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Albeit reluctantly, I finally detached myself from Cheol and tried to take a step back to put some distance between us again. The emphasis is on tried. His hands on my hips prevented me from doing so and he didn't seem like he was planning on letting go anytime soon. Truthfully, if it weren't for the cold, I wouldn't mind staying like this a little longer. But even with a gorgeous man like Seungcheol right in front of me, I found it hard to focus on him instead of the cosy heat of my apartment. The fright from earlier had made me forget about the absolutely horrible weather for a couple of minutes, but now that Cheol's body no longer protected me from the harsh wind and icy rain, I could feel the cold creep under my clothes and settle in every bone. I really needed to get somewhere warm sooner than later.

"So," I wasn't sure what to say or how to start so I closed my mouth again. Should I just say my goodbye and leave? Should I ask him where he was headed? Should I ask him to come with me? I really wasn't keen on being alone in the dark. Again.

My mind was running in circles but thankfully Cheol seemed to understand my struggle and decided to speak up first.

He nodded to the house behind my back, "Are you visiting a friend?"

I quickly shook my head no. "In all honesty, I have not the faintest idea who lives here." Cheol tilted his head at my response. "But weren't you about to ring?" Valid question. I scratched my nape before nodding. "I was. But not because I wanted to visit someone... I... uhh... well... I... it's embarrassing..."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable," Cheol instantly replied. God, he's so sweet.

"No it's alright. I... uhm... I was just on my way home when I noticed someone walking behind me. The person never went left or right, just kept following me straight ahead for quite some time. At first I didn't really think too much of it, but at some point I found it really odd. People following you in the middle of the night in a dark alley is rarely a good sign..." Cheol snorted in agreement. "Anyways," I continued, "I tried fastening my pace, but the person behind me did the same so I got a bit... scared..." I reluctantly admitted.

"There aren't a lot of people around at the moment as you might have noticed and since running wasn't really an option I decided to ring a random doorbell and hope for the best. The person behind me could have been God knows who, wanting who knows what from me, so chances were that it couldn't get much worse. I just hoped that I didn't end up at another psychopath's door. I was about to ring when you turned up. So yeah, plot twist. No creepy stranger slash bad guy, who's out to kill me, was following me, but you."

I quickly risked a glance at Cheol's face, before I fixed my eyes on my shoes again. "You have no idea how relieved I felt once I heard your voice..."

For a heartbeat, he said nothing at all. I didn't even hear him breathe. Nervously, I rocked back and forth. Maybe I shouldn't have told him all that, revealed so much about my emotions, my fears. Maybe I shouldn't have told him that I thought he was a creep at first. And maybe I was...

I was about to drown in my destructive thoughts, when I was suddenly pulled against Cheol. A startled sound escaped my lips as I crashed against his hard chest. I felt his hands pushing firmly against my back and his head nuzzle in the crook of my neck. My mind went blank. The thoughts stopped spinning and I suddenly remembered how to breathe again. Almost immediately I relaxed in his strong grip.

I could only wonder at my own behaviour. The effect this man had on me was crazy! All it took was one hug for my mind carousel to stop. How did he do that???

Once again I was pulled from my thoughts, when I felt Cheol exhale violently. His whole chest shuddered. "I'm sorry. God, I must have scared the hell out of you. I... I'm so, so sorry."

Sanity vs. Soulmate | JeongCheolWhere stories live. Discover now