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It was six p.m., and Hasen and her father stood in the kitchen. Hasen was cutting up tomatoes and getting ready to cook while her dad stood on the side in silence.

"You and your mother should really talk. I don't like this whole beef and drama between you two." Jordan spoke, breaking the silence. He stared at Hasen as she cut up tomatoes. Hasen shrugged her shoulders, continuing to chop the tomatoes in a steady motion.

"She started it." Hasen stated, putting the knife down, she grabbed the medium-size white bowl and transferred the tomatoes from the cutting board to the bowl.

She grabbed a carrot and cut the top off. "She's your mother, Hasen. I'm not understanding where all this animosity came from between you two." Jordan spoke with a look of confusion on his face.

Hasen sighed deeply and continued chopping the carrot in a steady motion. "Ask her. She's so mad because she can't control my life, that's why." Hasen answered, picking up her pace while chopping the carrots.

She was starting to get annoyed—not with her dad but with the fact he kept bringing up a topic she had no interest in talking about.

"I don't think she's trying to control your life, Hasen; she's just worried. Look at it from her perspective; I mean, your going to be a parent soon; you have to look at it both ways." Jordan said staring at her; Hasen was listening, but she didn't respond.

She continued what she was doing, but her pace picked up; chopping the carrots faster instead of slowly made her nip her finger in the process.

"What the f-freak!" Hasen huffed out, catching herself from cursing in front of her father, "Don't panic. Let me see." Jordan spoke calmly, grabbing her hand to look at her finger.

"Why would I panic? It's fine." Hasen responded truthfully, "Because I'm trying not to panic." Jordan said, moving her over to the sink and turning on the water, letting it run over her finger to wash away the little bit of blood.

"And don't act like you don't curse; just say what the fuck." Jordan added, making Hasen scrunch her face up and shake her head no. "That's really disrespectful." Hasen told him

Jordan turned off the water and straight-faced, "You cursed in front of me before." Jordan said dropping her hand to go get a band aid. Retrieving the band aid Jordan walked back over to her, picking up her hand.

"I really think this is all for nothing; y'all should talk. Communication goes a long way. I've been telling you that since you were younger. But I took notice that you don't listen because you don't communicate." Jordan spoke, going back to the previous subject. Hasen scrunched her face up.

"Are you trying to read me?" Hasen asked, and Jordan stopped placing the bandage on her finger and looked at her. "You're my kid; I don't need to try to read you; I already know you and know how you are." Jordan said proceeding to place the band aid on her cut.

"No, you don't. Because I am communicating now, actually, me and True are working on it together." Hasen said Jordan let her hand go once the band aid was fully on.

"Well, I'm happy you're doing that. But try with your mom, please; tell her how you feel. Tell her how you don't like how she goes about situations; tell her you don't like how she tries to control you. Tell her everything, and she'll communicate back to you." Jordan said, and Hasen began chewing on her bottom lip.

"But she's the parent, though; she should apologize first, and then I'll do all of that." Hasen said, and Jordan sighed hard. "You don't think I told her that already? I'm just trying to get you on board because I know how you are." Jordan said

Hasen rolled her eyes, wondering if she should listen to her father or not.

"Okay, I'll try to talk to her." Hasen gave in making Jordan smile, "That wasn't so hard, was it?" He asked, and Hasen shrugged her shoulders.

Jordan went to the cutting board and grabbed the knife, throwing it in the sink before grabbing another one. "Also, if it makes you feel better, I like True and his little brother." Jordan told her as he chopped the rest of the carrots on his own, continuing where she left off.

Hasen felt herself smile, leaning back on the counter. "I know people say don't judge a book by its cover, but I thought he'd be rude or something." Jordan said making Hasen laugh a little.

"He's really, really mean at first, but I promise he's the nicest person ever. He's so sweet, really loving, and touchy. I hate the touchy stuff so much, but he's always touching me, and sometimes I get annoyed with it because it's too much, but he still does it. It's like he can't do anything without touching me." Jordan glanced at her, seeing that now she was using him as a human diary.

"We're the same in some way but different at the same time. He's really thoughtful too; he's annoying and childish sometimes, and he always calls me pretty or beautiful too. He smells so good all the time, and he hates when I call him sweet, but he really is; he's so nice to me, and that's why sometimes it's not hard for me to be nice back to him." Hasen smiled, looking down at her polished pink toes.

"Should I clap or be worried you just gave a full speech like that?" Jordan asked, looking at her with his eyebrow raised.

Hasen licked her lips, trying to hide the smile on her face, but her cheek bones were up so high you could tell she was smiling really hard.

"That was a good way of communicating, actually; all you have to say is that you love him now." Jordan stated, and Hasen mugged him.

"Daddy, you're a doctor, not a therapist; stop trying to get so much information out of me." Hasen said, rolling her eyes.

"You just used me as a human diary; do you love him or not?" Jordan asked, mugging her back, and Hasen tapped her chin, fake thinking, before pointing at him.

"How about mind your business?" Hasen asked, raising her eyebrows, and Jordan smacked his lips, finishing what he was doing.

"You love that boy enough said. You had that little twinkle in your eye, saying all that stuff I didn't ask about." Jordan said, shaking his head at her, "I just know; it's so easy to know too." Jordan added making Hasen suck her teeth.

"He's so nice to me too." Jordan mocked her, making her huff, "Can you just finish cooking? Why do you have to be weird?" Hasen asked, mugging him making Jordan laugh.


I updated again, yaal happy? Yaal should be, yaal better be happy. 🙄

She love True soo much bye,

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