10.The first date.

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Several days had passed, Jimin and Taehyung went like always to school and Namjoon and Jin worked.
It was now Saturday which meant the date was in a few hours. It was 12 am and Jimin and Taehyung were in Jimins room

„What should i weaaaaaar??" jimin crieed as he looked trough his clothes.

„Just what you always wear Jimin, dont make it such a big deal." Taehyung said. He was laying on Jimins bed.

„Not a big deal?? Tae i have a date with Namjoon! Of course its a big deal!" he yelled at Taehyung.

Taehyung rolled his eyes „gosh, then wear a black button up dress shirt and a blue skinny jeans. Don't tuck the shirt in tho. Make your hair different then always. Show your forehead but just to half. Like half jelled up and the other half in front of your forehead. Or just jell your hair back, i guess thats better."

Jimin looked at his friend „what would i do without you? Thanks Tae!!" he then started to get ready and surprisingly he took almost an hour, coz he also did some make up.

Taehyung fell asleep as he waited for Jimin to be ready.

„Tae wake up!!" Jimin yelled as he shook his best friend awake.

Tae slowly woke up and looked at Jimin „ huh?.. you came back? How was it?"

„What??? No!! He will come in like 10 min!" Jimin panicked.

Taehyung strached „ohh" he yawned „Then have fun i guess, imma sleep again"

„Dont you fucking dare" jimin said and grabbed Taehyung on his arm „stand up!"

Taehuyng whined as he was forced to stand up. When he was more awake he saw how good Jimin looked. He really was dressed up as Taehyung said and it looked bomb „wow you really look good Jimin."

Jimin got read in an instant „thank you!"

They both heard the bell from the door Ring. Jimin widen his eyes „ he's here, i- i can't do this"

Taeyhung smiled „ you can, you will, if not imma kill you cuz then you wast my Saturday where i could have read.. so.. you better make it worth. Kay?"

Jimin swallowed „k-kay!"

They both went down to the door and there he was Jimins mother speaking with Jin and Namjoon and... Namjoon looked good, like really good, super good. More than good he-

„ahh Jimin my love" his mother looked at them „look who s here Namjoon and-„ she turned to jin „sorry love, your name?"

„Seokjin. Kim Seokjin Ma'am" jin said as he smiled lovely.

„Again a Kim?"

„ that what i said mom!" jin Came to them and then he looked at namjoon. Namjoon was in a denim jacked and under that a plain white tshirt and the pants were just normal light blue Jeans.

„You look good" they both said in union.

Jin, Taeyhung and my Park started laughing and the both got red in an instant

„o-OK we will go now! Mom dont call me and Taehyung- i- i don't give a fuck what you do."

„Love you too jimin.„ Taeyhung said Rolling his eyes

Namjoon looked at jin with panick

„You can do it lover boy" jin said smiling.

Namjooon nodded and then looked at Jimin „should we go?"

Jimin looked at him and smiled „ JUP!"

With that they both made their way away from the three

You could hear sobs

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