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Hasen looked over Dri's shoulder as he made her a bowl of ramen noodles. She didn't know how to make them, and True wasn't here, so Dri offered. "Do you know where your brother is?" Hasen asked him, and Adrian ripped open the seasoning packet for the noodles.

"He went to the store." Adrian responded, and Hasen let out a melancholy sigh. She was confused; he didn't talk much when they came into the house yesterday. He actually didn't even come in the house with them; he stayed in the car to smoke, and when he came in, he went right to sleep.

He stayed on his side of the bed the whole night; not once did he move her over towards him. He was giving off the impression that he was mad at her, and she hoped that wasn't it.

She didn't even wake up to him this morning, which only made her be in her thoughts more. "Finished!" Adrian called out, making Hasen snap out of her thoughts, and she turned to look at him. "Hm, are you sure these are going to be good?" She asked, and Adrian stared at her blankly.

"I'm the best noodle maker ever." Adrian boosted himself, and Hasen shrugged her shoulders. "I'll see for myself." She spoke, using her fork to put some noddles in her mouth.

Adrian raised an eyebrow, watching her chew, "9.5/10. I can't hype you too much." Hasen said making him suck his teeth and wave her off.

"If you need anything else, I'll be in the living room." Adrian told her, and before Hasen got to say anything, he took off into the living room, jumping on the couch.

Hasen heard the door open; she would've went to it, but she stayed in her spot, eating her noodles. "Hasen woke?" She heard True ask Adrian, and she soon saw him walk into the kitchen with a bouquet of 100 pink carnations for her.

Hasen smiled, but it dropped. She remembered how he was acting funny toward her. "I'm sorry." True spoke, looking at her. Hasen put her bowl down, taking the flowers from him. "Why?" She asked, staring down at the flowers, touching them, then looking back up at him.

"For getting out of character and talking to your moms like that.." he spoke lowly. "It's okay; I'm not mad at you. I understand." Hasen told him, and he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. He leaned over and kissed her cheek, then her lips.

"But are you mad at me?" Hasen asked, sitting the flowers down on the counter, and True scrunched his face up, shaking his head no. "Don't lie." Hasen said, frowning.

"I'm not lying. Why you think I'm mad at you?" He asked, pulling her towards him so she could stand in between his legs.

She sighed deeply, crossing her arms over her chest as he put his hands on her waist. "Because you were acting like it last night, and you didn't sleep next to me." Hasen countered

"I did sleep next to you." He told her with his eyebrows furrowed, "You were laying next to me; you didn't touch me or anything." She said tilting her head at him.

"I was high; I wasn't mad at you. Calm down." True assured her, and she pressed her lips together, letting out a hum. "mhm."

"I'm not mad at you." He assured her once more, Hasen squinted her eyes at him. "And you sure you aren't lying to me?" Hasen asked, making True laugh a little.

"No, I'm not lying; on my brother, I wasn't mad at you." He replied, making Hasen drop her frown and give him a slight smile.

"Give me a kiss." He demanded, and Hasen scrunched her face up at his demand. "Can I have a kiss, please?" True asked nicely, and Hasen nodded her head.

"Much better." She said, lifting her head up and pecking his lips twice before pulling away.

"I saw those baby pictures too. Chipmunk." True teased her, pinching her cheek, and she pushed his hand away. "Would you stop, you're annoying." She fussed, rolling her eyes, moving away from him.

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