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Hasen pushed the cart in the supermarket in the fruit section, with True trailing behind her. Of course he had to get permission, and it made him sick to have to ask another grown ass man for permission to go somewhere.

True barely had groceries in his house, and most of the time Hasen wanted to cook, so here they were in the supermarket.

Hasen stopped at the apples before looking at True, seeing that he was far back. "I don't grocery shop." He spoke, and she gave him a look, making him move forward and closer to her.

"You're going to do it today." She said picking up a red apple and another apple that was a darker red. "Which one?" Hasen asked, holding them up. She absentmindedly held them to where her breasts were, and he cracked a smile.

"This one." He replied with a childish smile on his face, grabbing her titty, and she popped his hand. "You better stop." She spoke, sitting the apples down, not even wanting them anymore.

She began pushing the cart again, walking down the aisle slowly with True trailing behind her. He eyed his surroundings, eyeing the many people that walked past them, before looking back at Hasen as they stopped at the meat aisle.

"What do you want for dinner?" Hasen asked, looking over her shoulder at True, "Chicken. Fried chicken." He responded nodding his head thinking about it right now.

Hasen pushed her lips to the side; she didn't want fried chicken. She was actually in the mood for spaghetti; she just shrugged her shoulders, figuring to just make both.

Hasen leaned over, grabbing a pack of chicken before sitting it down in the cart. "You need a shopping list because you're acting like you don't know what you need in your home." Hasen spoke up as she began pushing the cart again.

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't."

Men. she thought

"You got it, though." He added, putting his hand on her butt, and she pushed it away.

"You need eggs, yogurt, more cereal, more milk, rice, potatoes, corn, and carrots." Hasen listed off turning the cart down the cereal aisle.

True walked off to get a closer look because he was the only one who ate most of the cereal in his house. He picked up a box of cinnamon toast crunch and a box of fruity pebbles.

He eyed them; he was really about to get both since he was having a hard time choosing. "Xavier?" A feminine voice called out, and True mugged Hasen, thinking she was the one who called him by his middle name. But she was on her phone.

"Xavier?" The feminine voice spoke again; this time he felt a tap on his arm, and he looked away from Hasen and looked over at the person.

Her eyes piercing his, he immediately knew who she was. "You know me?" He asked, raising his eyebrow and stepping back a little.

Baby, it's me." She spoke softly, staring at her oldest son with a wide smile on her face. "You done got so big." She spoke, and he stared at her blankly.

Instead of giving her the same friendly energy she was giving off, he asked, "Why you here?" and her eyebrows furrowed. "At the grocery store? I came to buy-." He cut her off.

Nah, why you in Maryland? What you come here for, Tiera?" True asked, Tiera licked her lips. "I was going to call you; I got your number from your grandmother, you know, before she passed." Tiera spoke

"I missed you and Dri so much." She spoke with enthusiasm, True face remained the same. Still and blank.

She frowned. "You don't look happy to see me.." she stated. He didn't know why she expected him to be bouncing off the walls when he saw her. "Go back to where you came from, bra." True said, Tiera opened her mouth to speak.

"True?" Hasen called out, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she stared at the two. True looked away from Tiera and put the cereal back.

Hasen stared at the woman, who held a solemn expression on her face, staring at her son, who had no desire to continue conversing with her. The more she stared, the more she started to recognize how True looked like her.

She was forced to look away when True purposefully stepped in front of her.

"You done? We could get the rest of that shit online or something." True said, staring at Hasen. Hasen licked her lips.

She didn't say anything; she only turned the cart around and began walking. True slowly walked behind her, he turned around, giving his mother one last look as she stood there with tears in her eyes.

He shook his head, walking away.


True sat on a stool as he stuffed his face with his second plate of fried chicken and spaghetti. The combo was crazy to him, and he'd never thought of spaghetti as a side dish, but he was eating it.

While True was stuffing his face, Hasen was taking small glances at him as she poured sugar on her spaghetti. Never in her right mind would she ever, but her baby was making her try crazy things.

Adrian came out of his room, licking the red homemade spaghetti sauce from his lips. He walked into the kitchen, his plate empty, coming back for seconds.

"His fat ass want more." True spoke, taking a bite of his piece of fried chicken staring at his little brother. "Meh meh meh meh." Adrian mocked him before giving him the middle finger quickly, making True's eyes widen, and he started laughing.

Adrian put more spaghetti on his plate. "Stop playing with me, yo." True said, staring at him. He couldn't stop laughing, and the action threw him off guard.

"Meh meh meh meh." Adrian mocked him again as he started walking past him. True moved his hand, making Adrian flinch hard.

"You pussy," True said, shaking his head. Adrian squinted his eyes at his older brother, watching his movements, before giving him the middle finger again and quickly running off into his room.

True laughed hearing the door shut. "Was that your mom?" Hasen asked, staring at True. He immediately shook his head no, and she squinted her eyes at him.

"What was the lie for?" Hasen asked, and he shrugged his shoulders, continuing to eat his food. "Clear as day that was your mother; you look like her." She said staring at him still.

"Then why you ask?" He said, raising his eyebrow, "Why you lie?" She shot back, placing her hand on her hip.

"Why it matter?" True asked, and Hasen nodded her head.
"It doesn't. Nevermind, I forgot it doesn't concern me." She responded in a sarcastic manner, bringing up what he said before.

He stared at her, shaking his head. His phone, which sat next to his plate, began ringing. "My PO calling." He said outloud grabbing his phone. He got up and walked away.

Hasen rolled her eyes.


I like writing books for fun so I'm about to do that .

Not y'all calling her aggy in the previous chapter, chill on ha yaal. She just a liii pushy .

I'm not dragging her pregnancy out so be prepared for a time skip sometimes soon.

This ain't reallllyyy muchhh buttt

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