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"But let's put the whole phone-situation away for now. What do you guys say? You're all thinking I'm crazy? You are, aren't you..."

I rocked back and forth while nibbling on my thumb. The silence was killing me. More than usually that is. Because THIS, this was it. The crucial moment in which I could loose my friends all over again.
Just put yourself in their shoes.
A long-lost deaf friend suddenly shows up at your door and keeps telling you that he can hear a certain person's voice, but nothing else. I would most likely turn around and run away as fast as possible. Maybe their craziness is contagious. After all, you never know and I'd like to stay sane, thank you very much.

This isn't a hypothetical situation though. This is about me. And I can only pray to every god out there that my friends won't react in the same way as I would have done in their place.
"Jihoon? Jisoo? Minghao?"
They just kept staring, their faces not giving away the slightest hint of what they're thinking.
Those three will be the hardest to convince. Especially Minghao and Jihoon. Their way of thinking is too practical and logical to simply accept my story. And Jisoo... he might be my partner in crime but he'll probably still have a hard time believing this story.

"Vernon? DK?"
I don't know them well yet so I had no idea what kind of reaction I should expect from them. But then again there was no need to worry for now for I didn't get a verbal reaction anyways. Aganin!! At least their faces weren't unreadable. It was quite easy to decipher what was going through their minds. Dokyeom with his wide opened eyes and agape mouth displayed a perfect image of a surprised person. Vernon on the other hand succeeded equally well at portraying an expression of utter shock and confusion mixed with disbelief. I should probably not expect any coherent sentences from them any time soon.

"Jun? Seungkwan? Soonyoung?Anyone???"
The gossip guys were my last hope. If they won't react either, if they won't believe me, I can basically pack my bags and leave.

I won't drag this out unnecessarily: They in fact did react. Just not in a very helpful way.
Seungkwan jolted up from his seat on the couch, grabbed Soonyoung and Jun by their collars and dragged them out of the room. I know Seungkwan. Or well, I knew him a couple of years ago. He won't take long. He probably felt the need to discuss my story in private with the others but he'll come back eventually... right?

I must have been lost in my thoughts once again because as soon as I focused on the remaining people on the couch I noticed Dokyeom's and Vernon's absence. They probably went after the others. Good for them.

Unfortunately, I was all too aware of the result of their disappearance. I was left alone with Minghao, Jihoon and Jisoo. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
Did they already call a clinic? Is the police on their way? Are they gonna tie me up until they arrive?

Don't get me wrong, I don't think they will instantly ship me off to some metal hospital. But then again we're talking about Minghao and Jihoon here in combination with Jisoo. Anything was possible with this deadly trio. The later might not seem as frightening as the other two but I taught Jisoo everything I know so he definitely shouldn't be underestimated.

Damn it. I should probably get a safe distance between my friends and myself until the others come back from their secret discussion...
Ahhh, don't come at me!! I'm not running away. Not very far at least. Just far enough that I'll be able to stay a free, healthy man for the rest of the day.
So a safe distance was a great idea. Yep. Definitely safer than staying within their reach.

I took a carefully calculated step back. How long would it take to reach the front door? Would they catch me before I could make it? Are there any other escape routs I could take? Isn't there a back door? But would the back door do any good? Probably not unless I planned on climbing a bush, which I am not! Think, Jeonghan, THINK!!

B1 to B2: Well... Who's in charge of thinking today?
B2 to B1: I don't know. I would think about it to help you out buddy but none of us knows who's in charge of thinking so I couldn't think since I might not be thinking today, don't you think?
B1 to B2: ...  Come again? You're hurting my brain!
B3 to B1: *sigh* You are really dense sometimes B1... *double sigh* B3 was simply stating that they would think about who's in charge of thinking if only we'd know who's in charge of thinking since we can't think about it if we don't know who's thinking today. It's simple really.
B1 to B3: ... Pardon???? That was just as much gibberish as a minute ago. I still don't understand a thing...
B3 to B1: How can we think about thinking who's in charge of thinking if we don't know who's thinking, you slimy dumb slug!!
B1 to B3 & B2: You know what? I give up! You think all the way you want about thinking... I'm outa here...
B2 to B1: But we can't think about it, didn't you listen??
B3 to B2: Give it up. They're helpless...
B2 to B3: I second that...
B1 to B2 & B3: I HEARD THAT!!
B2 & B3 to B1: AND WHAT ABOUT IT!!
B3 to B1: Go slime away.

Nice. My brain hurts but I'm still clueless about how to flee. Damn it brain. ONE TIME. I NEEDED YOUR HELP ONE FUCKING TIME!! Is it really that hard to think???

B1, B2 & B3: YES!!!!!!!!!!

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no no no no no. Here it goes. Minghao is going to say it. You're crazy, Jeonghan. You've gone insane. Have you seen a doctor lately? We can help you. I know it will be something along those lines. I know it!!!

Jihoon raised his arm to stop Minghao mid sentence. Oh thank Jihoon, my lord and saviour! I know, I know!!
I'm just procrastinating the inevitable but I can't help it. My nerves keep getting the better of me. I really don't want them to think I've gone mad...

I looked at Jihoon. His eyes were stone cold. I shivered and unconsciously rubbed my arms.

"If you attempt to run away once again, if you so much as dare to make another step in the direction of the door - or the window for all I care - I will personally hunt you down and tie you down in a dark cellar room for the rest of your life. And believe me when I say your stay there won't be pleasant. You've run enough for today. Sit down."

I swallowed hard. To say I wasn't afraid would be the understatement of the century. I was terrified. Absolutely horrified! By now I had goosebumps all over my body. My hands clasped tighter around my arms as I held myself. Angry Jihoon was creepy. Especially when he's calm. I didn't dare to move a muscle. It's better not to try one's luck with angry Jihoon. He might be my Dongsaeng but only a fool wouldn't be afraid of him right now. How can such a small human being be this frightening!!

"I think you might not have heard me the first time. I've asked you," Jihoon clenched his teeth emphasising every word, "To sit down. Now! I won't ask again!"

I plopped on the ground in an instance. My legs weren't able to withstand Jihoon's command - you could hardly call it a nice request - any longer.

I ignored the aching pain in my coccyx that came with my fall and tried my best to stay as calm as possible. I had absolutely no intention of angering Jihoon anymore than I already had.

"Let's wait for the others to return. They won't take long. They've sorted most of their thoughts by now."
I wanted to ask Jisoo how he knew they were nearly finished but I didn't dare to. Jihoon was still piercing me with his eyes and Minghao's gaze wasn't any better.
"They are quite noisy. Especially Seungkwan, Soonyoung and Seokmin. We can easily follow their conversation from here."
It's like Jisoo had read my mind. I told you not to underestimate his abilities!!

I thanked him with a small nod before I resumed pretending to be a rock.
Is this how a bunny feels when it's hiding from its predator in its rabbit hole? In any case, it feels horrible. Like I'm about to be eaten alive.

I shivered. Damn it, you holy trinity of intimidation. How am I the oldest but those three hold all the power??

"They are coming. If you try to run, you're dead."
Thanks for these inspiring words Jihoon. I really appreciate them.

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