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Later that day, when the date was long over and I was comfortably lying on the floor, I kept replaying everything that had happened in my head.
My mind drifted from Cheol's late appearance to his long appology and his clumsiness and bad luck that had nearly led to a mental break down on my side.
I remembered the Escape Room and how lost I had felt in the absolute darkness. I recalled the way Cheol's hand had felt in mine and how he had been the only thing holding me together in those moments of utter helplessness.
I laughed when I remembered how badly we had failed even with my cheating and how childishly Cheol had sulked afterwards.
I thought about the beautiful Café with all these pretty flowers and plants and Wonwoo and the story about little S.Coups. And I recalled the rainbow table and Cheol's jealousy.
I replayed our conversations about baby ducks and haunted houses and I remembered the way back to my apartment and how Cheol had carried me on his back for most of it.
And I recalled how clumsy and akward our goodbye had been - a mix of a handshake and a hug, it was awful - but it was okay, because that made the date even more perfect.

Most of all I kept repeating his last words to me at my door over and over in my head.

"I hope today makes up for the ruined jumper. Although I won't hesitate to spill coffee on the next one if that's what it takes to get another date with you. However, I'll be only too happy to leave your shirts and jackets and jumpers and your whole wardrobe alone in exchange for you agreeing to go on another date with me without me having to ruin your clothes first."

Those words, paired with this half cocky, half puppyish lopsided grin, were too much for my heart. It was beating so hard that I was terrified he would hear it. Not all of us are deaf afterall. So I decided to flee the scene and just blurted out a quick "Sure. Just text me when and where" and then slammed the door in the poor man's face. I heard his quiet laughter ring in my ears as I slid to the floor.

Just thinking about his words made my heart start beating like crazy again. I should really get a grip. But... he wants to go on another date with me!! Choi Seungcheol wants to go on another day with me, Yoon Jeonghan!

I squealed like a little girl and wiggled my arms and legs excitedly. I probably looked like a bug lying on its back, but I couldn't care less. Choi Seungcheol asked me out on another date!!

I sighed in contentment. Today felt like a dream. Cheol felt like a dream. But knowing it was all real, knowing Cheol was real, made it so much better. So many things had changed since that one day. I was able to hear a person. I had reconnected with my childhood friends. I had had fun! And I went on a perfect date and got asked to go on another. Choi Seungcheol didn't just come into my life. He burst through my sky-high stone wall, tore everything I knew apart and built a whole new world for me to live in. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

I closed my eyes and pressed my hands a little harder against the floor. It's been a while since I last listened to music. I always found it too frustrating. It reminded me of everything I had lost along with my hearing. But today I enjoyed the music. Today I had realised that my life had changed. For the better that is. And today was a good day. A really, really great day actually.

I felt the bass making the floor vibrate, sensed it in my bones and every pore. I allowed the sound to flow through me like a pulsing river of life and fill me up with all the joy it held. I felt myself gradually becoming more alive and losing myself in the music. I hummed. Yes, a good day indeed. A great day.

And then I felt something I hadn't felt in ages: The urge to dance. I scrambled to my feet, made my way through the scattered contents of my wardrobe to the stereo and turned the volume up even higher. The bass boomed through my apartment and created my personal sound island. I grinned as my naked feet tingled and then I started to dance. It was so easy, so natural. I felt amazing. Adranalin rushed through my veins as I kept moving. Swinging and swaying and jumping and kicking and twisting and turning and spinning and flying. I hadn't danced in ages, hadn't realised how much fun it still was, even without me hearing the music the same way I used to do.

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