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Hasen walked down the stairs after her name was called by her father. She walked into the kitchen, seeing him take out her craving for the week. Hasen smiled, seeing the garlic pickles he sat on the counter along with salt and vinegar chips.

"Thank you." Hasen spoke up, grabbing the big bag of chips immediately, wasting no time opening them. "Yeah, yeah. These cravings are getting outrageous. I'm not your doctor, but I don't think that's healthy." Jordan told her as he opened the jar of pickles before she even asked.

Hasen shrugged her shoulders, taking another chip out of the bag before putting it in her mouth. "It's just cravings; they'll go away soon." Hasen told him as she got up to get a fork.

"When is that boy coming to meet your family? I want to get to know him better." Jordan asked, and Hasen bit down on her bottom lip as she grabbed a pickle out of the jar using the fork.

Instead of saying something, she shrugged her shoulders in response. She had a slight problem with True meeting them. They met him as Ms. Netty's grandson but not as Hasen's boyfriend.

"Does he not want to meet your parents? I mean, he should've been did it being though he got you pregnant." Jordan spoke Hasen looked over at him.

"I've only seen him twice; we were never formally introduced, and I think that's a problem." Jordan added Hasen let out an annoyed sigh, blocking him out as she continued to eat her chips.

"I just want to get to know the person who got my daughter pregnant. I want to know the person that's going to be in your life." Hasen sighed once again, rubbing her forehead. Jordan stared at her, raising an eyebrow.

"Does he have a problem with meeting your family? I mean, it's the right thing to do, isn't it?" Jordan questioned staring at her.

"No, I have a problem." Hasen responded truthfully, "I know how momma gets with all her questions; Mia and Mila are too messy, and I don't want to hear it." Hasen adds on, Jordan gave her a look, but she couldn't tell what kind of look it was.

"She's your mother, and she barely knows the boy; of course she's going to ask questions." Jordan responds, shrugging his shoulders afterwards. "Invite him over for dinner Saturday." Jordan says leaving out the kitchen

Hasen huffs, getting up from the stool, grabbing her bag of chips, and walks back to her room, face-timing Lara in the process. Hasen kicks her room door closed with her foot before going to sit on her bed.

The call connects, and Lara's face is close to the camera, making Hasen roll her eyes. "Can you back up? I need to talk." Hasen says putting a chip in her mouth.

Lara backs up, sitting her phone up, showing herself in a chair, clasping her hands together on her lap, saying, "Talk," making Hasen roll her eyes at how extra she was.

"My dad wants True to come to a family dinner so they can meet him, and I just..." "Wait.. I thought they knew him." Lara says cutting her off.

"They do, but they don't know him; know him. They've only seen him twice, maybe three times." Hasen says, and Lara nods her head, so Hasen continues talking.

"So, like I said before, I just don't think it's a good idea. My mother is really a judgmental person, and he's a really defensive person. That won't turn out well" Hasen explained. Lara puts her hands under her chin and leans forward, squinting her eyes.

"Hmm." Lara hums, making Hasen look at her weirdly. "Okay, let's think positive about this. For the sake of you, she might not do the whole interrogation shit or say anything that might aggravate him." Lara spoke with her eyebrow raised.

Hasen stared blankly at the camera, making Lara let out a loud sigh and rub her forehead stressfully. "You're right, she won't do that. But let's give her the benefit of the doubt; what's the worst that can happen? She won't actually say anything to get under his skin." Lara spoke, and Hasen shrugged her shoulders.

"I guess you're right. I'll just see how it goes; it shouldn't be that bad." Hasen said, putting a chip in her mouth, "Did you take your prenatal vitamins?" Lara asked changing the subject.

"Yeah, mom, I did." Hasen spoke, rolling her eyes jokingly. Lara asked her this every day just to make sure she wasn't slipping. "What about school? Is your work finished?" Lara asked getting into her mom role, and Hasen straight-faced her.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm playing my part." Lara spoke, laughing at the face she made.


"Here, you want some?" Hasen asked, holding French fries up to True's mouth as he drove. True let her feed him the French fries, and she scrunched her face up. "You weren't supposed to eat it for real. Your so greedy." Hasen spoke, rolling her eyes.

True glanced at her, mugging her.

"Why would I not eat it? If you offer, ima take it." True responded switching from his left hand to his right on the steering wheel. "But why would you actually accept it? Your greedy." Hasen voiced jokingly as she shook her head.

"YoUr GrEedY." True mocked her, and Hasen laughed but stopped, then shook her head, "Childish." She said eating more fries.

Hasen looked out the window, seeing him turn down the street to her house, but she spoke. "I want to go to your house." Not saying anything, True turned left, making his way to his house.

Hasen continued to chew on her French fries, turning her head to look at True as he stared straight ahead. She was wondering if she should ask him to come to dinner to meet her parents. She was nervous. She didn't want to hear arguing or anything; she wanted everything to run smoothly, but her mother and her sisters made her think otherwise about it.

But her and Lara's conversation kind of gave her a little hope that things would go well, so she went for it.

"Do you want to come to dinner next week on Saturday? To meet my parents." Hasen asked staring closely at his face, waiting for some type of reaction, but didn't see one.

True only shrugged his shoulders and said, "Yeah, I'll find Dri a babysitter."

"He can come." Hasen said, making True nod his head. "Okay, we'll be there."


What y'all think?

Another update after this

Am I back updating regularly? I dnt know yet,

Not edited so excuse mistakes

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