17 - blood must have blood

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as Lexa marched with her army, Amelia was right by her side. they had stoped by Mount Weather to plan their attack.

"Package from Raven. hydrazine. she said it would do the job." David says handing the hydrazine to Clarke. "and uh, your mother wanted to be here too but you know."

"but the wounded in Tondc need her more." Clarke says as David turns to Amelia.

"your fathers recovering well. Abby says he's going to be okay." David says as Amelia lets out a sigh of relief.

"thank you." Amelia responds as David nods and heads to his position.

"field commanders, todays the day we get our people back. the enemy thinks it's safe behind It's doors, but it's not. when it realizes that, it will fight back, hard. we need to be ready." Lexa says.

"this is a rescue mission. we are not here to wipe them out. there are people inside that mountain that have helped us." Clarke says as she explains the plan.

Raven and Wick would take down the dam. Indra and Octavia would escort the people while Lexa fights at the front door. it was complicated, but smart.

"the mountain has cast a shadow over these woods for too long. they've hunted us, controlled us, turned us into monsters. that ends today. thanks to our alliance with the Sky people, the mountain will fall. as Clarke said, we spare the innocent. as for the guilty.... Jus drein jus daun." Lexa says as everyone chants including Amelia.

"jus drein jus daun!"


as Amelia went back to her tent, she was preparing for the attack. she had improved with her sword. she was no expert, but she was good.

"you've been practicing non stop, it's good." Lexa says entering the tent.

"yeah well I'd prefer if I didn't get killed." Amelia says.

"or you need something to distract your mind from Bellamy." Lexa says as Amelia stops practicing. "he's going to be fine."

"yeah well, I'll get to see that when we're done with the mountain people." Amelia says putting her sword down.

"I came to talk to you." Lexa says as she points at a chair for Amelia to sit and she listens. "as a warrior, you must wear a braid." she says as she begins to form a small braid with some of Amelia's hair. "when you die, we cut the braid."

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