29 - crossroads

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as Amelia and Clarke sat together by the river, there was banging coming from behind. "what was that?" Clarke asks.

"I don't know." Amelia says as she takes out her sword and walks towards the barrels.

she looks around to find Seiku dead. she turns around but strong arms but her in a headlock.

she tries to break free but another person comes in to kick her in her stomach. she could feel herself slowly losing air. the last thing she saw was black.


Bellamy and Roan arrive at the scene to find everything gone. "be careful." Bellamy says as Roan takes out his sword and looks around hoping to find Amelia.

"Clarke, Amelia, come in." Bellamy says into the radio but receives no response. "cargo one where the hell are you?"

"over here!" Roan yells as he goes into the water to take out a body bag.

they both looked at the bag worried. they both hoped it wasn't Amelia, who knew what they would do if it was her.

Bellamy slowly removes the hood to find Seikus body. "Seiku. we both know who did this, Trikru." roan says.

"where the hell are the others?" Bellamy asks.

"they took the truck to go to Polis. that means Amelia might still be alive." roan says as Bellamy rushes to the rover.

"we have to get to them until they get to Polis with that fuel. they'll use it to make bombs. they'll kill everyone." Roan says.

"you mean they'll use it to kill Ice nation. you only care about your own people." Bellamy says as he continues to drive.

"yeah like you're any better. you may not care about Ice Nation. but if Trikru attacks us, they'll take Amelia down too. we both dont want that." roan says as Bellamy avoids eye contact.

Bellamy stops the Rover when he sees a dead body blocking the way. Bellamy tries to get out but Roan stops him. "they left a body, we need to see if we can pick up their trail." Bellamy says.

"Trikru burn their dead. they're still here. back up now." Roan says.

"there's no one here. they've taken the truck, the fuel, and Clarke and Amelia. if you're such a good tracker, go track." Bellamy says.

but before roan can do anything, there's a loud bang from the back of the rover. "you were saying?" roan says as a Trikru warrior jumps on the rover.

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