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Hasen put her key in the door, and she immediately unlocked the door and went inside her warm house.

She wasn't happy. She felt sick, when she went to the abortion clinic yesterday, she was told she'd have to be accompanied by a parent since she was under 18.

That made her feel sick to her stomach—the fact she couldn't get an abortion and that both her parents didn't know, so she'd just have to deal with it.

"That's her?" Hasen heard as she hung up her book bag and coat. Mila came out of the kitchen and stared at Hasen making Hasen mug her.

"Yea momma. That's her." Mila said, and Hasen held a look of confusion on her face.

"Momma said come here." Mila said looking Hasen up and down, Hasen felt her heart drop to her stomach.

Hasen walked to the kitchen to see Janet, Mila, and Mia sitting at the table. All of them were staring at her pregnancy test that sat there.

Janet held a disgusted look on her face as she stared at Hasen.

"Really?" Janet asked, and Hasen frowned. She didn't like that someone went in her room and touched her stuff.

"Who went in my room? Why are y'all going through my stuff?" Hasen asked, looking at all of them, and Janet's eyebrow rose in shock.

"That's what the fuck you're worried about?" Janet asked, staring at her daughter, and Hasen gulped.

"You're fucking pregnant?" Janet asked, and Hasen chewed on her bottom lip.

"Why are they sitting here? Can you just talk to me alone?" Hasen asked, and Janet tilted her head.

"Me talking to you alone is going to make me angrier than I already am." Janet said looking at Hasen, she looked back down at the pregnancy test before looking up at Hasen.

"I'm so disappointed in you. I'm disgusted. You're going to be seventeen with a fucking baby. Are you serious?" Janet asked, her anger evident in her voice. Hasen stayed silent as her mother yelled at her.

Hasen was already embarrassed and disappointed in herself; her mother's comments made it worse.

"How are you going to be successful with a damn baby on your hip? Huh?" Janet asked, getting up from her chair as she walked closer to Hasen.

"I hope you know who your damn baby's father is because you ain't staying here." Janet said, harshly glaring at Hasen.

Hasen's heart broke as tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

Mia held a look of shock on her face and said, "Momma, that's crazy. You can't kick her out." Janet looked at Mia.

"I can do what the fuck I want to do. My parents did the same thing to me. I learned my damn lesson too." Janet said as she turned to look at Hasen. Hasen's lip quivered as her mother stared at her.

She felt so disappointed and ashamed that she just wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

"She's only seventeen, Ma. Don't do that." Mia defended, "I'm not talking to you, Mia. Shut up." Janet told Mia as she kept her eyes on Hasen.

"But ma- Shut up Mia damn." Mila cut Mia off, and Mia went quiet, staring down at the floor.

"You want to be grown? Be grown and get out of my house. I'm not raising no damn child with a fucking baby." Janet said, and Hasen wiped the tears that fell.

"Momma, I didn't mean too." Hasen cried as she stared at her mother; she didn't even know why she had hoped her mother would understand her situation.

"You didn't mean too? Hasen, stop talking to me and get out of my house. You disappointed me." Janet spoke, waving Hasen off.

"Get out of my face. I don't want to look at you." Janet shook her head, walking away from Hasen.

Hasen sniffled as she left the kitchen. She grabbed her phone out of her pocket as she called her father.

"Hello?" Jordan spoke, and Hasen sniffled as she walked into her room, closing the door behind her.

"D-daddy." Hasen cried into the phone.

"What's wrong?" Jordan asked with concern hearing his daughter cry and sniffle.

"Daddy, can you come get me?" Hasen asked crying harder, "Hasen tell me what's wrong? I'm leaving right now." Jordan says

"I can't tell you over the phone. Your going to be mad." Hasen said as she walked around her room, pacing back and forth nervously.

"Hase when do I ever get mad at you? Tell me what's going on." Jordan spoke calmly, and Hasen sniffled.

"I'm pregnant; mom found out, and she told me to get out of her house." Hasen spoke quickly, and the other end of the line went quiet, making Hasen's heart beat rapidly.

"Y-your what?" Jordan stuttered, and Hasen began sobbing again.

"I'm pregnant." Hasen spoke through her cries, and Jordan hung up the phone.

Her lips quivered as she put her phone down, she began sobbing loudly into her hands. She didn't have anyone now; she wanted to call True so badly, but she didn't want to make herself look stupid if he didn't answer.

A knock came in Hasen's door, making her look up; the door opened, and Mia walked in.

"I didn't say come in." Hasen frowned as she quickly wiped her tears. Mia looked at her little sister's red and puffy eyes, making her frown.

"I know." Mia spoke quietly as she closed the door behind her.

Hasen eyed Mia as Mia sat on the bed next to her. Mia hesitantly wrapped her arms around Hasen, giving her a tight, comforting hug.

Hasen broke down crying into Mia's arm.

As much as Hasen hated Mia, Mia still wanted to comfort her. She still wanted to be there for her little sister, even if her sister hated her with a passion.


A few minutes later, Jordan was here. Hasen, Mia, and Mila were down stairs, watching their parents go back and forth.

"Do you know how hypocritical you sound? Your kicking her out for the same shit you did when you were younger!" Jordan said, raising his voice.

"You'd rather have my daughter on the streets than be a fucking mother and comfort her." Jordan added, and Janet jerked her head back.

"She's my fucking daughter too! You don't think that I'm hurt that I have to kick my youngest child out Jordan? You don't think I'm hurt?" Janet yelled, and Jordan squinted his eyes at her.

"I'm teaching her a damn lesson. Nobody's going to fucking hire her when she's got a damn baby on her hip." Janet spoke

"You want me to baby her? Im not. The father of her baby isn't even present right now, and you want me to comfort her when she's not even in a stable relationship for her baby?" Janet added, and Jordan looked at her with disgust—he didn't even know why he married her.He shook his head, knowing he should've seen the red flags before.

Jordan looked away from Janet and looked at Hasen, who stood with a solemn expression on her face.

"Go get your stuff, now." Jordan told her sternly, Hasen listened to her father immediately going upstairs to get her things.

Jordan was disappointed with Hasen, but kicking her out was something he wouldn't do.

Pregnancy was was definitely something he didn't want for his daughter right now, but Hasen made her own decisions, and there was nothing he could do about it.


This was already published but it got deleted , and the next chapter— I was so scared I wouldn't get it back

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