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It was almost 8 AM. True usually didn't wake up this early. But now, with a baby, his waking hours had changed. Since both Harley and Hasen were still asleep, True had time to call Hasen's dad, Jordan, to talk about how Hasen's been acting for the past week. He didn't understand what was wrong with her so he went to Jordan for answers.

"I don't know what's wrong with her." True told Jordan. "She been like this for a week." True added. "How is she feeling today?" Jordan asked.

"Same way she been feeling for the past few days, she not eating, I just stared making her go to sleep." True explained. Jordan sighed, "It sounds like Postpartum.. Janet had it too. Hers was different though" Jordan told him.

"You expect me to know what postpartum is?" True asked making Jordan huff before explaining, "Itd basically a mood disorder that affects women after childbirth, causing sadness, exhaustion and things like that. It may interfere with bonding with the child" Jordan explained making True squint his eyes.

"When do this shit go away? Do it go away?" True asked, "It can last up to months, maybe even longer." Jordan answered.

True looked at Hasen, he ain't like this not one bit. He wanted memories to be made like it was when she was pregnant, he wanted his girlfriend happy but instead she was unhappy.

"It can be treated." Jordan added on making True nod his head. "Aigh, we getting somewhere."

"She can get on medicat—-" Jordan started off but True quickly cut him off, "That's dead. I'm not doing that." True told him.

"If it's what's best for her then why not?" Jordan asked confused, making True jerk his head back. he got up off the bed, giving Hasen one last look before exiting the room closing the door behind him.

"It's not what's best for her. What I look like given her medication every hour just to make her happy? That shit don't even work for real." True said, Jordan laughed a little. "Well True there's other alternatives but I feel medication would be more effective." Jordan stated his opinion.

"Give me the other options because I'm not giving her pills." True asserted, "True you called me saying you didn't know what was wrong with her. Now that I tell you what is wrong with her , and I give you the solution you don't want to consider it?" Jordan asked a chuckle of disbelief escaping his lips.

"I called you to ask for help. Nigga doping my girl up with medicine ain't help. I say this with all the respect I got for you J but putting my girl on pills not happening." True stated firmly, he was irritated that Jordan wasn't listening to what he was saying so if he was going to have to be a little rude with it to get to him then he was going to do that.

"I say this with all the respect for you. I love you for my daughter son, I really do, and  I respect you even more for my granddaughter but I'm Hasen's father. You being her boyfriend and not her husband means your decisions aren't really valid." Jordan stated and True bit down on his bottom lip to refrain himself from flashing out.

He loved his girlfriend— the mother of his child —- soon to be wife very soon , he was about to flash out on Jordan but he had to remind himself that this was his daughters grandfather and his girlfriends father so instead he laughed. Most likely a crazy laugh because he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

"I'm tryna change I really am, so ima let you have that. Ain't no decision making without True saying so." True stated simply hanging up the phone. True took a deep breath, before walking back into the room closing the door behind him,

He tossed his phone onto the bed. Hasen sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked, noticing the expression on his face. She also noticed his face turning slightly red, so she knew he was upset.

"Why do you look like that? You look weird" Hasen told him as she sat up completely. True wanted to laughed but he was too heated.

True sat down beside her, his leg began bouncing up and down. "From you fathers words you got Postpartum disease or some shit like that and he think doping you up gon make you better— I'm not having that— then he tried.." True took a deep breath rubbing a hand down his face.

Hasen stared at him blankly, "Can you explain that again? I didn't understand anything you were saying." Hasen said making True huff before telling her everything that transpired a few minutes ago.

"I ain't even mean to disrespect your father but he had me fucked up." True said, Hasen stared at him. She didn't like the idea of her father and boyfriend being on bad terms, but she understood where True was coming from.

"You didn't disrespect him you just gave your opinion." Hasen told him, "He told me because I'm not your husband I can't make no fucking decisions. The fuck is he talking about? Do he know how fucking dumb he sound? Do he know who the fuck I am?"

"You don't need to be on no fucking pills to get better." True said his eyebrow furrowing deeply. Hasen stared at him as his started to turn red again. "Calm down.." Hasen rubbing her thumb over his cheek softly

"I'm calm." Hasen shook her head because he was lying like hell, his leg was still shaking. "I know I don't need medicine to make me better. I would never want that. That doesn't even work." Hasen told him making True shake his head because that's exactly what he said.

Hasen grabbed his face pulling him closer placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"I don't like feeling like this.. I hate feeling this way.." Hasen expressed softly. "I know baby," True responded rubbing her back in a comforting way.

"Ima get you back right though ma. You gon be good" True told her kissing her lips, Hasen hummed wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him into a hug. "I just need you to work with me." He added softly

Hasen let out a sigh.

"I'll try.."


Ig I could update again ... 🙄

True plays ZERO GAMES but y'all knew this already !!  Jordan could get it tooo ! True never careddd !

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