8.The first Boom boom :)

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Again it was a new begin of a new day. Taehyung was already in school feeling like shit. He had a bad headache and he over all just felt sick. He was thinking about not going to school but he really hated it when he missed something. He got to his class with all his might that he had and sat on his seat. He got everything out that he needed for class and then he looked after Jimin. But even after the class had started, Jimin still wasn't there. And that as really unusual for him, cuz just like Taehyung, Jimin hated it to miss something. Even if JImin was sick, he would've still come to school, always. So that made Taehyung worried. Her took out his phone and wrote Jimin.

Jimin where are you?? Are you ok?
Are you sick?
No cuz even if you were sick you would've come.. right??
You ok right??

Taeyhung just stared at his phone screen and waited for an answer from Jimin, which was weird because he always just needed to wait less than two minutes since Jimin would answer immediately. When he didnt got an answer he wrote Jimin again.

Where are you??
Have you been kidnapped??
Can't you write??

He texted and texted Jimin but stopped when he got an massage

Stop bothering me Taehyung. Im not coming today ok? Let me be.

Taehyung read the massage again and again till he realized that Jimin had left him alone. He couldn't believe what had gotten to his best friend and his name wouldn't be Taehyung till he would get an answer

What wrong with you? Since when do you use Taehyung and write in one sentence??? Are you ok?

This time Taehyung didnt have to wait long cuz jimin wrote back in an instant

What's wrong with me? Stop asking me the question, that you should ask yourself. For fucks sake taehyung stop writing me till you know your answer for what's wrong with you.

And with that Jimin went offline and Taehyung sat there, pretty much confused. He looked at their chat and just couldn't figure out what was wrong with himself.

So he just took his things. Put everything in his backpack and then went out of the class. He needed someone to talk with, that jimin also talks and he could just think about two persons, one: Jimins mother but.. nah, Taeyhung didnt want to talk to her.. and the second option was Seokjin. He also didn't wan to talk to him but now he didnt had any other chances. So he made his way to the library.

When he arrived there he searched for Jin. After some time he found him as he put away some books. Taehyung went to him „Seokjin"

Jin jumped up startled and turned his way to Taehyung „what the fuck???" he sighed „ what?"

„We need to talk."

„What?? No „oh im sorry" or „ sorry jin but we need to talk" nah uh dude. Ask me politely"

Taehyung rolled his eyes and let out a deep sigh „could... UGh could we please talk. It's about Jimin."

Jin's eyes widen as he heard jimins name. Immediately he nodded „i will take my break in like five minutes. Please wait ok? I will do that really fast and then we can go to that near caffe and have something to drink or est and we can talk. Alright?"

„Ok sure, but be fast, i hate fucking waiting," Taehyung said annoyed and then he looked through the books.

Jin looked at him for a little less then few seconds and then got to work again.

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