8 - old friends

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As Amelia slept that night, all her dreams were of her father, or to be more specific, nightmares.

She had images flowing in her mind of her father in the exodus ship, burning up, dying. This caused her body to shiver, to tremble in fear which caused Bellamy to wake up.

He looks at Amelia worried as she whimpers in her sleep. "Mel, mel wake up." he says softly moving her as she gets up terrified. But Bellamy is quick to hold her in his arms.

"shh baby it's okay." he says as she allows him to comfort her still panting. "my dad, my dads dead." she says as water forms in her eyes.

"hey we don't know that, we don't know if he was on that ship okay?" Bellamy says as Amelia nods laying back down in the bed. "just go to sleep. I'm right here." he says embracing her in his arms as they both drift off to sleep again.


As Amelia walked through the crash site, she could feel her heart go down to her stomach. There were pieces of bodies all over the place, she tried to see if she could find her fathers body, but there was nothing. It was all burnt.

"Clarke stop!" Raven screams running to Clarke as Amelia follows. "Rocket fuel?" Clarke asks.

"Hydrazine. Highly unstable in its nonsolid form. If this stuff meets fire, we're all pink mist. Fire in the hole!" Raven yells as she throws a rock into a fire to cause a big explosion. "We need to clear the area!"

"Okay then, move in formation, no straggling, weapons hot! We have to get back before dark." Bellamy yells as he takes Amelia by the hand to walk off.


As they all made it back to camp they had informed them about Murphys return. "Where is he?" Bellamy says entering to dropship to see Murphy covered in blood in a cradle position.

"Everybody but Conner and Derrick out now!" Bellamy yells. "He claims he was with the grounders. We caught him trying to sneak back into camp." Derrick says informing them.

"I wasn't sneaking, I was running from the grounders." Murphy says.

"Anyone see grounders?" Bellamy asks as Conner nods his head no. "Well in that case-" Bellamy says holding up his gun to shoot him but Finn stops him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Finn says to Bellamy.

"We were clear with what would happen if he came back." Bellamy responds aiming his gun at Murphy but Finn stands in front of him.

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