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Even though I was quite busy these days, I couldn't seem to get Cheol's words from our last date out of my head. He had said that he wanted to go on another date with me. And I had agreed without a second thought to it. But although we had texted a couple of times since then, the topic never came up again. And that bugged me more than I would like to admit.

Did he forget about it? Did he change his mind? Did he meet someone else? My mind carousel was at it once again, spinning at top speed. Now, I could have just addressed him directly. I could have asked about that second date. That would have been the easiest way without a doubt. But then again, where would be the fun in that, am I right?

Plus, I am an overthinker and my hearing impairment had made me much more insecure. I wasn't just gonna ask him. Nopeeeee, no way in hell. So I came up with an amazing plan. Just you wait, you're gonna love it. It's truly a brilliant move!

I was going to - drum roll please- ask his friends!!! Well friend, singular. Since I barely knew anything about any of his friends, let alone know a way to contact them, I guessed my safest bet would be Wonu and his Carat Land Café. Even if I won't meet him there personally,  I am sure one of his employees will be able to help me contact him.

It was already early evening when I finally made it to the Café. Inwardly I cursed university and prayed the Café would still be open. Fortunately, it was and it looked just as beautiful as the last time. Perhaps even a little prettier, as it had already begun to dawn and the Holler tree was lit up by fairy lights. I smiled up at the door sign with the cat on it and entered.

I took a moment to look around and take everything in. There were more people here than last time. Nevertheless, the café still seemed homely and I immediately felt at ease. At that very moment, I decided to come here more often, no matter what would become of me and Cheol. This place was truely magical.

I was just about to go look for Wonwoo, when I noticed something brush against my leg. Confused, I turned my gaze downwards and froze in surprise. A small, mostly white cat, rubbed its tiny head against my foot while hooking its tail around my other leg. It had its eyes slightly closed and I could swear it was purring, even though my world was as silent as ever. HOW. CAN. SOMETHING. BE. THIS. ADORABLE???? I crouched down to pet it and almost awwed when I touched its fur. So soft!!

I was currently fighting the urge to put the cat inside my jacket and sneak it out of the café, when I noticed someone standing in front of me.

I am not a small human being, but when I looked up from my crouched position I felt like a spodoptera littoralis compared to this giant of a man. I blinked a few times before I stood up. The height difference wasn't that bad anymore, but the man still towered over me. How can anyone be this tall??

Baffled by this display of sheer giantness, it took me a second too long to realise that the man had asked or said something. "Sorry?" I asked very intelligently.

The giant gave me a friendly smile, "I just said that Moonbin seems to like you." "Who?" "The cat. His name is Moonbin. He just appeared out of nowhere in the shop at some point and never left again. Wonwoo says he is a gardian soul, maybe even a spirit from another world. Just like the other cat, Jonghyun. Wonwoo claims that he can feel it. That those two are no ordinary cats, I mean. I don't know if they really are something from another world or some kind of guardian, but I love animals so I don't mind them being here one bit as long as they stay out of my kitchen."

He grinned from ear to ear. "I'm Soobin by the way. Sorry for talking so much. I talk a lot when I'm nervous. I don't even know why I'm nervous. Well I do. I never have to work on this side of the counter after all. Stupid Terry. Anyways, hi! I think I haven't seen you at Carat Land before, so welcome! Would you like to sit down somewhere?"

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