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"I really have a lot of shit going on; graduation is next week, and my birthday is coming up." Hasen sighed, looking over at Lara, who was walking around eating grapes in her kitchen. "Your birthday! What are you doing?" Lara asked, showing her excitement

"What can I do?" Hasen asked rhetorically and looked down at her stomach. Lara frowned at her lack of excitement and said, "Don't be like that. You can do a lot. I'll take eighteen shots for you, and you just sit there and look pretty." Hasen smiled.

"What are you wearing for graduation?" Lara asked, and Hasen shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm not really in the mood for it, to be honest, so I don't care." Hasen replied, shrugging her shoulders. Lara put some grapes in her mouth, staring at her best friend with a death glare.

"What?" Hasen asked, scrunching her face up at the way she was looking at her. "Because now you're playing. First, you don't care about your birthday; now you don't care about graduation. I'll find you something; don't worry." Lara said, shrugging her shoulders.

"I never cared about my birthday. It was too loud, too many people." Hasen said, shaking her head. She's hated her birthday since forever; she hated all the staring, the loud singing, and the people crowding around her. She just liked the few gifts and money she got.

"Well, you're going to care this year." Lara says as she puts another grape in her mouth, Hasen rolled her eyes. Hasen zoned out, staring at the wall.

She was still stuck on her mother and father; she wanted to know why she cheated. It just made her mad that her mother would do something like that. She knew their family wasn't perfect, but cheating is definitely saying fuck your family. That's how Hasen thought.

It started to make her think harder, as though her mother and father always told each other, I love you, and she still cheated. No matter how much you love a person, they could still do you wrong.

It made her think about her and True, with a plethora of questions racing around her mind, the main one being, Would he do the same thing to her? Hasen shook her head immediately, scratching that thought out. She didn't even want to think about that, but it could be possible.

"What do you think about cheating?" Hasen blurted out, making Lara raise her eyebrow. He's cheating on you?" Lara asked immediately with her face scrunched up.

"No, I'm just asking because..." Hasen trailed off, figuring out how she was going to say this. "My friend's girlfriend cheated on him; his girlfriend is also my friend." Before Hasen could finish, Lara interrupted her.

"Am I not enough? Why do you have other friends?" Lara asked, frowning, making Hasen roll her eyes. "Can I finish?" Hasen asked, and Lara nodded her head.

His girlfriend is also my friend; I love them both, and I met them at the same time. But I feel like I should be mad at her because she did that to him, and he's a really good person. Should I be mad or not?" Hasen finally finished Lara pushed her lips to the side.

"I mean, I don't think you should; just step out of it; it has nothing to do with you. It'll look like you're taking sides because you love them both and met them at the same time. So just be neutral and mind your business." Lara responded, and Hasen sighed deeply. If only they were actually her friends instead of her parents.

"And you never know what's going down in their relationship; he might've done it first. You never know."

Hasen huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Don't be so worried about it, Hase. Things happen and people grow apart; it won't affect their relationship with you." She told her

"Your right." Hasen huffed out, still sitting there with her arms crossed over her chest. Lara's eyebrows furrowed, wondering why her best friend was so upset about the situation. Instead of asking her, she decided to change the subject.

"So about your culinary degree? Tell me what happened; I'm excited to know." Lara said, and Hasen's whole mood instantly changed. "I'd originally have to be doing two to four years, but the pre-chef course I did took a year off, so I either do a year or three. But the building was huge, Lara." Hasen spoke with excitement in her voice.

Lara squealed, clapping her hands together. "I'm so happy for you. When you open your restaurant, make sure I get the first plate." Lara spoke, making Hasen laugh.


It was ten at night, and Hasen was now at True's house in his bed as they watched a random movie they picked on Netflix. Hasen wasn't into it, but True was.

"I have a question." Hasen spoke up, and True continued to look at the TV while stuffing Cinnamon Toast Crunch in his mouth. "Don't have an answer." He said making her suck her teeth.

"I'm serious." Hasen spoke; he looked away from the TV and looked at her. "If either of us cheated, don't you think our child should feel some type of way?" Hasen asked, and True squinted his eyes at her.

"You know better than to cheat on me. You ain't seen crazy yet." True said, putting more cereal in his mouth, and Hasen huffed. "It's not actually about us; I'm using us as an example. Now answer the question." Hasen said

"All kids feel a way because their family not a family no more. Shit, start changing; they gotta get a divorce, different cribs, and start fucking new people. Shit, just start changing." True stated simply, Hasen nodded her head.

"Would you cheat on me?" Hasen asked, and True immediately shook his head no. "Ain't nobody fucking with you. You know that." True said, and Hasen smiled small.

"Who cheated on who, though?" True asked, going back to the topic being nosy. Hasen rolled her eyes. She began chewing on her bottom lip, deciding if she should tell him or keep the family matter private.

"My mom cheated on my dad." Hasen said, and True looked at her with his eyebrows raised up, "Word? Why?" True asked, putting more cereal in his mouth.

"Because... I don't know. She just did, and I just think that's so fucked up." Hasen said, shaking her head. "Like you say those vows and completely go against them. That's trifling." Hasen shook her head. True looked at her, seeing that she was upset.

He placed the bowl of cereal down before pecking her lips and saying, "Don't worry bout it too much." She licked her lips, staring at him.

"Your lips taste like cinnamon; move." Hasen said, pushing his face away. He smirked before licking his lips, pushing her hand away before kissing her lips again. "You gon stop worrying about it? That shit gon stress you, and youn need that." True said

Hasen sighed before nodding her head. She'll try.

"Now come with me to the kitchen; I want more cereal." True said, grabbing his bowl. Hasen rolled her eyes before getting up.


I'm going to bed now .

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