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Not long after my tea had finished brewing, the first guests for the movie night arrived. Well the first guests after Soonyoung that is.
To be honest, until the moment Jihoon had signed that the doorbell had rung, I had completely forgotten that I had to face some more people today.

Soonyoung was the first to move. He hopped joyfully to the front door and welcomed whoever had arrived. Jihoon and I followed after him and waited patiently for the Tiger Boy to finally let them in.

To my surprise I wasn't as nervous as I had been earlier today even though I knew I had to face my old friends again. I probably owed this to Jihoon and Soonyoung. They had been nothing but kind to me, the occasional death glares excluded, and made me feel safe and welcomed. It couldn't go this bad with the both of them by my side, right?

Waiting in the hallway for Soonyoung to finish his door-talk felt a bit like we were on a secret mission. Jihoon would sign what he could make out by the voices and conversations he heard and I would tell him what I could see. It wasn't much but we concluded that there were at least two people, if not three, and one of them was blond while the other one had blue-purpleish hair.
Apparently the one with the blue hair had only recently dyed it because both, Soonyoung and Jihoon, were equally astonished by it.

"I'm not sure, but the one talking right now sounds a but like Minghao. Or maybe not. I'm bad at recognising voices. And there is this excited blabbing in the background which could be Seungkwan but as I said, I'm bad at guessing voices."
"Ask me about it! If it's Seungkwan and Minghao out there, I technically have a chance of recognising them. But all I see is a bit of hair and two foreheads! I couldn't even recognise you earlier even though I saw your whole face! In my defence: I thought you looked similar to Baby-Jihoon but that's also the reason why I didn't think it could actually be you. You looked so small!!! Moving on.
Do you really think I can make out who they are by just staring at their foreheads?"

The last bit of my hushed remark got me a slap on the back of my head. I was honestly amazed that Jihoon could reach that far up!
"Yah... stop hitting me Jihooniee...It hurts", I whined. "I'll hit you as many times as I want. YOU THOUGHT I WAS A CHILD!!"
"Is it my fault you never learned to grow?"
"This bitch... I'm gonna..."

An arm wrapped around him from behind made him pause in the middle of his tirade and relax.
"Jihoonie, please don't kill Jeonghan Hyung. I don't want to burry a body today."
Jihoon's cheeks turned a light shade of red at Soonyoung's words. "Fine, fine. I'll let him live for today. But only if he behaves himself."
The smile adorning Soonyoung's face was bright enough to light up the whole world. I started to understand where Jihoon was coming from with the nickname for the boy.

I won't drag this out unnecessarily and just tell you (almost) right away who was standing behind Soonyoung.
It were in fact three people. Two blonds and the blue-purple haired guy. I instantly knew who they were. Their facial features still very much resembled their younger versions. They just looked more grown-up, mature even. That is until Seungkwan opened his mouth.
There was nothing mature about his behaviour whatsoever. But then again, we're talking about Seungkwan here. If that boy is anything like in our childhood, it's impossible for him to behave fully grownup.

I couldn't hear it but from the others reaction I guessed he let out a deafening scream. It was followed by a short rant that was too fast for me to read and the next thing I knew, he pushed Soonhoon to the side and tackled me.
I wasn't able hold myself against the concentrated force that Boo Seungkwan is and so we hit the ground in a ball of human limbs.

The thing is, I had absolutely no clue whether this was a happy scream and a loving hug or a mad angry screech and an attempted murder. Now, believe me if I say you don't want to encounter an angry Seungkwan, so I thought it wiser to run. I've got quite a lot of practice in it by now anyways.

Ignoring my aching back I wiggled free from his grasp as fast as possible and got on my feet. And without so much as a glance back I started sprinting down the hallway.
The only problem is, there wasn't really anywhere to run to. The others were blocking the door so I was left with the house. But where should you run within a house? Jihoon was lucky. He could hide just about anywhere and you wouldn't be able to spot that tiny midget but I'm like twice his size!! Where the fuck should I hide????

I somehow found myself in the kitchen. Well, not too bad. I could just stay behind the table and circle it whenever Seungkwan would try to reach for me. Yes, not too bad indeed. Besides, there's food in the kitchen so I wouldn't die of starvation. And maybe I could even drink my tea while waiting for Seungkwan to catch up. But then again, if I suddenly had to move fast the tea would only be in the way and I'd probably get a severe burn. So no tea for now...

- interior crying noises -

I didn't have to wait for long until Seungkwan and the others showed up.
And I am fully aware that this was a serious situation! I mean, Seungkwan and the others had every right to be mad at me and I didn't know what they were thinking about me showing up out of nowhere. I had yet to test the waters with them. Basically, our friendship was a stake right now.

But right then, I couldn't hold in the laughters that burst out at the sight in front of me. I just couldn't. I am sorry!!
So yeah, maybe I just worsened my situation and made them even angrier. But come on!! What would you have done in my place??

Seungkwan was standing with a blank face in the doorway, his hair a complete mess, his hand on his hip and only one shoe was off his foot. The other one was still there.
Flanking his sides were Jun and Minghao, while showcasing a similar neutral facial expression. I couldn't see Minghao's eyes though. He was wearing sunglasses. In the evening. Inside a house. Never mind that...Both had their arms crossed in front of their chests and that only made them look more like Seungkwan's bodyguards, especially Jun with his dark suit!!

Let me introduce you to the dishevelled Seungkwan and his chinese bodyguards.

That alone was enough to have me rolling on the floor. But what made it even worse were the socks. THE SOCKS!!!
Minghao was wearing rainbow socks with cat memes on them!!
Seungkwannie's sock was a light pink one. But the best part was that it was knitted! And very badly that is. Maybe that was a an elementary school assignment that he had finally finished?
And lastly, Jun's socks. They had cat ears and eyes attached to them. But not only that. If I didn't imagine things there was also a tail attached to Jun's heel!!

I was on the floor. Not in the literal sense but for real. I just hit the floor without trying to catch myself. And even though the fall was quite painful I couldn't stop laughing. My belly hurt and yet I just couldn't stop.
Tears ran down my cheeks and I kept on laughing.

I think, I might very well have turned crazy...



I am far from happy. This chapter took ages and I'm still not even remotely content, but I don't want to keep changing things bc I very well know where that would lead. And since I plan on finishing the story you guys have to deal with this for now.

Once the next chapter is done, I'll probably change the wording of this chapter a bit. But we'll see.

I'm sorry you have to put up with another AN. I don't want to put a lot of them in this book. But yeah... This is a crappy chapter and you guys deserve an explanation.

Btw, pls tell me if you find a random sentence laying around. I might have missed one or two.

Take care everyone <3
And thx for reading the story even though the updates are slow and irregular, the main ship not really present and some of the chapters really crappy.

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