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"Are-Are you coming back? To coach us. Zeddy mean." TJ, an 11-year-old boy from the basketball team True coached, he had took Zeddy's phone just to FaceTime  True because of him not seeing him in so long and he started to wonder why he was gone for so long.

"Not right now." True replied, causing TJ to suck his teeth. Casting a quick glance over his shoulder to ensure Zeddy wasn't nearby, TJ continued talking, "When you coming back?"

"Soon. I'm handling business first." True assured, but before TJ could respond, the phone fell showing him being grabbed up by his Jersey making a yell come from him. True shook his head knowing it was Zeddy.

"I should whoop yo lil ass." True heard Zeddy threaten the boy. Zeddy then picked up his phone. "You threatening kids? That's crazy Zay, I'm not gon lie." True said making Zeddy give him a look.

"They bad as fuck." Zeddy said with a shake of his head. Before Zeddy could continue, Harley's soft cries echoed in the background.

"I'm sorry baby." True picked up the pacifier next to her head giving it to her, she dozed off. "SHE HAD THE FUCKING BABY?!" Zeddy yelled


"You wasn't gon tell no fucking body." Zeddy complained, but True chuckled. "I was." Not.

"You lying ass nigga. Show the baby." Zeddy demanded, "I want to see too!" "Me too!" A chorus of curious voices joined in.

All True seen was a bunch of heads crowding the phone, "Back the fuck up or ain't nobody seeing shit." Zeddy told them making one of them suck his teeth.

"Don't yell. And don't breathe too hard." True told them, he hovered his phone over Harley, he flipped the camera to reveal her sleeping peacefully in a pink onesie.

"Nahhh! That's cr-!" Zeddy began, but was interrupted by the kids crowding the screen. "Move out the way lil nigga!" Zeddy left them going in a more secluded spot.

"She look just like you." Zeddy said making True smile a little before flipping the camera back.

"Nah I think she look like my girl." True said prompting Zeddy to disagree. "That's your twin right there," Zeddy remarked.

"Still not fucking with you, ain't tell niggas the baby came." Zeddy said shaking his head disappointmented at his friends. True shook his head at Zeddy being dramatic

"We supposed to brothers. You supposed to be my best friend." Zeddy went on but True made a face. "Nigga we not best friends." True told him and Zeddy mugged him. "Fuck you, niggas become fathers and start moving weird." Zeddy remarked dramatically hanging up so True couldn't say anything

Shaking his head, True glanced at Harley, who was looking right at him. He carefully picked her up, taking her blanket. It wasn't her nap time for another two hours, so it was True's turn to rest, and Hasen's turn to look after the baby. Although the plan was for Hasen to have Harley in the morning and True to take over later, that wasn't happening as Hasen had been in the living room all day.

She could definitely be able to watch her for two hours. Walking down stairs, True spotted Hasen in the living room. He shook his at how concentrated she was, she needed a break but let him tell her and she'd probably punch him in the mouth.

"Her nap not until two hours. So feed her and let her chill." True said placing Harley in Hasen's arms unexpectedly making Hasen's eyebrows furrow deeply, she looked down at the baby in her arms then looked at Trues back because he was already walking away

"Tr-True! I'm busy right now I can't." Hasen called after him, but he was already out of earshot. Looking down at Harley, who was content with her pacifier, Hasen felt a mix of emotions.


Hasen at the end of the couch in the corner balled up staring at the wall blankly, if anything was happening around her she wouldn't know because her hearing aid was off and it's been like that for 30 minutes now.

She hastily wiped the tears streaming down her cheeks, hoping True would wake up any moment now. She felt overwhelmed, she tried but she couldn't do it.

True came downstairs a yawn leaving his lips as he rested his left hand inside his sweatpants. "I'm happy Harley ass sleeping. I'm hungry." True announced, entering the living room his head jerking back looking at the state Hasen was in.

"Baby." True called out approaching her, "Hasen." True called out again this time snapping his fingers in her face, reviving no response both times. His gaze shifted when he heard the wiring sound of the baby swing, to see their daughter awake and watching them.

True looked back over at Hasen, grabbing her face gently making her look at him. Hasen stared at him before reaching to turn her hearing aid back on. Staring at True made her heart heavy and her eyes sting with tears.

"What happened ma?" True inquired, causing Hasen to start breathing heavily, her lip trembling. "I dropped her—and—I really didn't mean to," Hasen cried, devastated. "I swear I didn't mean to, I was trying to—." She broke down into sobs. It scared her so bad because it happened so fast.

"Stop crying and calm down." True instructed her, he grabbed her face making her face him. "Stop crying, just tell me." Hasen sniffled, wiping her tears, and nodded.

She swallowed thickly, taking a deep breath. "I was trying to feed her and do my work at the same time but— I should've never did it because i couldn't multitask and the laptop started to fall and everything happened so fast True. I'm so sorry" Hasen broke down in tears

True let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in, True wrapped his arms around her lifting her up off the couch making her wrap her legs around his torso.

"I'm- I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt her" Hasen cried into his neck. True kissed the side of her head, rubbing her back. "I know you didn't. It's aigh, she good Hasen." True assured her but Hasen shook her head.

"Look, she's good." True turned them to the side so Hasen could see their baby. Hasen reluctantly removed her face from his neck to get a look at Harley who was wide awake

"She straight. Stop that crying." True kissed her cheek before sitting her down on the couch, Hasen sniffled pulling the sleeves of her hoodie. True wiped her tears before placing a soft kiss on her lips.

"You gon feel better after this nap. Promise you." True said grabbing the big blanket that rested at the end of the couch. Hasen slowly laid down, as True threw the blanket over her.

"I- im not tired." Hasen insisted weakly but True didn't believe her.

"You gotta go to sleep for me baby. Just two hours pretty girl." He told her, rubbing his hand down her back. He kissed her lips softly, as she started to doze off.

True stood up, running a hand down his face, and glanced around the room. His eyes fell on the broken MacBook screen lying on the floor. He shook his head.


I gave yaal a lot offf updates ! Byeee nowww ! This should hold yaal ! 😘 ! Luvvv yaaal !

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