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Hasen shut her laptop, happy that the class finally ended so she could go to the bathroom. Hasen walked into the bathroom and immediately pulled her panties down to sit on the toilet, releasing her bladder.

She let out a low sigh of relief as she finished her business, wiping herself and washing her hands. Hasen walked out of the bathroom shaking her hands off, making True look towards her, then looking back at Call of Duty before pausing it.

"The baby does too much, I swear. Even when I don't have to pee, I'm always rushing to the bathroom having to pee." Hasen expressed as she let out a tired sigh, walking towards him. She stood in front of him, looking up at him.

True leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips, wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her closer before kissing all over her face, making a smile grace her lips.

This is how it has been for the past four months;unconditional affection. She felt as though she was overreacting a little about being pregnant because everything was going smoothly.

She attended all her classes regularly, even her culinary class, and she was on top of everything. She was proud of herself.

True even moved to Maryland so they could be closer, being as though they weren't moving in together anytime soon, he had to come up with a different solution.

"She don't know no better." True spoke up, pulling away, making Hasen roll her eyes, "Don't even know if it's a girl." Hasen spoke up, shaking her head.

"I know it is." True said making Hasen roll her eyes again from how hellbent he was on having a girl. Hasen didn't care about the gender; she just wanted them to be healthy.

"You know that gender reveal thing you were telling me about?" Hasen asked as she sat on the bed, and True sat down next to her. He nodded his head, waiting for her to continue.

"I don't think we should do it..I only have one friend, and I don't have much of a family right now, so there won't be anyone to invite." Hasen voiced, "I hope you understand. I know you wanted to do it." She added staring at him, searching his face for a reaction, but his face remained still.

They were both working on communicating with each other better, and from where they first started, their communication definitely improved. But there was always room for more improvement.

"Yeah, I understand; I ain't want nothing big anyway. Just me, you and Adrian is cool, and you could invite Laura." True responded leaning over and pressing his lips against her cheek.

"Your so sweet." Hasen spoke as she grabbed his face, getting ready to kiss him, but he turned his head.

"I'm not sweet; don't say that shit." True said, making Hasen roll her eyes, "Your sweet, you know you are. Your so sweet to me; I like it." Hasen continued on, letting a laugh out as a frown appeared on his face.

"Get off me." True spoke, moving her hands off his face.

"Shut up. I like that you're sweet to me. You were mean and annoying at first." Hasen said moving closer to him, she got all in his personal space, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Lies. Stop lying; I was never mean or annoying." True spoke, shaking his head.

"I have to go home tomorrow; are you going to miss me?" Hasen asked, lifting her head off his shoulder.

True straight faced her definitely not happy about her going home as always.

"You know I am." True responded shortly, laying back on the bed making Hasen laugh a little; she immediately sensed the attitude he just acquired so quickly.

"I hope you aren't sad." Hasen spoke as she climbed on top of him, straddling his lap; his hands immediately went to her waist. True remained silent and just stared at her.

"Don't act like that. We still see each other." Hasen added, putting her hands on his chest, and he just stared at her before a wide grin went on his face.

"Remember when you took a trip to pound-." True started to say, but Hasen's hand went over his mouth quickly, and she stared at him with a frown on her face.

"Your so annoying." Hasen huffed out, True removed her hand from his mouth, the wide grin still on his face.

"You remember though. You remember that shit very well." True continued on. Hasen let out a huff of an annoyance getting ready to get off him, but he held his hand on her hips, holding her down so she wouldn't move.

"Your stomach getting big." True spoke, lifting her shirt up a little to get a look at her round stomach, he placed his hands on her stomach rubbing it gently.

"I know, I'm just glad it doesn't-." Hasen was cut off by a weird feeling in her stomach, like a butterfly was moving around in her stomach. She couldn't describe the feeling, but it felt quick and weird.

"You felt that?" True asked with shock and happiness laced in his voice.

"You did that?" Hasen asked, staring down at him with a confused look on her face. True shook his head, "no."

"Nah, they moved." True responded moving his hands over her stomach slowly, hoping to get a reaction out of their child again.

"True, stop it. You're probably disturbing them." Hasen told him looking down at her stomach as well, trying to see what he saw. True continued moving his hands over her stomach.

"She don't want to do it again." True mumbled, and Hasen smacked her lips, moving his hands off her stomach.

"Let me try." Hasen spoke up, taking action into her own hands. She pressed her hand softly against the bottom of her belly, hoping to get a reaction, but she didn't.

"I don't think they want to do it anymore." Hasen told True as she pressed her hand against the side of her stomach, she felt the familiar quick flutter she felt before.

The action made her heart race, and a big smile went on True's face. Both of them felt like three-year-olds in a candy shop.

They were experiencing a series of emotions, happiness and shock being two, maybe some other emotions that can't be described; everything about this was all so new to them, and they wouldn't lie and say they weren't scared, but they felt more happy than scared.


I didn't mean to be gone that long, I took me so long to finally write a chapter and be satisfied with it. I'm happy that y'all stayed though, especially the ones posting on my message board I see y'all 😘.

I'm not still as satisfied as I want to be with the chapter but I left y'all hanging long enough sorrrrry!!

Four months time skip, it's may just to let y'all know. And I'll try to update ride out if I can !

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