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Hasen rubbed her hand over her stomach as she sat on True's bed, watching this random movie she picked on Netflix to occupy herself while True was in the shower.

At first, she picked it just for something to be on while she sat on her phone, but it was getting good, and she was invested. Her phone vibrated beside her, she teared her eyes away from the screen to grab her phone. She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was her father.

She grabbed the remote, pausing the movie before answering the phone. "You okay?" Her father's voice was heard through the phone.

"Yeah. I'm fine. How are you?" Hasen asked, looking at her nails. "I'm fine also, stressed a little. Work is tiring." He responded with a sigh.

"You can take a break, you know? It's not like your taking care of a family anymore." Hasen responded, shrugging her shoulders. She heard him chuckle over the phone.

"How long do you plan on staying? You've been gone for a week now." Jordan asked, now changing the topic. Hasen shrugged her shoulders as if he could see her.

"I don't know.. I just need some space right now." Hasen responded, "Okay, that's fine." Jordan replied. Hasen continued to rub her hand over her stomach as they both sat in a minute of silence.

"Your birthday is in two days. Are you coming over?" He asked, "Of course." She answered immediately. "But don't invite her." She added quickly, making him laugh a little.

"I wasn't.. I wasn't" he said. "I just called to check on you, and I hope you're eating healthy." He said and Hasen stayed silent.

"Hasen." He spoke, and she sighed, "I ammm." She dragged out. She was, but she wasn't eating as healthy as he suggested, but she kept it in good balance.

"Okay, I love you. See you, chipmunk." Hasen said, I love you back, and the conversation ended.

Hasen sat her phone down beside her as she continued to rub her hand over her stomach. She grabbed the remote unpausing the movie. The bathroom door opened, and True walked out with a black towel wrapped around his lower half and water droplets cascading down his body.

"I watched this. Nigga died at the end." True spoiled, but Hasen wasn't even listening; her eyes were too focused on his body.

Hasen licked her lips, "Yo." True said, loudly snapping his fingers in her face. "Don't snap in my face." Hasen looked at him, and he gave her a look.

"You don't hear me talking to you?" He asked, putting on some black Nike sweat pants, "No. What did you say?" Hasen asked, watching him move around the room.

"You hungry? I am." True said instead of repeating himself from before, he walked towards her, getting into bed next to her. "And we not getting McDonald's. That shit is out, tired of that shit." he added on.

Hasen sucked her teeth; she was definitely going to say McDonald's. "Then you pick." Hasen said, touching his arm, she picked up his hand, looking at her name that was tattooed twice on his brown skin.

"I hope you don't expect me to get your name, because I won't. I still love you, though.. very much." Hasen said, rubbing the pad of her thumb over the ink. True looked at her from the corner of his eye. "You talk too much." He said looking back at his phone.

"Did they hurt?" Hasen asked, now becoming curious about his tattoos. "No." True responded, still looking at his phone. She was talking while he was on Uber Eats, trying to find them something to eat.

"When did you get your first tattoo?" Hasen asked, "13." True responded, deciding not to get anything at all. He locked his phone and looked at her, and her face scrunched up at his answer.

"Can you cook? Please." True asked, ignoring the facial expression she made, "What did your mom say?" Hasen asked, completely disregarding what he just said.

"I don't have one. Can you cook? Ain't shit on Uber eats that I want." True asked again, and she sat up. "You don't have a mother? Why? Is she dead?" Hasen asked, and True sucked his teeth.

"I'm hungry." He responded, "Why don't you have a mother?" Hasen asked, and he sucked his teeth again. He was about to get annoyed.

""Because I don't. Ima just starve, cause you ignoring the shit out of me." True said now catching an attitude because he was hungry as fuck and she wanted to be asking questions that didn't matter to him.

"So she's dead? What about your father?" Hasen asked, making True rub his hand down his face. "I don't want to talk about them. And since you don't give a fuck about me, ima just eat cereal." True replied, getting up from the bed.

Hasen's eyebrows furrowed deeply, wondering why he didn't want to talk about them. She got up and followed behind him. "Why don't you want to talk about them?" Hasen asked as they walked into the kitchen.

True didn't say nothing he grabbed a bowl and a box of lucky charms. "Don't ignore me." Hasen spoke up, and True huffed loudly.

"Why you keep questioning me?" True asked, putting the bowl back where it was and closing the box of lucky charms back up. He was not in the mood for cereal; he wanted real food.

She crossed her arms over her chest. "Because I want to know. Is that a problem?" She raised her eyebrow. "I don't want to talk about them. So yeah, it's a problem," he said, making her mug him.

"Why? It's just a simple question." Hasen said, shrugging her shoulders, and he leaned back against the counter, staring at her like she was stupid.

"Bro— Stop talking to me." His voice was filled with annoyance; he was getting fed up now. Hasen looked at him, not understanding what his problem was.

"Why are you mad? I just wanted to know. It's not like you tell me about your life anyway." She expressed.

Which was accurate. He didn't. She only knew basic things, but she didn't know everything for real, and it was lowkey starting to bother her now, especially since he was trying to brush it off and not talk about it now.

"Ain't shit to tell you.." he said with a shrug of his shoulders. "I'm hungry. Can you please cook?" True asked again, changing the topic back to the only thing that was on his mind.

She pressed her lips together, squinting her eyes at him. "Why isn't there anything to tell me?" She asked. "Because the shit don't concern you." Was his response, but he immediately regretted it once she nodded her head slowly.

"Well, your hunger doesn't concern me. Starve." She shot back, feeling salty that he said that to her. True groaned in frustration, throwing his head back. He heard her footsteps become faint, making him suck his teeth.


I wass kind of getting bored wit themmm, buttt I'm not anymore .. I was just bein lazzy

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