Chapter 23

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In Car

Author pov

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Author pov

Taehyung is driving towards the mansion as his eyes landed on the sit beside him where that girl is sleeping peacefully...... He look at her sleeping face but more than that he is eager to see her eyes..... Her eyes that makes him remind of her......Her eyes are quite familiar yet unfamiliar to him.... For odd reasons......He snapped out of his thoughts and decided to focus on driving...... There will a another Choas in the mansion because of her arrival.....

Taehyung reached to the mansion and get out of the car and went to the other side where she was .... He opened the car door as he saw her body nearly naked and he isn't comfortable to take her like that in front of them ..... He took out his coat and covered her body with it and take her into his arms and went inside the mansion..... In the hall room, Hoseok and Yoongi was sitting talking about some important stuff , until their eyes went to Taehyung who came home...... Soon both of their gaze went to his arms where a girl is layed unconscious...... Yoongi immediately stand up seeing the most unbelievable thing in his life....... Hoseok however, immediately asked a question making Taehyung stop......

Hoseok: who is in your arms, Taehyung???

Hoseok: who is in your arms, Taehyung???

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