27. The first End.

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Day passed, sleepless nights for everyone.
The days where Taehyung was gone, felt like a nightmare. Everyone missed him. Every day, every hour and every second they missed their friend Taehyung who was now in heaven.

Just the 6 and Mr and Ms park were at the funeral. There wasn't more. Taehyung just had these people in his life.
His grave right next to the grave of his parents.

Everything felt so surreal. Just like a nightmare that no one could escape.

There were no more tears to cry, just pain in the heart.
At this moment everything looked black and white, except the beautiful flowers that the guys laid in the ground.
Jungkook, who broke the silent kneeled down, in front of the grave. With empty eyes, he looked at the gravestone.

‚Kim Taehyung, born: 30.12.1995, died:21.01.xxx.
A lovely son, brother, friend and boyfriend.'

Hyung..." Jungkook started „I hope you are at peace now.. I hope.. you are happy.. I hope you don't suffer anymore.." he forced a smile „please rest in peace. I love you.." jungkook laid the rose that he was holding, on the ground. Closing his eyes. He then stood up and took a deep breath. He looked at the others and smiled big... well.. he tried.

„Good job kooks.." namjoon said, ruffling trough his hair. „Thanks. You go now" jungkook Said, standing behind namjoon .

Namjoon took a deep breath and kneeled down as same as Jungkook did „Hello Taehyung.." he smiled. „I brought your favourite book with me.."he laid it on the grave „as much I know you, you probably will read it up-.. there somewhere right?." he laughed „I miss you.. and I love you. Please rest in peace." he stood up and looked at the others. He sighed deeply and looked up because he could feel his tears coming.

„Don't cry" Yoongi said „we promised us not to cry."

„I'm trying Yoongs. Im trying." namjoon Said standing next to kooks. 

„Well... it's my turn I guess" Yoongi took a deep breath and kneeled down. Without saying anything he laid the rose on the ground „I hope you're happy. I hope you're save. I miss you Tae. Please rest in peace, will you?" he smiled and looked up „you up there??" he sighed „I hope.."
Yoongi stood up and looked at the others

„Well.. let's go!" jimin said turning away.

„jimin." his mother started

„I don't wanna say goodbye, why a goodbye when I will come back?" jimin was smiling. In lot of pain, but still smiling.

„Jim..." Jin said looking at him „please."

Jimin looked at Jin and sighed. He then walked to the grave and looked down on it. „You.. fucking bitch" he kneeled down.. „I-... Miss you. I hope you're happy Tae. I really hope. And.. I Hope You're with your parents. Say hi. Ok?? Please." he looked up. Feeling the tears almost dripping down his cheek. He laid the rose next to the other two roses „I love you Tae.. I really love you.." he stood up and walked to namjoon, hugging him and hiding his face in his chest

„You crying??" namjoon asked smiling a bit. „No..." jimin answers „I swear I'm not.. I just need a hug"

„Ok love." namjoon said hugging jimin back.

„Well.." Jin started and kneeled down. „Tae.. my love.. as everybody said.. I hope you're at a better place and happy. I hope you don't suffer anymore and... „ he sighed „I love you Tae.. I always will.." he kissed the rose and laid it then on the ground  „please, wait for me."
He stood up and now everyone was looking at Hoseok.

Since days Hossok didn't say a word. And still, without saying anything he kneeled down and looked at the grave. He was tired. He was broken. „Tae.." he stated but his voice broke.

„Hoseok" Yoongi said, kneeling next to him. „You can do this."

Hoseok didn't look at yoongi, his gaze was fixed in the ground „I... miss you. I will always miss you. Please tell.. Dad hi.. say that.. I miss you three. Yeah?? Hyung.. misses you.." a silent tear rolled down his cheek „I cried.. shit.. lm sorry" he immediately wiped the tear away „I'm sorry for not being there for you when it was the hardest. I'm sorry for-.. everything. I love you Tae. Hyung loves you. Hyung will always love you. Ok? Remember that.. „ he hugged the rose and then laid it on the ground.

Hoseoks speech made everyone cry again. Yet it felt sort of beautiful.

„May we now??" Jimins mother Asked.

„Of course." Hoseok stood up with yoongi and yoongi hugged him tight.

Jimins parents kneeled down and they both laid their roses on the ground

„Son." jimins father started „I'm sort for nit being there the last days but.. remember; you are my son. Ok? I love you. I always will." he smiled „I hope you didn't forget me. Cuz I will never forget you son. Rest in peace"

Ms Park looked at her husband but then on the ground „love. My Taehyung. I just can say everything that the other said. Be happy, rest in peace, say hello to your parents,.." she sighed „to me you were also my son. I am thankful that you were friends with my jimin. I am so.. soo thankful that I could see you grow up, that I helped you grow up... you grew up si.. handsome.. and.. and strong.. „ she smiled „I love you, Taehyung. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I always will. May you rest in peace, my love." they both stood ups and looked at the others

„that's it huh?" Yoongi said „saying our final goodbyes.."

„Feels wrong huh?" Jungkook asked.

„Jup.." Namjoon answered.

„That's definitely not my last goodbye. I will come everyday." Jimin smiled again „Like as if I can let my best friend go."

„Yeah.. „ hoseok Said, looking at Taehyungs grave „May they all rets in peace. I hope they're a big happy family again."

„Just like us" Ms Park said

„Yes.." everyone said at once.

Everyone just took a last glance for today and then made their way to the cars, to drive home.

And over the years, everyone would visit Taehyung as much as they could. Jimin, as he said, everyday.

Even after years they didn't get used to the feeling of just being 6 but.. that didn't change anything. They were happy after all and they knew that Taehyung would be happy when they're happy.


Thank you guys so so so much for every read and vote. I am really grateful for everyone. I hope you guys liked this story till the end. And I am sorry if the end wasn't the end that you wanted.
Still, I hope I could entertain some of you.
Again, thank you so much.


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