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It was four in the afternoon, and Hasen's day was ending badly. Her morning was great; she finally finished her pre-chef course last week, so this morning she went to the International Culinary Center so they could show her around. She even heard good news that she'd acquire her culinary degree by the end of this year or next year.

Her happy mood went down the drain when she was here eating something she didn't want to eat. She was eating leftovers from Applebee's; she was just eating it because she found it. Hasen lifted her head up, seeing her father walk through the door with a bag in his hand.

"We have to give you healthier options; eating McDonald's from time to time is good and all, but I want you to eat healthy things too." Jordan voiced placing the grocery bags down, and Hasen stared at him blankly.

"I have been eating healthy." Hasen argued, "Not the way you should be." Jordan responded. It was just the doctor in him; he couldn't help himself. He had to make sure his daughter and grandchild were healthy.

"I ate a whole bowl of tomatoes. Is that not healthy?" Hasen asked with her face scrunched up. "And I don't want vegetables all the time." Hasen added on.

"That's why there's something else called fruit." Jordan said, and Hasen rolled her eyes.

"How'd that talk with your mom go?" Jordan asked, and Hasen shrugged her shoulders. "I guess she apologized in her way." Hasen said

"So she didn't apologize? What happened?" Jordan asked, "She just half-assed it; she could've apologized for more, but that's the best I'll get, I guess." Hasen said, shrugging her shoulders, and Jordan sighed.

"I'll talk to her." Jordan responded, and Hasen shook her head, saying, "You need to stop talking for her. She's grown, and I don't care anymore. I'm not looking forward to having anymore conversations with her." Jordan's eyebrows rose.

"She's your mother; you can't just go the rest of your life without talking to her." Jordan said, "She has two other daughters; me not talking to her shouldn't be a problem." Hasen said, and Jordan sighed.

"Your wife will be fine." Hasen added, going to the cabinet, she reached up and grabbed the bag of salt and vinegar chips.

Opening the bag, she immediately dug in; she had just started this obsession with them. Before, she'd never even look at salt and vinegar chips, but they were so good to her now. Her baby was making her crave things she'd never even look at.

"Ex wife." Jordan corrected Hasen, and Hasen's eyebrow raised; she completely forgot all about the divorce. "Did y'all divorce because of me?" Hasen asked curiously as she placed another chip in her mouth.

"Hell no, you were never the issue." Jordan said as he finished putting the groceries up, "I had been thinking about it, but I didn't want to break up the family. But people grow away from each other and want different things." Jordan added on.

Hasen's eyebrows furrowed deeply after the last part of his statement, feeling like he was speaking in code and trying to say it was something bigger.

Hasen tilted her head at him, chewing on the chips she had in her mouth. She swallowed them before speaking.

Daddy, she cheated on you?" Hasen asked, making Jordan look over her quickly, "I didn't say that." Jordan denied. Hasen squinted her eyes at him, watching him to see if he was lying.

"Why are you lying to me? Just tell me the truth." Hasen told him, and Jordan sighed, rubbing his forehead. Jordan opened his mouth to speak, but Hasen scoffed, leaning back against the counter. Already knowing what the answer was.

"I don't want this to make you feel a different way about your mother, Hasen." Jordan said, "Too late for that now, I guess." Hasen responded, shrugging her shoulders and feeling a slight rise in anger.

"Hasen, stop. She's still your mother, no matter what. It's not that big of a deal." Jordan spoke sternly, and Hasen cocked an eyebrow, staring at him.

"Who was it?" Hasen asked, and Jordan rubbed his hand over his waves, shaking his head. This wasn't something he wanted to talk about with his child; he didn't want her to change her perspective on her mother just because something happened between her parents.

"Nobody, let's just leave it alone; the reason doesn't matter. The divorce is happening, and that's that." Was all he said before leaving the kitchen. Her eyebrows furrowed. He now left her wondering who it was; it left her wondering a lot, actually.


True sucked his teeth, throwing his phone on the bed. He had just gotten off the phone with his probation officer, telling him that he had gained another month of house arrest due to his quick trip to New York. Now instead of getting off in September, he'd get off in October, and he was mad as fuck.

Well, no one told you to violate your probation." Hasen spoke up, shrugging her shoulders. True stopped walking around his room and looked at her. "Shut the fuck up." He sat on the bed next to her with a mug on his face.

"Don't be mad because I can leave the house whenever I want." Hasen responded with a small smile on her lips; he ignored her. "I'm mad as fuck. Fuck NYPD and fuck that nigga. How you lose a fight and snitch? Fucking stupid." True ranted standing up to walk around his room again, but Hasen pulled him back down.

Well, that tells you violence isn't always the answer; now look. October isn't that far away, though; you'll be alright." She patted his shoulder. He squinted his eyes at her.

"I feel like you on they side now, shit crazy." True frowned at her; he shook his head, turning his head away from her.

Hasen stared at him with a confused look on her face. "True.. How am I on their side? I'm just saying. Also you're the one that did the crime." Hasen said her eyebrows furrowed deeply.

Instead of gaining a verbal response, he sucked his teeth, and Hasen rolled her eyes before moving closer to him. She grabbed his face, making him look at her before kissing his lips.

"I'm sorry, baby; you did no wrong in my eyes. You're so innocent. You don't deserve to be on house arrest." Hasen lied straight through her teeth as she rubbed his arm.

See, I'm on your side. That's better?" Hasen asked, and he cracked a smile, making her laugh.

"You are such a baby! And you swear up and down I'm dramatic, but you are the definition of dramatic and an attention seeker." Hasen said, shaking her head.

"I don't give a fuck. I am innocent. He lost and snitched. And the system don't fuck with me; I ain't do shit to them, though. They just hate a nigga like me."


Yaal be saying update update ,, immm tryingggg thisss isss alll I gotttt!😔 it's mid

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