4.The first hug in a while.

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A new week started and it was the third day since that talk between Jin, Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung. Since the Jimin and Taehyung hadn't talked at all. Even tho Jimins mom would visit Taehyung and his mom, Jimin was never with her.

And the thing is, Taehyung didn't mind. He actually loved the silence that he got since Jimin wasn't with him every second. Yes, it's bitchy from Taehyung but he didnt give a shit. The only thing that mattered was that he could read in silence.

Today was Monday, that meant Taehyung had to go to school. He always hated it, not because he was bad, in fact he was a straight A student, he just hated it because he couldn't read in peace. He hated the students, the teachers and over all everyone in the school.


On his way to class he saw Jimin, the guy that he wasn't talking to since three days.
They both looked silently at each other. Taehyung waved at him, but Jimin ignored him and went straight in the class room. Taehyung looked after him with a frown on his face, within a second he followed Jimin. As they both sat next to each other, Taehyung had an perfect opportunity to talk to Jimin, which he did.

„Ok what the fuck is wrong with you??" Taehyung asked Jimin.

Jimin didnt answer, he just looked straight ahead and waited for the professor.

„Jimin. Talk to me. What is wrong?"

„Why? You always wanted that i leave you alone, so why not enjoy it?" he said still not looking at him.

Taehyung frowned at him „ what- Jimin is this because of the talk that we had at the library?? Why do you still there?? What are you gay? Scared that i might hate you?" he laughed.

Jimin stiffened and swallowed.

Taehyungs smile dropped in an instant „ no, come on Jimin, you must be kidding me."

Jimin looked at Taehyung, clearly with tears in his eyes „what... what would you do?" he asked with his voice breaking in the middle. He was scared. No fuck that, he was terrified too get hated by his best friend.

Taehyung looked at him, clearly speechless but not because of the new that he just got. Because he saw tears in his friends eyes, and he knew that they were there because of him. „Jimin-„

„You know what Taehyung? Fuck it, yes.. yes i am gay, ok? And yes, hate me....i...i actually dont fucking care... if you wont like me like this anymore...then there is no reason to keep this friendship" Jimins tears rolled down his cheek, standing up, grabbing his backpack , Jimin rushed out of the class room.

Taehyung immediately wanted to follow him, but in that second the professor came him and stopped him „Mr Kim, sit down please"

Taehyung looked at his Professor and did what he said, but he looked at the door. Regretting everything, any second, any day... especially that day three days ago.

He closed his eyes and from that moment on he didnt event listen to the professor.


Jimin ran to the toilets as he cried his eyes out. In the toilet he looked in the mirror to see his pathetic self. His eyes red and puffy because of the crying, his cheeks red because of the embarrassment. He hated himself to death right now. He never imagined that his coming out would ne this full of hate and anxiety. He always imagined talking with Taehyung in a quite place and tell him that he's gay, he also imagined that Taehyung would support him... would still love him, but now he could forget about everything.

He splashed water on his face and took deep breaths „its ok jimin... you're ok." he talked to himself and tried to talk everything good, but as expected nothing worked. His treats streamed down his face.

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