25. The first last goodbye...

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Hospital. A place that he never wanted to visit again, yet he has to. Why? Because his mother was there. But what happened??  He didn't know. He couldn't know.
He forgot to ask because of the worry.

„Ill be there" he said, imagining the worst in this seconds. Before he hung up the phone he heard the woman asking something.

Without saying anything to his friends, with whom he celebrate his birthday, he took Jin's car keys and got to the door. Obviously he couldn't go far, because he was pulled back by his arm.

„Tae?? What's wrong??" Jin- his boyfriend- asked.

„My- i need to go." He freed himself from Jin's grip and walked to the door.
He opened the door and tumbled down the stairs. With the worst imagination what could happened to his mother, tears filled up his eyes.

His body felt numb, his mind was just roaming around the thoughts, his heart beating fast, nauseous filling up his body.

„Taehyung!" was the only thing that he could hear when he got out of the building. With teary eyes and heavy heart, he made his way to Jin's car.
When he got in the car he tried to turn on the car but his hands were to shaky. He had no strength in them. Hopeless. He felt hopeless. He felt alone. Scared. Anxious.
Feeling the short breaths, he heart felt to heavy, his mind was full of thoughts, full of scary imagination.

„Tae?"  he heard a voice right next to him. He didn't even notice that someone got in the car, yet he didn't even notice that he was lost in thoughts.

He looked beside him, seeing the person that made him feel better... but now?? He didnt. Feeling better was not an option right now.,

„ Talk to me Tae!" Jin spoke in worry with him „what's wrong??"

„My.... My mom she's...she's in the hospital.." as he said that he started the car.

„What?? Taehuyng stop the car. Let us ta-„

„We can't talk. I cant stop the car. I need to be with my mom" hands tight on the steering wheel. Glance straight on the road.

„ok ok i know but slow down"Jin looked at the road. Lucky there were no cars because Taehyung was driving pretty fast. To fast.

Without even noticing, Taehuyng stepped more on the pedal, fastening the car.

„Tae" Jin glanced at his boyfriend, seeing him lost in his thoughts „tae! Babe!" he put Jin hand on Taehyungs.

Tae flinched a bit but kept his glance on the road. „I hope nothing bad happend to her.." Taehyung said after being silent for a while.

Jin looked at him with much pitty in his eyes. Worry was the only thing he felt right now, was Taehyungs mom ok?? Will taehyung be ok?? And on his birthday??

Jin knew talking the situation will do no good tro taehyung, so he kept his mouth shut and wrote their friends that they were driving to the hospital.

Arriving there, Taehyung didnr even care to park propally. He just jumped out the car as soon as they got there.

Running in the hospital he immediately ran up to the reception. „i am here for Kim Sun hee, she's my mother,"

The woman on the reception typed something on the Computer „She's in ER.. you'll have to ask there"

Tae scoffed and immediately made his way to the Emergency room. Jin obviously followed his as fast as he could.
In the Emergency room Tae went up to the reception „Kim Sunhee. Where is she??"

„Are you Kim Taehyung? Her son?" the man asked him and Taehyung nodded „where is my mother"

„She's in the 2 Room on the left sir."

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