17. The first weird favour.

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Weeks had passed since Hoseok and Yoongi arrived and For Taehyung and Jimin it felt like old times.
It turned out that Yoongi and Taehyung were really similar with their personality.

Over the weeks Yoongi and Hoseok also meet Namjoon, and lord Hoseok and Yoongi could sworn that they fell in love all over again because well.. it's namjoon, that kind, lovely, handsome, good build, Adorable and cute Namjoon.

Nevertheless Yoongi and Hoseok stilles loved each other like since day one.

And Taehyung and Jin also hang out pretty often, they loved the company from each other and between them there was something.. Was ist friendship? Love? We don't know.

Now they all were out eating in a restaurant. Jimin and Namjoon sitting together, then Yoongi and Hoseok and then Tae and Jin. They talked about everything and anything, but most about love. Especially gay love.

Over the weeks Taehyung and his mother really got 'used' to the Gay live that surrounded them and they accepted everything and anyone.

Jimins mother also made up with Taehyungs mother and they saw each other regularly which was grate because now it was like the old times.

"hobi hyung what I wanted to ask.. are you and Yoongi hyung planing To Mary?" Jimin asked them innocently.

Hoseok choked on his water and Yoongi on Air

"No-" Hoseok started and looked at Yoongi "I didn't. Did you?"

Yoongi smiled and stood up, he then kneel down on one knee and everyone in the table gaped

"WHAT? RE- REALLY " Hoseok asked Excitedly

Yoongis smile dropped immediately "heck no Hoseok"

Hoseok rolled his eyes, pouting "Fucking ass"

Yoongi sat again and looked at him with an raised brow "would you accept it?"

"Of course I would!! I Fucking love you Min Yoongi." Hoseok said "you know that"

Yoongi smiled "I love you too Hoseok. And I would definitely Mary you as well"

Hoseok smiled getting red. Yoongi smiled and he looked at jimin who was smiling while wiggling his eyebrows. But then Jimin looked at Jin

"HYUNG! When are you gonna Mary?" Jimin asked Jin and Jin looked at him "do you see anyone?? Do you see and lover boy for Seokjinnie?" Jin asked annoyed.

"No, but I see Tae"

Jin and Taehyung synchronously looked with wide eyes at Jimin "HUH?" They also said at the same time

"Never" Taehyung Said and Jin looked at him... a little heartbroken "well neither would I"

"Oh you would" namjoon said in matter of fact

"I wouldn't! "

"You would" said everyone in the table at the same time. Expect Taehyung

"I-.." Jin gut red " I wouldn't.." he tried to convince the other but the other just knew how much Jin was in love with Taehyung.

"w-well and you??" Jin asked Ponting at Jimin and Namjoon

"Us?" Jimin asked looking at Namjoon "Namjoon doesn't want to Mary, neither do I"

"oh that's good., right?" Taehyung asked anf they both nodded

"And I need to finish university first, till then namjoon and I just make love"

"Ew jimin-" Taehyung started

"Don't get Homophobic here"

"No-. No.. just we are at a dinner table. We literally eat. So shut the fuck up" Taehyung Said eating again

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