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Hasen sat in her daughter's new room, organizing onesies with Lara beside her, folding them and neatly arranging them in the drawers. True and Hasen had felt it was the right decision to move into their new home a week before their daughter's birth.

"I can't wait till she gets here. She's going to be with me everydayyyy" Lara spoke excitedly, eliciting a small headshake from Hasen. "You came up with a name yet?" Lara inquired, watching as Hasen folded a small white onesie in half.

"Harley," Hasen revealed, causing Lara to squeal loudly, much like a teenage girl gushing over her crush. "Lara, you're so extra!" Hasen chuckled at her friend's enthusiastic reaction. Lara turned to face Hasen, reaching over to place her hand on Hasen's round belly.

"I'm just so happy for you,seriously. You thought this was the end of your life but look how everything turned out. I can't believe you almost went and got that abortion!" Hasen chuckled at the last part of her statement to keep back the tears burning the rim of her eyes, Hasen looked down at her hands trying to focus on not crying but she couldn't help it because Lara was right.

She thought her being pregnant was the worst thing that ever happened to her. But she felt so supported even it was only her father, Lara and her boyfriend. She felt happy not only about the love she was receiving but because of her growing another human, she loved every single thing about it and True was by her side the entire time.

Hasen's lips began to quiver, and she burst into tears, prompting Lara to do the same."Don't cryyy, you're making me cry!" Lara whined while fanning her eyes. Suddenly, True interrupted them by walking into his daughter's room.

Hasen and Lara sniffled, wiping away the tears that fell. True shook his head slipping his phone into the pocket of Nike sweatpants. He crouched down to Hasen's level just to look at her.

"Cry baby. Why you always crying?" He asked flicking her bottom lip, she curled her top lip up in disgust. "You a crybaby." True teased grabbing her face giving her quick peck on her lips.

"Ima step out real quick. You good?" True asked, but Hasen frowned in response. "You can't go nowhere," she told him, and he smacked his lips. "No shit. I can't go on the porch no more?" True asked and she scrunched her face up.

"You can. But why are you going to?" Hasen asked and True stared at her. "Why you all in my business? I be In your business?" True asked playfully making the girl roll her eyes hard he definitely was all in her business she had a whole baby in her stomach for proof.

"Not to be nosy or anything but you're always in her business." Lara butted in making Hasen nod her head in agreement, True mugged her. "Shut the fuck up." He said to Lara making her gasp lowly.

He looked at Hasen, "Don't talk to her like that." Hasen told him and he sucked his teeth before standing up. "I'll be back" he told her and she stared at him.

"Okay. Only on the porch True. I'm not playing." Hasen told him, he waved her off walking out of the room. "I should get a boyfriend." Lara mentioned a slight frown on her face.

Hasen smacked her lips, "You do have a boyfriend." Hasen told her and Lara shook her head. "No I don't. We broke up." Hasen rolled her eyes because with a Lara and her weird ass love life Hasen didn't know if she should believe her or not.

"Let's go get something to eat." Hasen said using both of her hands to lift herself up off the floor, she let out a heavy sigh. Lara lifted the rest of the onesies off her lap and sat them on the floor before standing up also.

"I want Chick-fil-A," Lara mentioned as she followed Hasen downstairs to the kitchen. "I actually wanted McDonald's," Hasen responded, looking over at Lara. "Let's get both," Lara suggested, grabbing her phone and opening the Uber Eats app.

While Lara was doing that Hasen wanted to be in True's business. She exited the kitchen and went to the living room, to look outside the window seeing him exactly where he said he would be but he wasn't by himself.

Hasen moved the curtain to get a better look at the person. She knew she was being nosy but that was her boyfriend she had the right to be in his business.

Hasen recognized the boy from when True FaceTimed her while he was getting a haircut, Ryan. Hasen walked away going back into the kitchen with Lara.


Hasen diverted her attention away from the TV to glance at True, who had promised to stay awake and watch the movie she'd chosen, "Madea's Big Happy Family."

Huffing loudly she grabbed the remote shutting the TV off. "Why'd you say you'll stay up with me but you're sleeping?" Hasen complained, resting her head on his chest as his arm instinctively wrapped around her, trying to find a comfortable position again.

Frowning up at him, she felt a bit anxious about sleeping in a new place that was she was trying to keep him up. She didn't understand how he was just sleeping so comfortably.

She propped her head up with her palm, using her other hand to grab True's face. He sucked his teeth pushing her hand away.

"Can you wake up please?" Hasen grabbed his face again making his eyes open. "Your water broke?" True asked and she shook her head no.

"Then we ain't got shit to talk about go to sleep." He retorted making her mug him. "True this is serious." Hasen insisted, making him open his eyes.

"What?" True answered in an annoyed tone causing her to make a face at his tone. "I don't like the way you said that, never mind." She rolled her eyes, shifting to the other side of the bed, lying on her side, pouting.

"You are so mean. I don't like you anymore, True. I swear." Hasen ranted, she heard him suck his teeth from behind her. Her hormones were crazy so she was overly sensitive.

"Turn around bra, you bet not be pouting." She heard him say and she rolled her eyes, "or frowning" she rolled her eyes again fixing her face completely, she kept a straight face

'He think he know me.' She thought to herself.

Feeling the bed shift, True moved closer, wrapping his arm around her. "I hurt your feelings?" True asked and Hasen nodded.

"Don't give a fuck. Take yo mad ass to sleep." She pushed his arm off, sitting up abruptly, which made him laugh at her quick reaction.

"Lay yo ass down. I'm fucking with you, cmere." True grabbed her arm, pulling her back onto the bed.

This time, she faced him, resting her head on his shoulder staring at him with a mug on her face. "Crybaby," True teased, kissing her cheek then her lips twice making her fix her face.

He rested his hand on her butt, making himself comfortable. "Take yo ass to sleep " He said closing his eyes.

"Wait— let me go to sleep first." Hasen said and he sighed, "Ha- aigh." He agreed just to make her happy but he definitely knew he'd be sleep before her.


This should hold yaal !
I might update again .. dependsss ... get ready !

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