7 - unity day

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As Amelia stayed on the bed surrounded by her friends she was still in pain. Clarke softly put the vial to her mouth to drink and she did. It had quickly calmed Amelia down and put her to sleep. "How do we know if it works?" Raven asks.

"We'll know when she wakes up. But when she does she's going to need water. Do you mind?" Clarke asks as Raven nods and goes to get water for her friend.

"Thank you for helping her." Bellamy tells Clarke now that it's just them alone.

"Of course. What's up with you two anyway?" Clarke asks. Finn wasn't the only one who noticed the tension between Amelia and Bellamy.

"Nothing." Bellamy says as Clarke gives him a look. "We're together, I think." He confesses as Clarke just stays silent. She wasn't too trustworthy of Bellamy, he was a playboy.

"Just don't hurt her. She's important to me." Clarke says as Amelia begins to open her eyes.

Clarke grabs ahold of Amelia's face, "hey, you're awake." She says smiling.

"So I'm not dead?" Amelia asks as Clarke laughs.

"No of course not." Clarke as Amelia tries to sit up but is stopped by Bellamy.

"Hey not so fast, you still need to rest." He says as Amelia looks at him. Clarke notices this so she decides to leave, "I'll leave you two alone." She says.

"I thought you were dead." Bellamy says holding Amelia's hand. "That makes two of us." She responds.

"Dont scare me like that again. It's not your job to protect everyone." Bellamy says placing his hand on her face.

"If I don't then who will." Amelia responds.

"You have to start looking after yourself." Bellamy says. He worried for her. This wasn't the first time she had tried to protect her friends, it's a habit of hers. A habit Bellamy didn't like, he wanted her to be safe.

"I have you for that." Amelia says and Bellamy laughs and goes in for a kiss and Amelia accepts.

"I have to get you cleaned up." Bellamy says grabbing a wet cloth as he rubbed it on her stomach softly wiping off her blood. Amelia winced as he did.

"Did everyone see?" Amelia asked revering to her wound. It was pouring with black blood before, it was something she was embarrassed about. "Yes." Bellamy responds as Amelia groans and rolls her eyes.

DANGEROUS | bellamy blake / roan [ 1 ] Where stories live. Discover now