2.The first talk about him

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On his way home from the library, Taehyung felt really annoyed. He couldn't do that one thing that he loves to do, no, just because of an stupid old man.

Taehyung was really pissed, that's why he accidentally let the door shut loudly. He regretted that in an instant. He already could hears his mother scream at him.

And as he predicted, he heard a loud feminin voice, „ KIM TAEHYUNG! What the hell do you think you're doing?" his mom, Ms Kim said coming.

„ sorry mom, it was an accident." Taehyung said as he took his coat off and hung it up.

„ dont do it again, understood??" his mother asked, which taehyung just nodded.

„Good. Come and say hello to Ms Park" Ms Kim said as she walked away to the Living room

Taehyung sighed and followed his mom. As he got to the living room he was greeted with an warm smile of an beautiful face. She, Ms Park, looked exactly like jimin, or more, jimin looked exactly like his mother

„ hello Ms Park" Taehyung said as he bowed a little bit.

„ hello there my child, how are you? How was your day?" she asked him

Taehyung could only sighs at that „ pretty much exhausting, but i survived"

„Poor you, go and lay down a bit, my child" Jimin mother said.

Taeyung nodded and looked at his mom. His mom smiled lovely at him, and nodded „we willl calll you guys for dinner"

Taehyung nodded again but looked at his mom with little wide eyes. He understood what she meant with 'you'... Jimin was here, that means no book reading again.

He just walked up to his room with an frown on his face. As he opened the door he saw a man laying down on his bed with his phone in his hand. The man looked up from his phone and immediately started smiling. That smile or our even that face was exactly like the woman's down in the living room.

Jimin, Taehyung only and best friend in this world, was staring at him with the most angelic smile that Taehyung has layed his eyes on.

„TaeTae! You're home!" jimin yelles, a little bit to enthusiastic for taehyung.

Taehyung sighs and walks to his table to sit on his chair „what are you dining here? Or what the fuck are you doing in my room? Without my permission."

That boy in front of him pouts „ i dont need permission to visit my best friend, Taehyung."

„Well, but you need permission to go in my room.. but you dont have it, so out." taehyung said as he turned away from jimin to work on his computer.

Jimin looked at him,. Unfazed because taehyung always does this.

„Jimin today i really mean it, i didn't have a good day so go." he typed something on his computer, it got really quite in Taehyungs room so you could only hear the keyboard clicks as taehyung was writing.

„Who was mean to you Taehyung?" Jimin asked out of the blue as he stood up and went to his best friend.

Taehyung closed his eyes for a second but then sighed out quite loud. „no one. I just couldn't read because of this stupid old man"

Jimin put his arms around Taehyungs shoulders and his chin on his head. „Who was it?"

„I don't know.. someone named kim Seokjin."

„Seokjin hyung?" jimin asked in a shock.

Taehyung stopped writing and looked at jimin „you know him?"

„ yeah! He helped me a lot with may assignments! He's a really nice guy!" jimin said and as he said that a wide smile grew upon his face.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow „what do you mean he helped you?" he asked not understanding anything.

Jimin laughed a bit „he works at the Libary and he-„, Jimin couldn't talk further because Taehyung cut him off

„You went to the Library?? You?? Park Jimin??"

„Ha Ha Ha Ha" jimin laughed sarcastically and hit Taehyung behind his head „yes, i Park Jimin, went to the library and there i meet Jin hyung."

Taehyung nodded „i understand, but why didn't you come to me? I could've help too..."

Jimin laughed „i tried but you Never really payed attention.. like always Taehyung." jimin said as he went back to taehyung bed.

Taehyung turned to jimin and looked at him. He felt bad because jimin was right.. he never really pays attention to Jimin..to anyone. But that's how he is.. always in the world of the books that he reads.. and he likes it there.

„I'm sorry jimin." Taehyung said after a while.

„Its ok i guess... mhh maybe Jin hyung can be my new best friend." Jimin said as he looked up.

Taehuyng eyes widen is shock, his heart shattered in 100 pieces. It hurt really much to hear that from his best friend, but if its that what he wants.. then it should be like that. After all Taehyung wants that jimin is happy... no matter what, even if its the end of their friendship.

„ ok, if u say so.. sure, im sorry" he turned away again and just looked at this thighs.

The only thing that e could hear was Jimin out burst,he was laughing so hart and yet again Taehyung couldn't understand why so he turned to jimin again

„ HHAHAH you really think that i could d replace you?? HAHAHA NOO!" he stood up and went to Taehyung again. He stood up again and went to Taehyung. He hugged him tightly and sat on his lap „no Taehyung, you are the one and only best friend that i have and will always have. Ok?"

It took a while but Taehyung hugged him back and smiled. He smiled that first time today and it felt really good. The hug, the smile. Just everything was perfect right now.

„So what do you think about Jin hyung?" Jimin asked agin out of the blue as he looked at taehyung

Taehyung took a deep breath and shrugged „ he was annoying. Like really annoying"

„im sure he wasn't."

„If you say so.."Taehyung closed his eyes and layed his head on Jimin shoulder

„ he's pretty isn't he?" Jimin goes with his hand through Taehyungs hair and waits for an answer. It was quite but after a while and answer came from Taehyung that jimin was expecting

„Yes, yes he indeed was very pretty" taehuyng said and took a deep breath „his face was so symmetrical, so clean. He didn't have any acne scars nor did he have any imperfections. Just like you he looked like a untouched toy"

Jimin was excepting an answer but not such one, so he was speechless. He didn't knew that Taehyung would say such an precise description of Seokjin.

„wow you really payed attention to anything on him didn't you?"

„I always do that. On anyone. So yeah."

A comfortable silence grew between them as they enjoyed the hug and the time together.

After a while they could hear Taehyung mother scream „ Boys!! Food is ready! Get your asses down here!"

Jimin broke the hug and stood up „i love your mom"

„And i love your mom, can we change?" taehyungs asked as he stood up as well.

Jimin looked at him „shut up, ungrateful bitch"

Taehyung smiled at him

„BOYS!!" jimin mother screamed this time

„WE'RE COOMING!" Jimin yelled back. And with that they both went down and had a beautiful meal with there moms.

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