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"What's your favorite thing about me?" Hasen asked randomly, looking down at True as he sat on the bed, softly rubbing cocoa butter on her stomach. True squinted his eyes, rubbing circular motions on her stomach. "Why are you taking so long? Do you not like anything about me?" Hasen asked, frowning deeply.

True sucked his teeth and said, "Give me a minute, damn." making Hasen roll her eyes. "I don't have a favorite thing about you. I love everything about you; you so beautiful too." True responded truthfully, looking at her, Hasen gave him a bright smile. "Awee." She cooed, rubbing the side of his face.

"Make sure you get the left side; you always forget." Hasen mentioned leaning down and placing a quick kiss on his forehead, True scrunched his face up. "Why you giving me forehead kisses like ima bitch? Ion like that." True spoke, shaking his head; He definitely liked it.

Hasen hummed, rolling her eyes, not believing that he didn't like it. "Did you know you can have a jellyfish as a pet?" Hasen asked, tilting her head. True looked up, giving her a quick glance, then looked back down, rubbing the last of the cocoa butter on his hands on her left side.

"I'm done. You want one?" True asked standing up, and Hasen shook her head no. "I just wanted to inform you." She responded grabbing the remote from his bed.

"I need another crib. I only got two bedrooms here; I need three." True said, grabbing his phone off the nightstand and checking the time. "Why?" Hasen asked, looking for something to watch on Netflix.

"For the baby." True responded, typing on his phone, "Who said the baby's going to live with you?" Hasen asked now looking at him.

"They're going to stay with me from time to time. Since we not moving in together no time soon, that'll be the best option." True responded, and Hasen squinted her eyes at him.

"Why are you saying it like that?" Hasen asked, scrunching her face up at him, "I don't like the way you're saying that. Like you don't want to be with me or something." Hasen frowned at him.

True stared at her with a look of confusion, because he definitely wasn't saying all that. Those words would never even come out of his mouth. "See, and now you're not saying anything. If you don't want to be together, no more than okay. Just say it." Hasen spoke with a hint of sadness in her voice.

True gave her a blank stare. It was definitely her hormones doing this.

"I never said none of that; don't put words in my mouth." True said, grabbing her arm to pull her towards him. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and she continued to stare at him with a frown on her face.

"We together forever. You know that. Fix your face, pretty girl." True told her, giving her a kiss on the lips.

"You don't want to move in together right now, right?" True asked, and Hasen stayed quiet before shrugging her shoulders. "I don't know anymore." Hasen responded honestly, "Aight, I'll hold on to the new apartment shit. I'll wait for you." True assured her kissing her cheek.

"Why you still mugging? Fix yo face." True mumble before kissing all over her face, her mug immediately turned into a big smile.

"Okayyy stop." Hasen dragged out, trying to push his face away, but he pulled her closer smothering her with kisses. "Stooop ittt. Don't you have to do coaching or something?" Hasen said, finally pushing his face away.

"Fuck them, kids." True responded, kissing her cheek, "You can't say that." Hasen spoke, hitting his arm.

"Why?" True asked, scrunching his face up, "What do you mean, why stupid? I'm pregnant with your baby. You just said, fuck them kids, and you coach them; that's really not nice to say." Hasen voiced looking at him like he was crazy, True sucked just teeth.

"I ain't say fuck my kid. I said, fuck them; they not my kids. I swear, I don't even like them like that." True said, shaking his head and unwrapping his arms from around her. Hasen rolled her eyes.

"I like your job; I've never seen someone pick coaching basketball in real life." Hasen stated, sitting down on his bed, "I just started; I ain't think I'd be doing this shit either. Don't even like them like that dead ass." True said, grabbing one of his black shirts out of his closet.

"For someone to love his unborn and little brother sooo much, you sure do have allllooott to say about not liking kids." Hasen said, side-eyeing him, "For one, that's my seed. My baby different from these lil motherfuckers people call kids. She just better simple." True said, shrugging his shoulders.

"And my little brother, he just a mini me. So he different." True added on, putting on his sneakers. "Are you going to be back late?" Hasen asked

"I shouldn't; I'll let you know if I do." True replied, standing up. He walked towards her, grabbing her jaw to pucker her lips up. True leaned down, meeting her lips.

"Ima miss you." True spoke, pressing another kiss to her lips, "You won't be that long." Hasen said as he let her face go.

"Don't fall asleep on me either." True called out as he walked out of the room, and Hasen rolled her eyes. She wasn't staying up for anybody; if she was tired, she was going to sleep.


Hasen closed her laptop with a sigh of satisfaction. "You finally done with that essay?" Lara asked, looking down at her phone, and Hasen nodded her head.

"It's almost ten o'clock. He's taking too long to come home." Hasen frowned, repositioning herself on the couch. Lara popped her head into the camera with white foam on her face. "Your such a my man, my man ass girl now. I hate you, like, we get it, yourrr mannn loves you, just keep rubbing it in my face." Lara joked, rolling her eyes.

"I'm not." Hasen denied and Lara pressed her lips together, squinting her eyes, not believing her at all. Hasen bit down on her bottom lip, trying to suppress her smile.

"Okayyyy. Stop looking at me like that." Hasen spoke, making Lara nod her head. "Are you using a new face wash?" Hasen asked, and Lara nodded her head, washing her face off.

"what is--" Hasen began speaking but was cut off when True walked through the door.

"Who you on the phone with?" Hasen heard True making her look up from the phone to see him standing there looking at her with low eyes, "Lara." Hasen responded. Lara popped her head into the camera, hearing her name be called. True jerked his head back, seeing a red tint on her face.

"The fuck.." True mumbled, but Hasen and Lara heard him. He was definitely about to make a joke, but he was tired as fuck.

"It's my skin care. Jeez." Lara responded, rolling her eyes, "I'll call you tomorrow, love. Give my niece some rest." Lara spoke, Hasen told her bye, and they ended the call.

"Dri sleep?" True asked, leaning down to kiss her. Hasen nodded her head, looking up at him once he pulled away. "Right after we ate, actually. Are you hungry? Your foods in the microwave." Hasen told him getting up off the couch, and she walked his way.

"Nah, fuck it; I'm tired as fuck. We about to go to bed." True spoke groggily, rubbing his eye while grabbing Hasen's hand leading her to his room.


I be tryna update but it just don't be good enough for me.

Any Questions?

Also we can see their communication is improvinggg. Love thattt!

Also recommendations for books to read? I ask y'all thisss aalll the timeee, because I wana read new stuff.

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