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"Oh... okay then... Can you give me your number so I can text you when I'm free and we can get this cup of tea?"
Now it was my turn to stare at him blankly. My mind couldn't seem to progress the said words. He... didn't... reject... me?! "I...", I stopped mid sentence since I couldn't find it in me to finish it. "I...", I started off but yet again with no satisfying result.
Seungcheol - was that his name? - seemed to be largely amused by my stutter. His lips curled into a half sided grin and his eyes squinted shut. He even let out a quiet chuckle and I could die for it.
"Not so confident now, are we." A slight pink spread across my cheeks. I could feel the warm, tingling sensation all too well.

Get yourself together Jeonghan!! It's not that hard! Just give him your number and be done with it!! Don't look any more like a fool than you already do!

I cleared my throat and even though I couldn't hear it, I could feel the vibrations. "Give me your phone."
His grin only widened as he took his phone out of his pocket. "Here you go."
THAT SMILE. Oh god, I am falling way too fast way too hard. Someone help me.
However, this moment of adoration didn't last long. As soon as I tried to type in my number, my mind went blank. Instead of any kind of contact field a black screen was staring back at me. I slowly lifted my head, barely squinting my eyes, staring at him. I looked back down and up again. His grin began to falter and I could almost feel the uneasiness creeping into his eyes. "What is it?" "You are aware that you need to unlock your phone, right?"

I've never seen anyone turn crimson red that fast. Hastily he snatched the phone from my loose grip, unlocking it and typing something in before giving it back to me, this time with an opened contact field. "There...", he trailed of. "Thanks." I couldn't suppress a small smile. He was just too cute!! Looking all shy and embarrassed, not daring to meet my eyes.
I made a quick job of saving my number as Jeonghan✨ and handed the phone back. Seungcheol still couldn't look at me but he took the phone and chuckled in a nervous manner. I swear, this chuckle was probably the most beautiful sound I've ever heard and I would have loved to stay longer and maybe make him chuckle again. But my lecture had already begun what felt like ages ago and I really needed to get going. Stupid attendance classes...

"Well, I'll be on my way. I sadly have to attend my lecture but I'll be waiting for your call. See you around!" I raised my hand in a way of goodbye and flashed a smile at Seungcheol and his friend. Before either of them had a chance to reply, I turned around and opened the door next to me, making my way to an empty seat while mumbling a quick apology in the direction of my professors frowning face.
I mentally slapped myself. I'll be waiting for your call. Argh!! How desperate am I? The answer is yes.

My mind was still running wild. How was I supposed to focus on anything at all, when I just met someone I can hear. A beautiful, stunning guy, who didn't reject me right away. I finally heard someone talk again. Chuckle even!! I still can't believe it. I just can't wrap my mind around it. I heard a voice!! For the second time since my operation. But how is that possible? It shouldn't be, right?

Later that day I laid in bed wide awake, unable to fall asleep. My thoughts were stumbling through the mostly empty corridors of my brain, colliding with each other, but never stopping. How was all of this possible? How could I hear him? Why only him? Why nothing else? What was going on!! The euphoria I felt in the beginning was slowly but surely replaced by growing anxiety and fears. Have I gone insane? It was possible... but at the same time: should it feel this real if I've really gone insane? Well probably, that's the whole thing about being insane I think. But still... something felt off. I just didn't think I was mentally ill. Or was I?

All this thinking let to nothing. I tossed and turned but couldn't find any sleep that night. The next morning I looked like a vampire. Not the glittering twilight version, but rather the completely white and bloodless one. The circles under my eyes were even worse than usually and I couldn't say I had much energy left.
I needed help. Not professional help, they would all laugh in my face or sent me to a mental asylum, but a person to talk to. What I needed was a friend. But damn me and my stupid doings and attitude. I have no friends. So that's a problem.
Talking to my parents or my aunt wasn't an option. They would only worry more or not take me seriously. Really, coming to think of it, the only person who probably wouldn't out straight declare me mad, was my childhood friends Jisoo and Jihoon. I haven't talked to them in years though. Why had I to cut strings back then? I really missed them. Would they hate me, if I showed up out of nowhere? Probably. Maybe they didn't even live where they used to live. I had moved twice as well after all.

Lost in thoughts I forgot all about my milk on the stove. Only the smell of something burned made me turn around and curse under my breath. Not again. I really hated making hot chocolate just because of the milk part. Every time, no matter how closely I watched it, it would spill. Every. Single. Time.
Sighing, I grabbed a wet towel to take care of the mess, before I used whatever was left of my milk to make my hot chocolate. The sweetness brought at least some calm to my thoughts. If I wasn't mad already, I'd surely turn crazy, if I didn't get to speak to anyone about it. Right now it didn't matter how much of a coward I usually am. I would try contacting Jisoo and Jihoon right after work. Hopefully they still lived in the same places.

I just wanted to apologise. I didn't read any of the chapters proof bc I tend to get very insecure about my writing and if I would read my chapters too often, I'd probably end up publishing nothing at all.

So if you come across a spelling mistake or an extra word or smth, pls be kind and feel free to tell me. I'll correct in when I find the time.


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