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Tiera shook her head as her son basically ignored her presence. This would be her week with Adrian, because that's what they agreed on. He was tired of hearing her cry on his phone about missing her kids.

So she'd get Dri for a week out of the month. She had a problem with it, of course, because she was still Adrian's mother and she had more say than True. But she wanted to get on both of their good sides because she truly missed them, so she just let it be.

But it didn't look like True was letting up at all; by the way, he was sitting here, ignoring her every time she asked him something.

And he wasn't going to let up. Just because she was involved right now didn't mean shit to him; she still missed most of his and Adrian's lives. She got no pass.

Tiera chuckled bitterly. "I don't understand you. Your so fucking stubborn, Xavier. I would never disrespect my mother this way."

True looked up from his phone. "Your mother died." He said flatly.

"And you'd never disrespect your mother, because she actually took care of you. You ain't do shit for me; you deserve all the disrespect you could get." He added on, and her face fell.

"I-I took care of you too. Your mad at me but not at him? You hate me so much, but he did this; anything that happened was because of him." Tiera said he, as in True and Adrian's father.

Tiera was nineteen when she met their father; everything was good for her. She had a good head on her shoulders; she was working in her mother's shop and would've soon taken it over if it weren't for her relationship with their father.

Later in the relationship, he soon turned abusive, but when she got pregnant with True, it got worse. She didn't even know how he survived the beatings while he was in the womb.

His abusive ways came to a minimum when their son arrived, but of course he returned to his old ways, but True never saw it. Till his fifth birthday, seeing his father slap the shit out of his mother over getting the wrong birthday cake. That made True hate him; he hated him so much that after that, every time he came home, True would go into his room. True wouldn't even have dinner or say good morning to him.

But he hated his mother more, and he felt like he had the right to; he didn't hate her for getting abused. He hated her because she left him; she left him there with his father to save herself, not knowing the possibilities of leaving your five-year-old with an abusive man. Anything could've happened to him.

Luckily, his father was barely home, basically leaving him neglected. But his mother did come back because his father had a way with words and she loved him.

In 2009, she had Adrian, and it was much worse because her mother died a week later. So she left. She couldn't deal with the abuse, her mother's death, and on top of that, a new-born baby and an eight-year-old.

The same eight-year-old she left with a new-born baby because their father couldn't help to give a fuck, not one bit. So that eight-year-old did everything he could possibly do. Even if he got in some trouble for it, he was able to keep his little brother alive for four years. Until he got taken away from him because his nosy old ass neighbor.

He still hated her to this day, and she was probably dead by now. The worst part about it was that Adrian had somewhere to go but True didn't because, for some odd reason, his father's mother, Ms. Netty, didn't want to take him.

True didn't say anything to her; he just stared at her. He was hoping Adrian would hurry up so she could get out of his face.

Hearing footsteps, True turned his head, hoping it was his little brother, but it was Hasen walking out. Her hand was laid against her stomach as she walked towards the front door. She opened the door before slowly bending down to grab her Amazon package that had been dropped off.

She closed the door and locked it while holding her package in one hand. She turned around. True and Tiera were both staring at her, but she caught Tiera's gaze.

"I'm sorry, good morning." Hasen spoke, looking at Tiera, and Tiera smiled at her. "Good morning. I'm Tiera, True, and Adrian's mother." Tiera stuck her hand out for her to shake.

"I'm Hasen." Hasen shook her hand before letting go. True squinted his eyes at them as they interacted.

"You are so beautiful; your glowing. How many months?" Tiera asked, looking down at her bump. Hasen gave her a small smile. "7. I'll be 8 in a week." Tiera smiled.

"Motherhood is such a beautiful thing. You're going to love it I promise." True shook his head at her. Right message wrong messenger.


"True. Stop looking at your phone; Adrian's smart; he'd call if something was wrong." Hasen told him, and he looked at her. "You sure? He ain't call at all, though; you think I'm trippin?" True asked, making Hasen nod her head.

"I love that you love your little brother, but that's his mom. He's okay." Hasen stated, and he sucked his teeth, putting his phone down. He laid down on his back, and Hasen looked at him.

She laid on her side, propping her head up with her hand. "What's wrong? You don't want him with her or something?" She asked, and he shook his head no. "Then why'd you send him?" Hasen asked.

"Because ion wanna keep the lil nigga from his momma, and he start hating me for it, but I feel like I got a good reason to want to keep him from ha." True explained, Hasen stared at him, rubbing his chin.

"What's that reason?" Hasen asked, and True stared at her. "You can tell me anything, remember? I'm always here for you." She assured him. He stared at her, seeing the reassuring look in her eyes, and he started talking, telling her everything, not holding back.

Once he finished, True felt a little relieved for sharing his past. Hasen, on the other hand, couldn't hold back her tears and started sobbing. And her hormones made it worse.

He smacked his lips seeing her cry. "Im sorry for crying like this." She sniffled wiping here tears that fell down her cheeks.

"Fuck her, I don't like her anymore." Hasen added on making True crack a little smile. "Do you want me to hug you?" Hasen asked staring.

True licked his lips leaning closer to her pressing their lips together. "I love you." He told her, "I love you too True."


Poor themm . Expect time skips . Two updates in one day period . I'm not going to forget abt yaal , imma spend a lil time on my other book though .

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