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It was Monday morning, and the young couple had plans today. Proceeding with the plans they made on Saturday to go get a look at the homes they (Hasen) picked

Surprisingly, True was up and ready before Hasen, which was a complete role reversal from their usual routine. Normally, Hasen would be the one up and ready before True.

She had just finished getting dressed in a simple gray skim set. To keep her swollen feet comfortable, she slipped on a pair of crocs, the only shoes that didn't bother her.

As Hasen reached for her perfume bottle, her phone suddenly rang. She quickly glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was her dad. Without any hesitation, she answered the phone.

"I haven't spoken to you since Saturday; you can't call?" Jordan voiced with concern, causing her to scrunch her face up because of him not greeting her, and they just spoke Sunday, but he was dramatic. "Good morning to you too." She spoke, making him laugh.

"Good morning, Hase. What you doing today?" He asked, "Me and True are going to look at houses today." Hasen answered. Jordan hummed, "That's nice. Did you make sure that it's close to the school? You don't want to be really—I know that."Hasen cut him off.

"Just making sure you know. Can you handle this? Do you need to call me? They might try to mess y'all over because it's your first house." Jordan questioned, "True knows what to do. This isn't his first time doing this." Hasen answered

Jordan and Hasen bid their goodbyes. Hasen looked up, seeing True walk into his room. He was too busy with his head in his phone to notice her staring at him.

"Do you see it?" She heard Adrian voice loudly turning his camera to show his brother his ice cream. "Yeah, I do; that shit look disgusting." True said, looking at the chocolate ice cream Adrian was showing him. "No, it don't. Shut up." Adrian rebutted, hanging up quickly, so he got the last word.

True put his phone in the pocket of his gray Nike sweatpants. "You ready?" True asked, his tongue swiping across his bottom lip as he stared at Hasen in her skims leggings.

"Did you ask permission?" Hasen asked, and he squinted his eyes at her, confused about what she was talking about. He then caught on, making him suck his teeth. She was asking if he asked for permission to do what he had to do today, which involved going to another state.

"You tryna be funny; I'm not fucking with it." He mugged her before walking out of his room, leaving her to follow behind him and laugh. "Don't get mad. I was just making sure." She said and she heard him suck his teeth, making her laugh a little harder.


The 3-hour car ride from Maryland to Manhattan, New York, was so boring for True at the second hour. Hasen was up and talking to him for the first hour, and then when he stopped at a red light to look at her after her being quiet for a few minutes, she was asleep, and she stayed asleep till they got there.

Manhattan was the first stop for the house Hasen chose, and the realtor showed them around. The home was beautiful, and it had three bedrooms, and that's all that mattered to True, but when he looked at Hasen her lips were curled up, and her arms were crossed over her chest as her eyes raked the home in dissatisfaction. "I don't like it." She declared her voice tinged with disappointment.

That led them to the second option that Hasen chose, a beautiful brownstone in Harlem. The realtor guided them through each room,highlighting the unique features of the house.

Hasen liked it; she liked it better than the house before, but True's opinion mattered as well. But when she looked over at True to see if he would say something about the house he didn't, making her frown a little.

What was the point of them moving in together or finding somewhere for them if he was going to include his input?

But True didn't really care; if she liked it, he loved it. He just wanted somewhere his family would be comfortable.

"Do you have any questions or concerns?" The older woman asked, holding her clipboard in front of her staring at them. True held a neutral expression on his face while Hasen's eyes looked around the brownstone.

"Can we look around again?" Hasen asked, looking at the woman in front of them. "Ofcourse." She responded, and she walked off, leaving them to explore on their own.

Hasen pulled True's hand, dragging him upstairs so they could look at the rooms again. They entered the first room on the right. "You not fucking with it?" True asked, looking over at Hasen, and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know what that is. Use yo words." He said, standing in front of her, "I don't know." She shrugged her shoulders and looked around the room again. True stared at her with a confused look on his face, trying to figure out how her mind was working right now, but she was being closed off.

Grabbing her chin, he turned her head so he could look at her face. She held a slight mug. "What's ya problem?" He asked, making her shrug her shoulders.

"Why won't you say anything? This is the second house, and you haven't gave an opinion on anything. We're supposed to be doing this together." Hasen voiced, and he laughed a little, making her mug him. "Bro, we are. I'm right here." He responded, and she sucked her teeth.

"But you aren't giving your opinion on anything; you're just letting me do it by myself." He didn't see it as much of a problem, but an 8-month pregnant woman would get emotional about anything.

He licked his lips and tilted his head at her. "You really in yo feelings?" "Yes." She spat out as a tear slipped from her eye, making her wipe it quickly. Her hormones were crazy.

He sucked his teeth, grabbing her arms and pulling her towards him. His hands went to her waist as he stared down at her. "Baby, don't cry. You like the house?" True asked

"I guess so, but-- if you like it, I love it. Shit, not that serious." He cut her off, and she frowned. "But it is, and you're just saying that to make me feel better." She responded, and he cracked a smile.

"I lie to you?"

"No." She answered, "Aigh, then, if I say I fuck with it, then I fuck with it; it's whatever you want." He pecked her lips softly and pulled back to see a small smile on her face. "And you do whatever you wanna do with the decorating shit." He pecked her lips again and pulled back, and the small smile she had before was wider.

"Okay." She said she leaned up, pecking his lips repeatedly. "I love you. You love me?" He asked, licking his lips, and she nodded her head. "Say that shit then." He said, gripping her butt making her laugh.

"I love you, True."

Everything in their lives was going fast, but it was going smoothly, with a few bumps here and there. Just a few more things had to fall into place, and they'd be set and content with their new life.



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