12. The first fight.

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"Oh. Hi jimin and Hi Ms Park." Taehyung said as he got in the living room

"Hello there my love" Ms park said smiling... odd.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung asked as he could feel the weird tension

"Did you know that jimin is gay?" His mother was speaking now. And she looked furios.

"What i-"

"Did you know that!" She yelled and Taehyung stifftend "yes mom."

His mother laughed " ok. That's it" she stood up "Jimin and Mijeong get out of my house"

Taehyungs eyes widen "Mom"

"Shut up!" She yelled "HOW.. how the fuck could you be friends with a gay person??" His mother asked him.

"How can you talk like that!" Now Jimins mother stood up

"Oh shut up woman!" She looked at her "how can't you be mad at your son! He's gay!"

"AND?" Ms Park yelled "He's my son!! My everything! I don't care what he is! Why are you so mad??"

"Mom please-" jimin started and he was a crying mess.

„Shut up you fucking gay brat!" Taehyungs mother screamed at Jimin and Jimin twitched and looked at her with fear in his eyes „why...why do you hate me?"

„Look at you, being gay and being friends with my Son. I dont want that you see him,ever again"

Jimin and Taehyung widen their eyes

„WHAT?? You cant fucking forbid that you fucking bitch!" Jimins mother screamed at her best friend- no, her once best friend.

„Who are you calling a bitch?? Get the fuck out of my fucking house!!!"

Jimin looke panicked at his best friend but to his shock.... Taehyung was just standing there, doing nothing. Not even saying anything to his mother so that she would calm down.

„T-Taehyung.. say something!" Jimin screamd at him but Taehyung just looked at him, still not saying anything.

Jimins mother took Jimin on the hand „good, you too" she pointed at Taehyung and his mother „we do not want to see you two ever again. Thats it. Our little family is from now on... history" she said and then she dragged Jimin with her to the door. Jimin was looking at Taehyung, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Taehyung looked at Jimin as wellll but he still was unfazed, like if he was a robot.

„Fuck.. you" that was the only thing that jimin could say bevor the door was shut close.

„Kim Taehyung!!" his mother screamed „you little brat you-„

„Shut it mom." he said looking at her „what in the fucking world did you just do...?"

His mother looked mad at him. That only thing that she did was giving Taehyung a really hard slap on his cheek „get to your room. How dare you to talk to me like that! I'm your mother!! Show some respect!"

Taehyung was looking at her. Unfazed off the slap „If i should show you respect, then why the fuck did you not show respect to Ms Park nor to Jimin?? „ he was getting louder „why should i show some fucking respect to you then!!" he laughed „just because he's gay?? I started supporting him as well; why not you!"

„YOU support HIM?!" his mother slapped him again „are you.. are you on of them as well or what?" she cried „ i.. i did not raise you like that Taehyung..."

Taehyung looked at her „you did not raise me at all... father did.. he did all the job.. you did nothing" with that he went up his room, his mother Still screaming at him.

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