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Hasen was so annoyed and aggravated that she couldn't stay there anymore. She immediately packed some things and left; the whole situation aggravated her. Her father low-key aggravated her as well.

She could never love someone that much to the point that she wouldn't be bothered that they were disloyal to her. She just wouldn't, and she didn't understand how her father did it, plus her rude kids made it worse.

It didn't take long for Hasen to pack a bag of clothes and get an Uber to True's house, but her attitude from earlier events was still evident, and it was showing. True could see she had some type of attitude going on by the way she aggressively threw her bag on the bed.

True eyebrow rose up watching her sit down and get on her phone. He paused his game and looked at her. "You good?" True asked, and she mugged him, making him mug her back.

"Do I look like I'm good? Stop asking dumb ass questions." Hasen quipped, True looked at her like she was crazy, trying to figure out why she was talking to him like that.

"You better calm the fuck down; don't know who the fuck you talking to." True said, giving her one last look, and he turned his attention back to his game.

"I don't need to do shit. Leave me the fuck alone." Hasen shot back, and True looked at her from the corner of his eye. "You talking real disrespectful, I'll make yo ass cry. Stop playing with me." True responded, continuing to keep his eyes on the game.

"I don't care. Leave me alone." Hasen responded, shrugging her shoulders, "Shut the fuck up then." True replied, moving his thumbs around on the controller.

"You keep saying stuff to me. I can say what I want to say, you shut the fuck up." Hasen replied back, and True looked at her before shaking his head.

"Wanna argue and shit. Fuck out my face, yo bad energy having ass." True said as he got up, throwing his controller on the bed. He walked out of the room, feeling himself get mad now. If she wanted to argue, she was going to sit there and argue with herself.

Hasen crossed her arms over her chest, watching him walk out of the room. Hasen stood there for a few minutes, thinking about the petty bickering that just happened that shouldn't have happened.

Especially when he was just trying to check on her. She overreacted.

Hasen took a deep breath, walking out of the room to where True was. "On my life, if you came out here to argue, I'm leaving." True spoke first, not looking up from his phone.

"I'm sorry." Hasen mumbled, but he heard her, and he stared at her with a nonchalant look on his face. "You was so loud earlier, but now you quiet as fuck. Fuck out my face." True remarked, and Hasen frowned.

"I apologize for directing my anger towards you. You didn't do anything wrong." Hasen responded, staring at him.

"I know I ain't do shit wrong." He responded, making her suck her teeth. She sat down next to him. "I'm being serious; I'm sorry." Hasen said leaning over to grab his face, she pecked his lips twice before pulling back.

"You still mad?" Hasen asked, running her thumb across his bottom lip. He nodded his head. "What do you want me to do?" Hasen asked, and a smirk went on his face.

"Suck my dick." Was his immediate response, and she sucked her teeth, getting ready to get up, but he pulled her back down. "You almost did it, so stop acting like that." He said, kissing her cheek, Hasen mugged him.

"Stop talking." Hasen said, and he stared at her, licking his lips. He leaned in, pecking her lips, his hand snaking up and wrapping around her neck, pulling her closer to him. "The next time you find yourself, tryna snap on me ima fold yo ass." He spoke low enough for her to hear as he stared into her eyes.

"Cool?" He asked, pecking her lips again. She licked her lips, nodding her head slowly staring at him. He smiled at her, kissing her lips again before pulling away.

Hasen swallowed, "uhm-." She paused, scratching her neck, trying to remember what she was going to say. He completely threw her off.

"Uhmm-." She paused again, and he eyed her. "The fuck you keep pausing for? Talk." True spoke up, staring at her. She took a deep breath, trying to keep her composure.

"I forgot what I was going to say." She said, "Tell me why you had an attitude." True said, and she nodded her head.

She began telling him everything that went down in the house. Keeping it short but detailed, he held a look of shock before laughing. Hasen frowned at his reaction.

"What's funny?" Hasen asked, and he continued to laugh. "Her fucking her old man's is funny; that shit caught me off guard, not gonna lie." He finally spoke, and Hasen stared at him blankly.

"They together now or sumn?" He asked, looking over at her, and she shrugged her shoulders. "She said they didn't talk about that yet." Hasen responded, and True shook his head.

"He played her ass again. Shit crazy." True spoke up, and Hasen's eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?" Hasen asked.

"Bro, he came and got his nut and left. His first thought wasn't even about his kids; that nigga did not plan on staying for long." True stated and Hasen nodded her head, agreeing. They sat in silence for a minute before Hasen's eyebrows perked up, remembering something else.

"Also, Mila tried to step at me for calling her a bitch." Hasen spoke up, and True sat up a little.

"You should've called me; slap the shit out of her." Was his response making Hasen laugh, His eyebrows furrowed. "I'm dead ass."

"You can't hit a woman." Hasen spoke, and he sat back with a little smile on his face. "Hands rated E, you know that." He said and Hasen shook her head at him.

"And what could you actually possibly do? When your on house arrest?" Hasen asked, her eyebrows raised, and he got quite the smile he held was now gone and he was mugging her.

"You so fed." He said continuing to mug her.



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