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Hasen chewed on her bottom lip as she waited outside for True. She was so nervous about tonight, but she just had to think positive.

Hasen saw his car pull up, she put her hand on her hip, shifting her weight to her left leg as she waited for him to park, which didn't take too long. True was walking towards her with his hood pulled over his head, so she wasn't able to see his face.

Adrian walked onside of him with his head down, looking at something. "Y'all were almost late." Hasen spoke as they now stood in front of her. "He take too long to get dressed. Like a girl." Adrian spoke, picking his head up, his hair moving out of his face as he did so. True mugged him, then turned to look at Hasen.

"You been waiting out here for all this time?" True asked Hasen, leaning down to peck her lips. "No." she lied, and True squinted his eyes at her.

"You lying?" He asked, raising his eyebrow, "nope." She lied again, and True gave her a straight face.

"Enough of that. Let's go." Hasen opened the door wider for them to walk in, and they did. She closed the door behind them and locked it.

"Wait, you got a hair tie? Mines broke." Adrian spoke up, looking at Hasen, before they walked into the dining room. "Uhmm, here." Hasen responded, grabbing the black hair tie from her wrist.

Adrian thanked her, taking it from her hand and putting his hair in a loose ponytail. They continued their walk into the dining area, where her parents were setting up the table.

Hasen took a deep breath before speaking, "This is my boyfriend True and his little brother Adrian. Ms. Netty's grandchildren." Hasen introduced them. Jordan and Janet stopped what they were doing and looked up.

"I know who he is. He can't introduce himself?" Janet asked, crossing her arms over her chest, "My names True. Hasen's boyfriend." True introduced himself, holding out his hand for them to shake, which they did.

"I remember you andd you. Hasen stayed in New York with you, and Hasen did your hair." Jordan spoke, looking at the two.

"Oop." Mila coughed out at the newfound information she just heard, and Hasen turned to look at her with a straight face. She was already starting to be messy, and Hasen didn't have time for it.

"Well, dinner is ready; obviously, my chipmunk cooked." Jordan beamed proudly at Hasen; True looked at Hasen, and so did Adrian once they heard her nickname.

"Chipmunk? Cute." True spoke, letting a laugh leave his lips. Hasen squinted her eyes at her father in disbelief that he had just called her that.

"Was her face fat? Is that why you call her chipmunk?" Adrian asked, tilting his head.

"Was it? I got pictures to show for days; after dinner, I'll show you." Jordan promised, walking into the kitchen. "Dri, how many jokes you think I could make before she get mad?" True asked, looking over at his little brother.

"I think two, maybe three." Adrian responded, nodding his head, "Fix your face, chipmunk." True spoke, wrapping his arm around her waist leaning over to kiss her cheek, but she put her hand up pushing his face away.

"Don't act like that chipmunk." He spoke, pinching her cheek. She sucked her teeth, pushing him away.

True bit down on his bottom lip, trying to stifle his laugh but obviously failing.

"It's not funny, stupid." She muttered, walking away from him, making him continue to laugh. So far, so good.


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