11. The first confession?

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Some days had passed since the da between Namjoon and Jimin and honestly they both regretted it. Dont get them wrong, it was beautiful and all that but it just wasn't it. They both liked the company from each other but they both decided to just stay friends, nothing more.
They were really sad that they didnt have the connection as they know from the love movies or such. The hope in both of them was really high and just like that the bubble of hope as destroyed.

It was now an Wednesday so 4 days ago was the date. And the 4 days were so different. Taehyung and Jimin hadn't talked to Namjoon nor to jin. Yes even to jin.
And Jimin wasn't the same, he haven't talked as much as he did bevor and that was concerning Taehyung. So he decided he needed to talk to Namjoon.

So on his way out of school Taehyung said that he needed to go to the library so jimin went home alone.
Taehyung was on his way to the library to talk with Namjoon and he couldn't be sure that he would be there so he needed to talk to Jin at first so that he could get Namjoons address or phone number.

Arriving at the library Taehyung looked for Jin and soon he found him. Since Saturday Jin and Taehyung hadn't talked at all, because of that accident, which accident? Well...

„Jin stop drinking." Taeyhung said annoyed and exhausted of trying to take the bottle of wine from jin.
Since it was Saturday Jin drank a lot. So much that he got drunk

„Taehyungieeee" mumbled „you're soooo handsome! I swear i would bang you right here, right now" he smiled.


„Why aren't you gay? Why aren't you supporting the gay?" he cried „like you homophobic bitch" he wanted to drink again but he found out that it was empty

„Its EMpty! NOO" jin cried out loud „i- i should have still-„ he laughed „ i mean i should still have some soju in my cupboard" he said standing up but unfortunately loosing his balance and almost fallin on the ground.

And as in the romance books that Taehyung always reads, Taehyung took hold of Jin wrapping his arms around his waist „fuck jin, be careful you dumb idiot"

Jin looked at Taehyungs arms around his waist and the over his shoulder to Taehyungs face, he laughed and turned away, wrapping his arms around Taehyungs shoulders „ohhh my hero~thanks you very much~~"

Taehyungs truned his head to the side, disgusted by the smell of alcohol „jin you sho-„ again he was cut of by jin

„You know Kim Taehyung because of your stupid ass i fell in love at the first sight, with you, you dumb fuck. Gosh you're so beautiful „ he gently stroke Taehyungs cheek with the back of his index finger „your face is so flawless, just like mine" he laughed.

Taehyung was looking at jin with lot of disgust in his eyes

„Dont look at me like that Taehyung... please" he got with his head closer to Taehyungs ear „please love me like i love you Tae."

„You dont fucking love me Seokjin" Taeyhung tried to get jin away from him but Jin hold tight on Taehyung „you're just drunk. You should sleep and get the fuck off of me!

Jin shook his head and hold Taehyung tighter „please Taehyung" Jin looked Taehyung in the face. Jin's face was read, his cheeks, his read and his neck were burning read

„I know you dont hate me. Right?"

„I fucking do! Get off of me!" he had enough and pushed jin away from him, so hard that Jin fell to the ground. Jin looked up at him and Taehyung down on him

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