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My world hasn't always been a silent one. I wasn't born deaf. I became deaf. And to me this always seemed so much crueler. I wouldn't miss the sounds of the world as much, if i'd never had a taste of them in the first place. But now all I can think about is silence. Everything is silent, silent, silent!!! This damn silence!! I can't stand it.

The first month after my surgery I spent in utter disbelief. Locked in my room, ignoring the world outside of it. My parents were begging me to leave my room, talk to them, start a "new life". But their words never got through to me. No, for real!! How could they? I stayed locked inside of my room and I was deaf. I didn't know they were outside my door, crying, shouting, banging against it. I only found out about it afterwards.

After this one month I decided to move on with my life. It wouldn't be that hard, right? Boy was I wrong...

I am confident you have enough imagination to foresee a lot of the hardships I had to face, so I won't bother explaining them in detail.
I got into using sign language pretty easily. Probably because I've always been interested in learning it. Lip reading on the other hand became my personal hell. It's still not my favourite thing to do but it's a necessary skill and I try my best to master it.
After the surgery I had a hard time accepting my new handicap and in the process I cut of all of my old friends. It was a stupid thing to do and I still miss them at times but it's been so long... they probably don't remember me anymore.
I changed my phone number, moved in with my aunt at the other end of the city because I couldn't stand seeing the pity and hurt in my parents eyes every day, applied for a new job and got into a different school. A normal school that is. Even though at that point I was still struggling with lip reading, I refused to go to any kind of special school for people with disabilities. I still wasn't ready to accept that I wasn't "normal" anymore.
Turned out that was a stupid idea. I struggled so hard in the beginning and failed nearly all of my classes so I had to repeat that year. But afterwards I eventually came to terms with my deafness. That was probably the first big step in my life without a hearing. Life becomes easier once you accept it.

After a few years I finished school with more cheating than not but oh well... I never got caught.
I successfully moved into my own place. A small apartment just outside Seoul, but not too far out so it wouldn't take too long to get to university. I even got a new job yet again. Well two actually. It's just stacking shelves in two different supermarkets but it's enough to pay for my rent and university so I won't complain. Everyday when I wasn't working, I would spent my time at university, studying. I don't have friends. I never put any efforts in finding some either so I really can't complain about it. I guess I just never felt like becoming close to people again. So I stuck to myself. Bit at least most people at university didn't know me or knew about my handicap. I've been pretty invisible ever since I started university. Not like in high school... Let's just say, may classmates weren't the nicest bunch of people... But since nearly no one at university knew about me, they left me alone and I can tell you after years of bullying: It's a blessing!
You could say my life became as normal as possible. And I was content. I really was. I couldn't do anything about my lost hearing but I wouldn't let it control my life!

All was good, everything was fine, I was content. And then something happened that I never had imagined to be possible again. I heard something. Well, it probably wasn't the most epic, worldshattering thing to hear after years of silence but at the same time it was. Just hearing something, anything at all, was enough to steal the ground from underneath my feet and make me stumble until I laid face first in the dirt (looking quite foolish if I may add). What were those wonderful first words after years of stifling silence, you want to know? "Oh shit, sorry!" Yep. That's it. Not more. Not less. And maybe, just maybe, it weren't as much those unexpected words lingering inside my ear , waiting to be connected with my brain, but rather the forceful connection between the speaker's hand and my upper back that send me stumbling down the last three steps at the main entrance and right into the dirt... But that's just a very slight possibility, don't you think?

You would expect Mr.Speaker, his voice was very deep so I assumed he was a "he", but you never know until you ask, to talk to me again, asking if I'm okay - which I was not because I HEARD A VOICE - and maybe even help me up and offer me a cup of something because he got my white sweater and my beautiful face dirty. But nopeee. That mf just dashed of and didn't spare me a second glance.

This accident happened about 5 hours ago and I am now starting to question my sanity. I mean come on. I heard A VOICE!!! I am definitely going insane. Unless... I am not.., But how could that work? Nope. I don't believe it. I am just crazy. And sleep deprived. And hungry. That must be it. Get yourself together Jeonghan and move on with the day!

Hi hi!
Welcome to my story! I hope you're enjoying yourself at least a little bit.

I just wanted to say I appreciate every kind of reader who found their way to my story, from silent readers to commenting and voting ones. Thank you all for reading!

Have fun!

PS: If any of you have a good idea for a title for this story, please do tell me bc I have no clue how I should to name it...

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