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Hasen sighed deeply as she pulled on her hoodie. Lara was waiting for her outside, and she had just finished getting ready.

Hasen turned off her light before closing the door to her bedroom. She walked downstairs, holding her phone and coat.

Hasen walked toward the front door only to be stopped by her father.

"You okay? Put your coat on; it's snowing." Jordan told her, and Hasen knew he wouldn't let her leave the house without seeing her put her coat on.

Hasen put her phone in the pocket of the sweatpants she had on.

Hasen put her coat on, and Jordan nodded his head in approval.

"I love you; call me if you need anything." He told her, and Hasen nodded her head as she left the house.

As snow fell from the sky, Hasen walked towards Lara's car, some of it falling on her face.

Hasen opened the car door, immediately getting into the warm space.

"How do you feel?" Lara asked, reaching over, and placing her hand on Hasen's stomach, making Hasen mug her.

Lara quickly moved her hand, laughing.

"Sorry." Lara said, and Hasen rolled her eyes. Before Lara could pull off something caught her eye, making her tap Hasen's arm repeatedly.

"I see True! Look!" Lara spoke up, pointing out the window.

Hasen made a face as she watched him get out of his car and walk across to where Lara's car was.

Hasen sunk low in her seat, a frown on her face. She didn't know why he was here or why he was coming to Lara's car.

"He's coming over here!" Lara said with a shocked look on her face, and Hasen huffed.

True walked over to the passenger where Hasen was before knocking on the window.

"Don't." Hasen said to Lara, shaking her head

"He sees us. I don't have tint." Lara says

"So. Don't be scared of him; he won't do anything." Hasen spoke as True continued to knock on the window.

True walked over to Lara's side, knocking on the window, "I'll do the talking, just stay low." Lara says rolling down the window a little bit.

"Goodmorning." Lara spoke happily, but True held a monotone expression.

"Unlock the door." True said, and Lara's eyebrows furrowed.

"Why?" Lara asked, and True sucked his teeth, getting impatient.

"Both of y'all better stop fucking playing with me. Unlock the door." True spoke seriously, and Hasen sighed at the tone of his voice, which indicated that he was serious.

Hasen sat up in her seat before tapping Lara's arm.

"Unlock the door, La." Hasen said, and Lara looked at her.

"You sure?" Lara asked, and Hasen nodded her head.

Lara unlocked the door, Hasen got out of the car slowly, and True was standing in front of her.

Hasen closed the car door before rolling her eyes and walking past him. True followed behind her as they silently walked to the front door of her dads house.

Hasen took her keys out of her pocket before unlocking the door; they both walked in, and True closed and locked the door behind them.

True just stared at her, he missed her a lot and he wanted to kiss all over her face right now but from the way she mugged him he knew she wasn't going for it.

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