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"That. Idiot." Although I couldn't hear the words, I saw the way Wonwoo gritted his teeth and pressed them out forcefully one by one. "That stupid. Idiotic. Airhead. I can't believe I call this intellectual amoeba my best friend."

My eyebrows raised at that. I had expected to be called out for my childish behaviour or for Wonwoo to text Cheol right this second that he better not contact me ever again because I was a creep. However, what I did not expect was Wonwoo to curse his best friend. What did I miss?

"Oh don't look at me like this. He might be my best friend but I am more than aware of the fact that he is a ginormous dumbass at times. Scratch that, all of the time." I could just gawk at him. "I will have a word with that stupid roof-lizard. Leave it to me. That boy is really already blowing his chances before he had any." He adjusted his glasses and shook his head in disappointment. "I expected better from him." I was still too stunned to speak. This conversation didn't go the way I had expected it to go. Not at all!

"Anyhow, that dotted stemmed bolete is definitely still interested in dating you. For what it's worth, he won't stop talking about you!" I nodded. That was the only reaction I was able to give, still too shocked from Wonwoo's reaction.

"You were here last wednesday, right? What I'm saying is that your date with this stupid centipede was 6 days ago and he's never mentioned the second date since, correct?" A little intimidated by his suddenly energetic manner, I nodded again. "Oh I am so gonna kill him."

"It's not even been a week. Maybe I'm just overreacting," I tried to defend Seungcheol shyly. "You are not overracting. Not when it comes to Seungcheol. That man is the greates flirt and all fun and games until he actually has to man up and do something like ask somebody out. He told me how he met you, you know. I can guarantee you this: If you hadn't made the first step, the boy would still be quietly fanboying over you in the safety of his room, not even thinking about talking to you in real life. So if he hasn't massaged you about a second date after nearly a week, he is probably busy overthinking the whole thing and fearing that you might realise that he isn't all that great. I love him but I will never understand why anyone would voluntarily go through the hussle of dating him, no offence." "None taken." "Especially not someone as pretty as you who could date anyone out there," he mindlessly rambled on, not noticing the bright blush his words brought to my cheeks.

Too embarrased to keep looking at him I dropped my gaze to my lap. My head was spinning with everything that had happened in the last couple of minutes. The rainbow table being able to sign, Seungcheol having a crush on me, Wonwoo cursing him and promising to help me get that second date, all these compliments and nice words directed at me... It was all too much. I had spent so much time on my own, completely enveloped in my own world, refusing to let anyone in. It was strange to communicate with people again. And it was exhausting. It was so, so, so exhausting.

For once I was actually thankfull for my silent world. It made it so easy to avoid conversations, to drown out words. The silence helped me calm down. It was familiar, nice, welcoming. And that's what I needed at that moment. Not having to hear anything, not having to participate in the talks, nothing new. Just a bit of peace and quiet, a moment to loosen up.

I took a few deep breaths and felt how I physically started to relax. I hadn't even noticed how tense I had been or that my hands had been shaking slightly. I blamed it on the adrenaline.

Moments passed and no one seemed to be bothered by me not being an active part of the conversation anymore. Or maybe they knew, that I needed some time to myself. Either way, I was greatful.

When I was sure that my pulse had normalised, the redness in my cheeks had faded and my mind was no longer completely overwhelmed by everything, I finally dared to look up again.

Sanity vs. Soulmate | JeongCheolWhere stories live. Discover now