings being more hurt than they already were. "I love you pretty girl." True held Hasen tighter kissing her cheek.


Ohkay ! This book is done ! It ended on a good note and I'm so happy yaal enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it !

I luv all the opinions yaal gave on certain events in the book ! I appreciate yaal ! Byeee mwah ! Imma give yaal a Bonus chapter dont worry !

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