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Hasen lips parted as True thrusted in and out of her slowly, "Shit" she stammered. "Ba-mhmm baby waaittt." Hasen moaned out pressing her hand against his stomach trying to create some space between them.

The first second of free time they got away from their active ass 8-month-old and True's brother who now occupied his time with friends.

True took the chance to turn Hasen every way but loose. "Oh god— ohh my" Hasen breathing hitched as True lifted both of legs placing them on his shoulders

Her eyes rolling to the back of her head feeling him go deeper. "I-i love you so muchhh ohhh goood" Hasen moaned out her nails digging into True's back

"Mhm I know baby" True kissed her jaw, his thrust growing slower and sloppier feeling her clench around him he gripped the back of her thighs leaning down connecting their lips, the kiss started slow and sloppy then it turned into soft pecks

True removed his lips from hers, their lips brushing against eachother as they both breathe heavily. "Uhh Oh my god, yes daddy right there." Hasen moaned moving her hands down his back digging her nails into his skin when he hit a certain spot repeatedly.

"Fuuuck—-" Hasen moaned against his lips "oh shit.." He breathed out, his lips touching her jaw. Hasen couldn't even say much, her mouth fell open and her eyes were closed tightly feeling her orgasm rush through her body.

True pulled out of her flipping her over on her stomach making her look back at him with a slight frown. She acted like she hated when he threw her around but she loved that shit.

True grabbed her hips lifting her ass up, Hasen deepened her arch stretching her arms to the top of the bed. Hasen bit her lip feeling his tip at her entrance enter her slowly. "Mhmm" Hasen fisted the sheets beneath her tightly, as True stroked in and out of her slowly

Her mouth fell open feeling him give her slow strokes, "Mhmm... fuck." Hasen moaned out feeling him pick up his pace. "Fuck." True grunted removing one of his hands from her hips to her back pushing it down more to deepen her arch

She removed her hands from the sheets gripping the pillow infront of her. "Ohh fuckk" Hasen whispered, The heavy breathing between the two, the sound of their sweaty skin slapping together and the headboard hitting against the wall was the only sound filling the room

Hasen yelped feeling him grab her neck pulling her to his chest, his other arm wrapped around her stomach his strokes being slow letting Hasen feel every inch.

"Ohh—-fuckkk" Hasen moaned out, True's grip on her neck tightened as he placed kisses on the side of her face. "You love me?" True asked lowly

Hasen nodded her head not being able to give a verbal response, "Talk to me baby, tell me you love me. Tell me how this shit feel." True strokes became faster Hasen eyes fluttered as her mouth fell open her nails digging into his arm

"Mhmm daddy I love you, mh—-mhmm I love you, it feel so goood" Hasen moaned out, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth feeling him slow down again. True grabbed Hasen's jaw forcing her to look his way pulling her into a kiss

Kissing her lips slowly, he sucked on her bottom lip, as he stroked her deeply. "Ohh" Hasen moaned against his lips her nails making marks into his skin as her body heated up her eyebrows furrowed deeply feeling the immense amount of pleasure.

"Hm you love this dick?" True asked, Hasen nodded her head. She felt True slap her thigh making her whimper, "words ma." True demanded. "I love t-this mhmm—- I love this dickkk!" Hasen moaned out, she clenched around him her body feeling tingly their heavy breathing becoming louder as they both reached their climax.


After Hasen and True took a shower, and a nap. As soon as they knew it their baby girl was being dropped off by Lara. Hasen opened the door, being met with Lara who held Harley and the baby bag hanging off her shoulder. Hasen smiled seeing Harley, which Harley mimicked. "Did you have fun?" Hasen asked grabbing her daughter from her best friend's arms.

"Of course she had fun. Who doesn't have fun with their aunt?" Lara asked dropping the baby bag on the floor causing Hasen to shake her head. Lara squinted her eyes at her best friend watching her walk away.

"I know that walk.." Lara remarked, closing the door behind her. Hasen glanced back at Lara, a puzzled expression on her face. "What walk?" Hasen inquired like she didn't know what she was talking about, and Lara pursed her lips in response.

"That I just got dick walk. You are not slick." Lara stated, causing Hasen to frown. "Girl, I have no idea what you're talking about," Hasen denied her best friend's accusations.

Lara rolled her eyes, saying, "You don't got to be shy, I know you fucking. The proof is literally in your arms." Lara nodded towards Harley.  Hasen pushed her lips to the side to suppress her laughter but Lara could see right through her.

After a brief chat, Hasen and Lara said their goodbyes. Hasen made her way upstairs with Harley in her arms. "You want to see daddy?" Hasen asked looking at her daughter Harley made a humming noise in response

Hasen planted a kiss on her baby's forehead before entering her and Trues' room. True sat against the headboard, rolling a blunt. "Put that away." Hasen told him his eyes shifted from the blunt to her. His face lighting up seeing his daughter

Harley had the same reaction for him, her arms immediately reaching out for him. True finished rolling the blunt, as Hasen placed Harley on the bed he sat the blunt on the nightstand. His focus shifted to his daughter, who crawled toward him. "Daddy missed you, baby," True said, lifting her up and peppering her face with kisses.

High-pitched squeals and giggles filled the room, bringing a smile to Hasen's face as she took a seat beside them. Harley attempted to give him a kiss back, but instead, she placed a glob of drool on his cheek making him scrunch his face up.

"Awww!" Hasen cooed at the action, finding it cute, but True mugged his daughter. "Ain't shit cute about that." he remarked, which made Hasen burst into laughter. Her laughter, in turn, made Harley giggle, and True just mugged both of them.


I gave yall a little scene ! Yaal happy ? Yaal better be happy ! Luv yaall !

Y'all got questions ? Or anything ?

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