15. The first meet after years.

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As Taehyung read the message that Jimin send him, e immediately had to call him and not even seconds past and jimin picked up „HES COMMING BACK!!" jimin screamed in his phone. Taehuyng was smiling brightly „i can't believe it! After 10 years" Taeyhung said.

He sat on Jin's couch and looked out of the window „yes i can't believe it either!! I missed him so much!"

„Me too. I really missed him so much, when is he coming?"

tomorrow!!! TOMORROW!" jimin was screaming while he jumped around his house.

„We need to pick him up" Taeyhung said „but which -„

Lets take us your ca-„ jimin was cut of by Taehyung „no jimin. We are not gonna use our car."
The other side of the phone was silent „sorry i forgot."

„Its ok dont worry." he sighed „i could ask jin if he could bring us to the airport and then back"

yes ask him! NoW! „

he's sleeping"

At this time?" jimin asked confused

„He's ill" taehyung respond to that question

OH ok ok, well then ask him when he's waking up!"

i will" Taeyhung leaned back and looked at the ceiling.

Ok ok i have to go tae. SEE YOU TOMORROW AHH I AM SO HAPPY"
Taehyung smiled hearing jimin that excited, of course he was excited himself. He loved that person that was coming so he really couldn't wait any longer. „Ok see ya jimin, bye"


With that they both hang up ans Taehyung looked at his phone. He sighed deep and closed his eyes.

„MOOOOOM!" jimin screamed for his mother as he run Down the stairs

„WHat?? What happened??" he was holding a cooking spoon as she rushed to Jimin

„Guess what!!"

His ,other looke at him confused „ what's wrong jimin??"

„GUESS!!" he smiled brightly But his mother was not having it „i have a cooking spoon in my hand, dont make me use it, Tell me!"

„YOUR LITTLE CUPCAKE IS COMMING BACK!!!!" He screamed as he jumped on the spot

His mothers eyes widen in shock. She couldn't believe what she was hearing „my... my little cupcake?" a big smile grew on her face „MY LITTLE CUPCAKE!!!" she cried

„YES YOUR CUPCAKE!!" Jimin also cried. They both hugged each other because they were so happy.

„How willl he come here?? When will he come??" His mother asked Jimin when she broke the hug.

„Tomorrow and-„

„TOMORROW?? Oh my god!! I need to go grocery shopping if he comes tomorrow" she panicked „oh my i missed his so much."

Jimin nodded „me too me too! Ok mom you go shopping and i will clean the house and- my friend will bring me and Taehyung To the airport and bring us with him back ok? Can you cook at this time?"

„of course i can!! I would love to cook for my baby!"

„Thanks Mom! So now now lets goo! I will clean!"

So they both did they duties. Ms Park went grocery shopping and jimin clean every inch of the house.

With that the exhausting Friday came also to an end, for Taehyung the second day that he stayed at Jin and not at his house. His mother was worried sick and she also tried a 100 times to get to Taehyung but he always would've decline her calls.

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