1.The first time meeting.

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It was a beautiful evening in Seoul, the birds were singing, the sun was shining, the weather was calm, yet a little bit breezy; just the perfect temperature for a nice evening in the summer time.

After a long, long day at school, Taehyung, an average student, went to his favorite place; the library. He loved reading since day one... or maybe since he could read.
Since then he would read every day. He never really played outside with his neighbors, nor did he in school. He always was a loner, like he is now. He doesn't have many friends. Actually he just has one, and that one is Park Jimin.

Taehyung and jimin knew each other since they could think because his parents knew each other, so they basically grew up together. Even tho they both got along very well, Taehyung always avoided jimin. Why? Well, because he wanted to read in silence, but jimin never leaved him alone.

Over the years, when they got to Highschool Jimin and Taehyung would get along really well. They both got really close over the years, which made their parents really happy.

Since they both were in the same class they would hang out every time. Taehyung read, Jimin talked, Taehyung listend and answers some question, if Himin asked some. And that was the same every day till now were they both were in collage.

Now Taehyung was alone, no Jimin near him, which made him relived. Don't get him wrong, he loves Jimin, he really does but he wouldn't mind the time for himself.

He made his way to his favorite place in the library where he could always read in silence and comfort.

With his head deep in his new started book, he didn't look where he steps a foot, with that he also didn't know if something was in front of him or not. With his luck he bumped into something... or someone.

His book feel from his hand on the ground. With a loud grown he kneeled down to pick up his book. „Watch your steps" he said in a annoyed voice.

As he looked up his eyes meet a pair of dark brown eyes. Which were looking at him.

„I'm sorry but you bumped into me." says the stranger in front of taehyung.

„don't read while your on your way. You could get hurt, or even worst, get someone hurt"

Taehyung rolls his eyes at the man „ what are you? My mother?"

The man in front of him scoffs „ no, but if i would've been you mom i would have raise you better" the man sighs „you know what? I'm sorry that i bumped into you" the man bowed at Taehyung

Taehyung got speechless. He didn't know how to react to something like that, because he already is social awkward.

„No, I'm sorry sir" Taehyung says as he bows as well „ You're right, i should've looked where i was going, im sorry sir"

The man looks at Taehyung and lets out a chuckle „ its ok little one, next time be careful for you and for everyone around you, we dont want that that pretty face of yours get hurt, right?„

Taehyung looks at the man with big eyes „did you,,, did you really just flirt with me?"

„ WHAT? NO!" the man in front of him screams

They both got some annoying glances from the other people that were there.

„ i was just saying facts little one."

„dont fucking call me little one, we are the same height." Taehyung says annoyed.

„ I know, but i also know that i am older then you so shut up.. little one." the man smirks and looks at Taehyung with an amused face

Taehyung sighs „ ok, sure. May i go to my place now and read? I dont really like talking that much."

The man nods and steps aside.

Taehyung bows a little bit and then walks to his favorite place in the library. A big blue armchair near an big window.

he opens his book, but he couldn't start reading, because he's feeling a glance on him. Annoyed he looked up. To his surprise he sees the man looking down on him.

„ May i help you sir?" taehyung asked politely.

„ Nah.. im good." the man answers.

„ then.... Could you please go?.. I'm trying to read here." Taehyung says as he looked down on his book again.

He didn't hear anything, he just saw how the man took a sit in front of him.

Taehyung looked up just to meet with the strangers eyes again.

„ i really like that book what you reading."

„ ok? Did i ask?" Taehyung scoffs.

The man Laughed „dont get cocky with me, I'm just trying to start a conversation"

„I dont really care sir", he sighs „could you please just let me read? I didn't really had a good day, thank you"

Taehyung starts reading again but gets cut off again when the man started talking again. Taehyung had enough. He closed his book and stood up.

„ thank you for ruining my favorite thing to do, i already have someone who is ruining me this, and i thought i could get some rest here but no, i had to run into an old man that also doesn't want to leave me alone." taehyung got really pissed, so he talked unkindly.

The man stood up as well as he had a deep frown on his face „I'm not old! I'm just 29! And i am sorry. I just thought we could start a conversation because we like the same book and the same place in the library, by the way, i am Kim Seokjin" the man, or Seokjin now, reached his hand out to Taehyung.

Taehyung looked at the orders hand and then up on his face again „ no thank you, i dont need company or what so ever, ok? Just leave me the fuck alone"

With that Taehyung leaved seokjin standing there like a tree.

Seokjin looks after him with an amused expression on his face. He laughs and shooks his head as he watches the how the younger goes away.

And with that Seokjin wanted to know the name of that younger boy.

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