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Hasen sat on the bed staring at the wall in the bedroom in silence. The house was quiet, Lara offered to take Harley and Adrian off their hands for a few hours and they accepted.

True and Hasen were in separate parts of the house, Hasen sat in their bedroom while True was in the living room. Hasen contemplated on going down stairs, but she decided against it every time.

She didn't really have much of choice though, she didn't want the tension between them to rise so she decided to go downstairs.

Hasen sighed and rose from the bed, walking downstairs and entering the living room. She noticed True sprawled uncomfortably on the couch, his head propped up on his hand.

Hasen sat beside him, feeling unsure of what to say. "I don't want to argue anymore," she expressed softly. True responded bluntly, "Cool. I don't give a fuck no more." as he straightened up, leaning his head back against the couch.

Hasen stared at him with a frown on her face. "I'm trying to have a conversation with you, why are you acting like that?" Hasen asked confused about his response.

"But when I wanted to talk you didn't." True shook his head, "Because you came at me for no reason, you got so mad because I wanted to get my laptop fixed. Do you actually support what I want to do?" True looked at her like she was crazy.

"You think I give a fuck about that laptop? I got mad because you was supposed to be getting yourself together but instead you worried about fucking school, you could've been trying to get comfortable around the baby but again you worried about that fucking laptop." True said making Hasen frown.

"I'm not ready True, you can't force me to be ready for that." Was her response, True sat up, rubbing his hand down his face in frustration. "You made progress with everything else— you started eating again, sleeping, even tried school—but you won't make an effort for Harley?" True asked.

"You see how fucked up that sound? I understand you going through what you going through and I told you I'll help you and I'm doing just that, but you ain't putting in no fucking effort like I need you to." True shook his head leaning back against the couch.

"I know this postpartum shit could fuck up the relationship with a mother and her baby but I don't think you trying to help yourself as much as I am." True added on making Hasen frown deeply.

"This what I mean when I say you only care about yourself. You keep saying 'You', you don't think I'm trying? It's not that easy True and you say understand but you don't." Hasen retorted

"And you're sitting here trying to downplay me, as if I'm not trying at all. You don't care about me at all, and you threw the situation with my mom in my face. You don't do that to someone you care about. I wouldn't do that to you," Hasen expressed.

"You kept saying I don't give a fuck about you so I gave examples of people that actually don't give a fuck about you, now I'm wrong?" True said.

"I started taking care of Harley by myself while you did that dumb ass school shit and even now so you could focus on getting better, but I don't care about you? I bought us a fucking house, but I don't— You got it Hasen. Don't even know why I'm explaining myself." True shook his head standing up making Hasen scrunch her face up.

"We're talking and you're going to leave?" Hasen asked in disbelief standing up too. "What did I say when you went to the door? What the fuck did I say?" True asked staring down at her. Hasen met his gaze, her eyes becoming teary, but she blinked away the tears.

"You said if I open the door we have nothing else to talk about." She repeated his words from earlier. "Aigh then. So why you in my face?" True asked, her lip began to quiver at his words.

"Move." True said but Hasen remained standing in front of him. "Can you stop? Please." Hasen asked, unaware that she was crying until a tear fell on her top lip. "Get the fuck out my way." True told her Hasen's face heated up but she sucked it up and took a deep breath.

"Can you please sit down?" Hasen asked softly. True clenched his jaw, his eyes scanning her face before he complied, taking a seat on the couch. For several minutes, they exchanged uneasy glances in uncomfortable silence, and Hasen felt on the verge of breaking down.

Hasen stared at him swallowing the lump in her throat, Hasen could see his leg bouncing up and down, she took a deep breath trying to calm herself to keep herself from crying.

"I'm sorry, this shit my fault anyway. You didn't even want this shit." True spoke up breaking the silence making Hasen frown as he repeated the words she said out of anger.

"I didn't mean that.." Hasen spoke up, her voice softening. "I didn't mean anything I said, I was really upset with you just like you were upset with me." Hasen said sniffling.

"I'm trying True, and I'll try harder if that's what you want. I don't want to keep arguing with you." Hasen said, tears streaming down her face, as True shook his head he hated seeing her cry.

"Why you doing that shit to me bra? You know I hate when you cry." True shook his head, avoiding looking at her. He ran his hand down his face, noticing Hasen's eyes becoming puffy from crying.

"Don't just do the shit for me I want you to try for yourself baby, I need you Hase. Im trying my best to get your mind right, but I can't do this shit on my own ma." True reached over grabbing her hand that was in reach. Hasen nodded her head,"Okay.." Hasen muttered softly.

"Cmere.." True said, as she wiped her face, Hasen moved closer to him. "I want us to be happy, I don't like this," Hasen sobbed into his chest, a rush of emotions causing tears to stream down her face.

"Ion like this shit either." He wrapped his arm around her pulling her closer. "I hate when we argue man, I thought we worked on this shit." True expressed, while Hasen sniffled, looking up at him.

"I thought we did too.." Hasen said softly, True looked down at her kissing her lips. "I ain't mean to lose my temper, I'm sorry baby." He kissed her lips repeatedly. "I love you True." Hasen whispered against his lips as the kiss became more intense.

"I love you girl."


And True went back to jail! Theee enddd! Byyyyee!

I deserve a lot of comments because I updated TWICE!

Tell me how y'all imagine these characters, I'd tell y'all who I'm imagining as True but I don't want it to ruin the lil imagination y'all got for him.

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