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Hasen entered the ICE building, the school she was set to attend next month, Hasen headed toward the front desk where a white woman in her thirties, deeply engrossed in typing, caught her attention.

"Good morning. I'm Has-" The woman lifted a finger, Interrupting Hasen as she answered a ringing phone. Hasen bit down on her bottom lip, and her eyes squinted.

"Okay. Thank you." The woman ended the call. "How can I help you?" she asked, adjusting her glasses giving Hasen an up and down.

"I'm here to see my instructor," Hasen replied. The woman sat her glasses on her nose looking at her with raised eyebrows. "You attend here?" Hasen pushed her lips to the side and her hands started to feel clammy. "Yeah, I do." Hasen answered.

"That's different. We don't often have expectant mothers here," the woman remarked with a chuckle, leaving Hasen to make a face at her comment. The fuck is that supposed to mean?

"Im not finding anything funny. Did I miss the joke?" Hasen inquired staring at her with a raised eyebrow, the woman halted in her laughter.

"Oh, no, I mean... Mr. Carter is waiting for you. You can—"

"I know," Hasen interrupted, rolling her eyes before striding down the hallway. Hasen whole mood was fucked up now, she could feel that lady judging her behind the foggy ass glasses she had on.

Sighing heavily, Hasen reached the elevator and pressed the button with her knuckle, aware that it was for staff use. But what she looked like walking up stairs almost 9 months pregnant.

The elevator chimed, its doors sliding open. Hasen stepped inside and pressed the button for the second floor, reaching her destination swiftly.

Exiting the elevator, she approached Mr. Carter's office, adjacent to the culinary work kitchen. Hasen knocked on the wooden door softly, she heard him say come in so she walked in.

"Good morning Ms.Walker." He greeted her as soon as he seen her face. The thirty-something Black man adjusted his glasses. "Good morning. I wanted to talk to you," Hasen said, closing the door behind her.

Mr. Carter gestured for her to take a seat, and she settled into the black chair opposite his desk, nervously rubbing her hands on her legs.

"I'm having a baby soon.. and you know that." Hasen began. This was harder than she thought; since the baby would be here soon she'd have to miss a month or two of school to take care of her baby.

It wasn't part of her plan, but sometimes you have to sacrifice things to take care of other responsibilities and that's what she was doing even if she felt —— knew she'd be far behind.

"I just wanted you to know I won't be here for class during the first two months.." Hasen explained. Mr. Carter stroked his beard, nodding thoughtfully.

"And what do you want me to do about that?" Hasen jerked her head back, she made a face but it quickly changed. Mr. Carter chuckled, noticing the change in her demeanor.

"I'm not saying it rudely. I'm asking honestly, what can I do to help you with that? Because you'll be behind." he clarified. She nodded her head "I know that.." Hasen spoke in defeat, she looked away from him once it went silent averting her gaze to her French-tipped nails.

Mr.Carter stared at her tapping his blue pen on the desk, "how many months are you?" He inquired. Hasen met his gaze. "I'll be nine months next week."

Mr.Carter nodded his head.

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