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Hasen brushed her teeth for the third time today. She's been vomiting for three days in a row; she thinks she must have gotten food poisoning from the restaurant she ate at two days ago.

She knew she would definitely never go there again. She missed three days of school due to food poisoning, and she knew she would have a mountain of work to do when she returned.

Hasen exited the bathroom before heading downstairs to the kitchen. Hasen noticed her father eating a donut and walking around the kitchen on his phone.

"Daddy, I'm hungry." Hasen spoke up, and Jordan looked at her weirdly.

"Again?" Jordan asked, and Hasen nodded her head slowly.

"Pizza?" Jordan asked, and Hasen shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't have a taste for that.. I want tomatoes." Hasen said, and Jordan raised an eyebrow.

"You hate tomatoes, chipmunk. What's wrong?" Jordan asked, walking over to his daughter as he touched her face with his hand.

"You don't have a fever." Jordan said, looking at her.

"I'm fine." Hasen said, moving his hand off her face.

"I just have a taste for them. What's the problem?" Hasen added making a face.

"Nothing. I'll go buy you some." Jordan said to her

"You and True broke up? I haven't seen you with him." Hasen rolled her eyes when Jordan asked. Every time someone asked about him, she missed him even more.

"I don't know; he's in New York." Hasen shrugged, and her father nodded, sensing she didn't want to talk about it.

"I'll be back. Anything else you want from the store?" Jordan asked her, and Hasen thought about it before shaking her head.

Hasen went to Lara's contact to FaceTime her; the phone rang for a little while before Lara's face popped up.

"Isn't it a beautiful day today?" Lara smiled happily, and Hasen kept a straight face.

"It's snowing; there's nothing beautiful about that." Hasen spoke flatly, and Lara sucked her teeth.

"Welll I'm having a beautiful day." Lara raised her eyebrows twice, and Hasen shook her head, catching on.

"You're at your dad's house?" Lara asked, and Hasen nodded her head.

"He went to the store to get me some tomatoes." Hasen says playing with the earring on her ear.

Lara made a face and said, "You hate tomatoes."

Hasen made a face back and said, "Well, that's what I have a taste for." Hasen rolled her eyes.

"Don't you have a stomach bug? You shouldn't be eating things you don't like." Lara says, and Hasen shrugs her shoulders.

"I just have a taste for it; I'm going to throw it all up later anyway." Hasen replied, and she heard rustling on the other end of the phone, seeing Lara sit up.

"I'm coming over." Lara said, and Hasen scrunched her face up.

"Why?" Hasen asked, and Lara shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm bored. You don't miss me?" Lara asked with a fake pout, and Hasen shrugged her shoulders.

"Exactly. I know you miss me." Lara responded


Hasen sat on her bed, eating the cherry tomatoes her father had brought back. Lara sat next to her, a frown on her face.

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